
kǎo chá
  • investigate;examine;examination;inspect;explore;look into;expedition;make an on-the-spot investigation
考察 [kǎo chá]
  • [investigate;make an on-the-spot investigation;inspect] 实地观察调查

  • 考察水利工程

  • 出国考察

考察[kǎo chá]
  1. 第四部分,本部分将考察一A一B格式的内部构成。

    The fourth part inspect " - A-B " pattern internal constitution .

  2. 目的建立维生素C阴道缓释片释放度测定方法,以考察其质量。方法以0.1mol。

    OBJECTIVE To determine the release rate of Vitamin C vaginal sustained-release tablets to inspect its quality .

  3. 仔细考察这片废墟后发现了一座更为古老的庙宇。

    Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple .

  4. 这一问题超出了我们的考察范围。

    This subject lies beyond the scope of our investigation .

  5. 我们去进行地质野外考察。

    We went on a geology field trip .

  6. 我将把自己考察的范围限定在1900年至1916年这段时间以内。

    I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916 .

  7. 最好是徒步考察这个城市。

    The city is best explored on foot .

  8. 这个问题需要进一步考察。

    The issue needs further examination .

  9. 该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。

    The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs .

  10. 李不得不为在考察队中获得一席之地而苦苦争取。

    Lee had to fight hard for his place on the expedition

  11. 他曾一度考察过在新斯科舍附近购买岛屿。

    He had once looked into buying his own island off Nova Scotia

  12. 他们试图预先判定考察团的发现结果。

    They tried to prejudge the commission 's findings .

  13. 实地考察时要穿过一条水流湍急的河。

    The field trip involved crossing a raging torrent .

  14. 据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。

    A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey .

  15. 他几年前去过佛罗里达,考察在当地举办一场大型比赛的可能性。

    He visited Florida a few years ago looking at the potential of the area to stage a big match .

  16. 巴黎是个值得考察的美妙城市。

    Paris is a wonderful city to explore .

  17. 我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。

    Our survey was restricted to the game animals .

  18. 考察可能要花好几个月时间。

    The investigation may take many months .

  19. 现在从考察一无应力物体中的圆球形单元体开始讨论。

    We begin by considering a spherical element in an unstressed body .

  20. 仔细考察事实后,发现情况正好相反。

    An examination of the facts proves the contrary .

  21. 考察队勘探了一片人迹罕至的荒野。

    The exploring team explored a trackless wilderness .

  22. 党组织对预备党员应当认真教育和考察。

    The party organization should make serious efforts to educate and observe the probationary members .

  23. 目的:制备阿西美辛缓释片并对释药因素进行考察。

    Objective : to prepare the acemetacin sustained release tablets AC and study the influencing factors .

  24. 2010年秋季,她在芝加哥帮助启动了一个试点项目,考察iPad是否可以改善工作条件和病人护理情况。

    In fall 2010 , she helped launch a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve working conditions and patient care .

  25. 实地考察为我们提供了另一个了解社区的机会。

    Field trips provide another opportunity to know the community .

  26. 一个学区应该有选择和实施实地考察的指导方针。

    A school district should have guidelines for selecting and conducting field trips .

  27. 每个家庭应该对实地考察有一定认识且允许孩子参加。

    Families must be made awareo of field trips and give permission for their children to participate .

  28. 很多学生除了通过实地考察,没有机会参加音乐会或是参观博物馆和历史景点。

    Many students don 't have the opportunity to attend concerts or visit museums or historical sites except through field trips .

  29. 该硏究并没有考察这个错误是否具有深刻的心理意义,心理学家大卫·瑞斌说:“但是这个研究的确告诉我们谁在这个组,谁不在这个组。”

    The study did not examine the possibility of deep psychological significance to the mistake , says psychologist David Rubin , " but it does tell us who 's in and who 's out of the group . "

  30. 最近的几项研究考察了体育界人才的作用。

    Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world .