
  1. 2004年一个考研数学题

    A Note on a Math Problem of Postgraduate Exams in 2004 Year

  2. 审题定位,提高解题能力&以2004年考研数学试卷为基点

    Reviewing Question and Position , Improving the Ability of Problem-Solving & Based on the mathematical questions of master entrance examination in 2004

  3. 本文主要探讨了考研数学复习的主要方法:要重视基础,要选取好的辅导书,要注意归纳和总结。

    This paper discusses the Articles by mathematical review of the main methods : To attach importance to basic , to select a good counseling book , pay attention to summarized and concluded .

  4. 在考研中,数学的所占的分值比例是较高的。

    In Graduate Candidate Test , the math scores share ratio is higher .