
kǎo jī
  • Performance appraisal;merit of professional performance;check achievement
考绩 [kǎo jì]
  • [check achievement] 考核工作成绩

考绩[kǎo jī]
  1. 她因反对公司政策而得到考绩不良评语。

    She earned a black mark for opposing company policy .

  2. 高校图书馆学科馆员的定位及其考绩模型

    The Positioning and Performance Evaluating Model of Subject Librarian in University Library

  3. 我们现在正在替每位员工打考绩。

    We 're doing our annual evaluation of all employees .

  4. 我清楚了解教职员考绩制度,包括评估准则和程序。

    The staff appraisal system including assessment criteria and procedures is clear .

  5. 很多公司每年都会针对员工的表现来打考绩。

    Many companies make an annual evaluation of their employees .

  6. 清朝文官考绩制度及其实施状况

    Supervision on Civilian in Qing Dynasty and its Implementation

  7. 第二部分:中国古代官吏考绩制度的指导思想。

    Part 2 : The directive ideology of the merit system of ancient China .

  8. 年终奖金:依全年度营运状况及考绩评等发放。

    Year-end bonus : depending on operating conditions and the annual performance appraisal rating issued .

  9. 第一部分:绪论。该部分从总体上介绍了中国古代官吏考绩制度的发展概况。

    This part summarizes the development of the merit system of ancient China in general .

  10. 高级人力资源考绩干事

    Senior Human Resources Performance Management Officer

  11. 职业规划和考绩制度

    Career planning and performance evaluation system

  12. 透过考绩报告,我清楚了解自己的强弱。

    The staff appraisal report enables me to have a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses .

  13. 1904年开始实行的考核州县事实,是清代考绩制度的重大变化。

    In 1904 , the Qing court implemented important changes in the system for assessing prefectural and county magistrates .

  14. 绩效考核又称绩效评估、绩效考评、考绩等等。

    Performance Assessment , also known as performance evaluation , performance appraisal , performance appraisal , and so on .

  15. 从唐朝考绩制度看防止吏治腐败

    Seen From The Service Rating System In Tang Dynasty Learn How To Prevent The Corruption Of Administration Of Local Officials

  16. 根据需要重组责任制度;管理层与法务部共同制定法务部主要工作、目标及考绩标准

    Restructure reporting lines as appropriate ; joint development by management and law department of law department priorities , objectives and performance matrices

  17. 因此假设私营部门在这方面的优势可以对公务员考绩制度有一定的启示及推动作用。

    Therefore we suppose that the merits of private organizations on this aspect can enlighten and promote the performance appraisal of civil servants .

  18. 作为年终考绩的一部分,那些通过写作、出版、讲座、或辅导的方式来与他人共享自己的隐形知识和经验的馆员要受到适当的表扬和奖励。

    Using annual performance evaluation and other methods to recognize and reward those staff who share their tacit knowledge and experience through writing , publishing , lecturing , or mentoring .

  19. 中国古代官吏考绩制度根据对官吏的考核情况,分不同的等级,予以升降赏罚。

    In ancient China , the promotion , demotion , rewards and punishment of officials , in different grades , were connected with the result of inspection according to the merit system .

  20. 主管机关对于前项应执行而未执行时,应以公务员考绩法令相关处罚规定办理。

    Officials of the competent authorities failing to impose the administrative fine in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be subject to the relevant penalties set forth under the civil servant evaluation act .

  21. 结合员工招聘、后备人才库的建设、薪酬设计以及考绩计划,提出企业的战略性人力资源规划体系,并对实施进行控制及效果评价。

    Combination with staff recruitment , the construction of reserve pool , compensation design , and performance plan , it constructs the framework of the strategic human resources planning system , and takes control to the implementation and evaluates the efficiency .