
  • 网络Monkfish;The Angler Fish
  1. 美国几个州已禁止进口中国鲶鱼,同时美国监管部门也就进口中国安康鱼(monkfish)发出了警告。

    Several US states have banned imports of catfish from China , while US regulators have warned about imports of Chinese monkfish .

  2. 焦化黄油为大概算是世界上最棒的安康鱼添加了几分焦糖的味道。

    brown butter adds caramelized flavors to what may be the world 's best monkfish .

  3. 他们认为周六午餐时间我应该在那儿给他们做安康鱼和薯片吗?

    Did they think I would be there on a Sunday lunchtime , cooking monkfish and chips for them ? ' '

  4. 北美大西洋海域出产的大头琵琶鱼或安康鱼或华脐鱼的肉。他们也可以品尝到淋满了鱼子酱的大鱼头。

    Flesh of a large-headed anglerfish of North American Atlantic waters . Or they can try fish topped with a generous helping of caviar .