
sù zhì
  • quality;diathesis;accomplishment;white texture
素质 [sù zhì]
  • (1) [diathesis]∶心理学上指人的某些先天的特点

  • (2) [quality]∶事物本来的性质

  • (3) [accomplishment]∶素养

  • 军事素质

  • (4) [white texture]∶白色的质地

素质[sù zhì]
  1. 她演得不错,但缺少成为一个明星的素质。

    She acts well but she hasn 't got star quality .

  2. 他对该行业中新人的低素质予以了批评。

    He deprecated the low quality of entrants to the profession

  3. 基本的韵律感和音高感是音乐教师的必备素质。

    A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher .

  4. 作为一个生活伴侣,最重要的素质之一是幽默感。

    One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour .

  5. 那是一场素质不齐的演出。

    It was a patchy performance .

  6. 他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。

    He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities

  7. 在他看来,这些人觉得美国人素质都很低。

    The people , he thought , looked upon all Americans as barbarians .

  8. 工作岗位分析也应当包括必备技能与个人素质。

    A job analysis should also include what skills and personal qualities are required .

  9. 有责任感、值得信赖是必备的素质。

    Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications

  10. 我们每个人天生都具备领导者的素质;我们只是需要适当的环境来培养这种素质。

    We are all born leaders ; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish .

  11. 既然具备了这些优秀素质,你该怎样把它们充分展示出来并谋得这份工作呢?

    Possessed of such qualities , how do you bring them to the fore and snare the job ?

  12. 我的公司难以招募到素质好的职员。

    My company is having difficulties in recruiting well-qualified staff .

  13. 他具有优秀音乐家的各种素质。

    He has all the makings of a fine musician .

  14. 候选人的素质低于一般标准。

    The quality of candidates was below average .

  15. 我们高兴地报告,即使俱乐部成员的数量未增加,但素质却在提高。

    We are pleased to report that the club membership is growing in quality , if not in quantity !

  16. 一些非有关部门工作的建议的产生,标志了在部分职工中的广泛兴趣、机智和关心企业的精神素质。

    The presence of non-task-oriented ideas is a sign of broad interest , concern , and alertness on the part of the employees .

  17. 达特说,他们不能仅通过档案数据就来评定申请者的实际科研素质。

    Dutt says they were not able to evaluate the actual scientific qualifications of the applicants using the data in the files .

  18. 集体锻炼是提高身体素质、维持健康生活方式最有效的途径之一。

    Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain a healthy lifestyle .

  19. 他的身体素质好,只需短时间睡眠。

    He is so constituted that he needs very little sleep .

  20. 同时演员也需要提高自身素质,为年轻一代演员作出榜样。

    We artists also should improve ourselves so we set examples for the younger generation .

  21. 这些现象背后,反映出的实质问题是我国公民科学素质有待提高。

    These incidents reflect that popularization of scientific knowledge among the public should be further strengthened .

  22. 其实这有些苛责,跟巴萨比起来,皇马更有赢球的素质

    Actually this somewhat castigates , compares with Palestinian Sa , Realmadrid has the winning quality .

  23. 阅读直接影响着国民素质与中国的文明崛起。

    Reading plays a critical role in shaping of national literacy1 and improving people 's cultivation2 .

  24. 建议高学历者可以生三胎以调整人口素质。

    I suggest that the country allow highly-educated people to have a third child to improve the population 's quality .

  25. 这一建议在网上引发了热议。许进在建议中表示,义务教育阶段,英语等外语课程不再设为与语文和数学同等的主课,增加体育、音乐、艺术等素质教育课程占比。

    In the proposal , Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students ' skills in physical education , music and art .

  26. 我们可以另设职业教育高考,实行“30%文化素质+70%职业技能”的考核方式……这样,普通高中学生和职校学生均可以自由选择参加职教高考和普通高考(目的都是要上大学)。

    We could establish another college entrance examination where students ' technical skills make up 70 percent of their score ... so students from both high schools and secondary vocational schools can choose whatever exam they want to take ( in order to get into college ) .

  27. 因此,我们必须加强交通警察的素质训练,以期尽快适应WTO的相关规则,提高交通管理的水平。

    So we must strengthen quality training to traffic police in order to adapt to related rules and improve managing level .

  28. 运用CAI优化素质教育

    Using CAI to Optimizing Quality Education

  29. 加强半军事化管理提高学生综合素质

    Strengthen the Semi - Militarized Management to Enhance the Students'Comprehensive Quality

  30. 提高青年教师道德素质和业务能力。

    Improves the young teacher morals quality and the professional ability .