
kǎo hé zhì dù
  • Assessment system;examination system;system of assessment;checking system;feedback system
  1. 目标管理制度与KPI考核制度结合运用,确保了对公司经营活动从事前到事中,再到事后的全面控制。

    Target management system combined with the use of KPI examination system to ensure that the business activities of companies engaged in before the event , and then to the full control afterwards .

  2. 改革考核制度构建目标教学模式

    Reforming Examination System and Building Target Teaching Mode

  3. 另一方面,现阶段我国的以GDP为核心的政府官员政绩考核制度,也使得地方官员将地区发展过度地集中在了GDP的增长率上。

    On the other hand , local governments focus on the GDP growth rate excessively , also because of present government officials ' performance assessment system which takes GDP as the core .

  4. 现行的评价制度、考试考核制度及高考制度目前还不能与TBLT的评价系统相匹配。

    Third , the assessment system and the NMET do not match the assessment system of TBLT ;

  5. 本文以绩效管理的相关理论知识为基础,通过访谈、理论研究与实证研究相结合的方式,对LS房地产公司现有的考核制度进行详尽的分析,力求设计一套新的绩效管理体系。

    This paper is based on the performance management theory knowledge , analyzes LS real estate enterprise existing staff appraisal system in detail to design a set of new performance management system , through interviews , combination of theoretical research and empirical research .

  6. 第三部分,介绍了河南省BF县的公务员队伍现状和目前所实行的考核制度,找出存在的突出问题,并从法律、制度、文化等层面进行了简要分析。

    The third part , this paper introduces some county in central henan province and the civil service status of assessment system , and find out the existing prominent problems , and from the law , system , culture and other aspects are briefly analyzed .

  7. 本文以JZ职业技术学院为样本,通过对其现行管理队伍考核制度的分析,找出主要问题,并针对这些问题构建了管理队伍绩效考核指标体系。

    This paper takes JZ career technical college as an example , through the analysis of the current management team evaluation system , find out the main problems , and aimed at these questions to build management team performance evaluation index system .

  8. 建立院长任期目标责任制考核制度。

    Thirdly , establish duty checking system of leader 's tenure .

  9. 裁判员的考核制度不够完善。

    The Judges ' assessment system is not perfect . 9 .

  10. 完善考核制度,建立的考核评价机制。可供决策部门提供科学依据。

    Completing assessment regulations , building assessment and evaluation mechanism .

  11. 片面的发展观和不完善的政绩考核制度;

    One-sided development view and the imperfect system to assess political achievements ;

  12. 建立公平合理与多元的考核制度。

    Set up fair and reasonable diversified performance evaluation and promotion system .

  13. 广州三禾公司绩效考核制度的改进

    Perfecting the Performance Evaluating System of the Guangzhou Sanhe Company

  14. 我军干部考核制度建设研究

    A Study on the Military Cadre Examining and Assessing System

  15. 关于韩医师资格考核制度的研究

    A study of the licensing system in Korean Oriental medicine

  16. 主要是从考核制度方面来入手提出的对策。

    Mainly from the assessment system of the countermeasures to put forward .

  17. 建立考核制度提高教师业务能力

    Setting up Examine System to Improve Professional Ability of Teachers

  18. 医院人员绩效考核制度的改进研究

    The Improving Research of Employees Efficiency Check-up System of Hospital

  19. 房地产业员工绩效考核制度分析与改革

    Analysis and Reform of Performance Appraisal System of Employees of Real Estate

  20. 改革高职教育考试考核制度和方法的建议

    Suggestions of the Reform of Higher Vocational Education Exams Ways

  21. 建立地勘单位等级考核制度的探讨

    On instituting a grading system in geological prospecting units

  22. 上海市公务员考核制度研究

    Study on Evaluation System of Civil Service of Shanghai

  23. 健全规章制度,明确奖惩办法;建立和完善监督、检查、考核制度;

    Form and perfect the system of supervision , examination , and check ;

  24. 建立医德医风检查考核制度,对医务人员医德医风考核进行量化评估。

    Set up professionalism inspection and assessment to quantify staff 's professionalism performance .

  25. 需要建立图书馆职业资格认证制度;需要建立新型的干部考核制度;

    Establish authentication system of library career qualification and new-fashioned cadre assessment system ;

  26. 加强技术管理,健全运转操作和检查考核制度。

    Strengthen technical management and amplify rules and regulations on operation and inspection .

  27. 关于完善领导干部选拔考核制度的几点探索

    To Perfect the System of Electing and Checking Cadres

  28. 北宋茶事官考核制度研究

    Study on the Check System about Officers Managed the Tea of Northern Song

  29. 组织制定绩效考核制度,建立员工职业发展机制;

    Develop employee performance review process and career planning ;

  30. 建立科学、公正的考核制度;

    Sets up science , just system to assess ;