
sù shí
  • be a vegetarian;vegetarian diet;lead an idle life
素食 [sù shí]
  • (1) [vegetarian diet]∶素的饭食、点心等,也指出家人吃的斋

  • (2) [be a vegetarian]∶吃素

  • 素食者

  • (3) [lead an idle life]∶不做事白吃饭

  • 素食则怀惭

素食[sù shí]
  1. 素食也许不足以提供一个孩子正常成长所需的热量。

    A vegetarian diet may not provide enough calories for a child 's normal growth

  2. 她逐渐习惯吃素食。

    She got used gradually to the vegetarian diet .

  3. 每天的菜单上另有素食餐点。

    There is a vegetarian alternative on the menu every day .

  4. 他是个素食主义者,而且过于讲究。

    He was a vegetarian , and a fussy one to boot .

  5. 素食者认为吃肉食是造恶业。

    Vegetarians believe that eating meat is bad karma .

  6. 素食主义者不再被当作怪人。

    Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks .

  7. 素食者不再被视为有怪癖的人。

    Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks .

  8. 我真没有想到,在所有的人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。

    I didn 't think you , of all people , would become a vegetarian .

  9. 素食主义已为大多数人所接受。

    Vegetarianism has been mainstreamed .

  10. 她是素食者吗?

    Is she a vegetarian ?

  11. 你只吃素食吗?

    Are you vegetarian ?

  12. 菜单每周都有变化,通常包含可供严格的素食者选择的菜肴。

    The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option

  13. 多年以来我一直是个素食者。

    I 've been a vegetarian for donkey 's years .

  14. 在英国,1,500多万人都是素食主义者。

    Over 1.5 million people in Britain are vegetarian .

  15. 厨师非常乐意为客人做素食。

    The chef is pleased to cater for vegetarian diets

  16. 素食汉堡是一种迅速传到了英国的新开发食品。

    The vegetarian burger was an innovation which was rapidly exported to Britain .

  17. 素食主义在英国越来越盛行。

    Vegetarianism is on the increase in Britain .

  18. 每条大街上都冒出很多素食餐馆和保健食品店。

    Vegetarian restaurants and health food shops are springing up in every high street .

  19. 目前有400万英国人是严格的素食者。

    Four million Britons are now strict vegetarians

  20. 我是个素食主义者,日常烹饪时会用到很多小扁豆。

    I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking .

  21. 她宣称是个素食主义者。

    She is an avowed vegetarian .

  22. 从根本上来讲,这是严格的素食主义饮食。

    It 's basically a vegan diet

  23. 素食主义者已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。

    Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image

  24. 这道菜真是人间美味,远远超过很多豪华餐厅的素食菜品。

    It was very , very good , far better than vegetarian offerings in many a posh restaurant .

  25. 他们只吃素食,在生活的其他方面也注意拒绝使用动物产品。

    They eat only plant foods , and take care to exclude animal products from other areas of their lives

  26. 素食者不吃肉。

    Vegetarians don 't eat animal flesh .

  27. 而今越来越多的人相信素食和节食有利于身体健康。

    More and more people are believing in vegetarianism and diet for health .

  28. 她是一个素食主义的倡导者。

    She is an exponent of vegetarianism .

  29. 现在很多人都是素食主义者,他们只吃面包、蔬菜、水果等,不吃肉和鱼。

    People are now largely vegetarians , and they eat only bread , vegetables , fruit and so on and they don 't eat meat or fish .

  30. 因为3D打印牛排的源头来自真肉,这也使其有别于BeyondMeat和ImpossibleFoods等公司生产的人造素食牛肉。

    Its origins from real meat also differentiate4 it from plant-based options , like those created by Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods .