
  • 网络carnivore;Predator;flesh-eater
  1. 肉食性动物有原罪吗,既然它们吃肉?

    Do carnivores have any original sins since they eat meat ?

  2. 高级肉食性动物,营养级为3.5~4.0级。属于该营养级的种类数量最少,只有7种。

    Carnivores for high class animals , the nutrient level of which was 3.94.0.The species numbers of this level was the least ( 7 species ) .

  3. 与其他恐龙近亲不同,这种巨蜥不是肉食性动物,而是以水果为生。

    Unlike other close cousin of dinosaur , the giant lizard eats fruits instead of fresh meats .

  4. 在非洲的茫茫荒原上,许多肉食性动物喜欢独来独往;而草食性动物较偏好群居生活。

    On the vast savanna and grassland in the Africa , predators adore solitary life , rater , most of the herbivores prefer living in groups .

  5. 根据食物网中各营养级的相互关系,初步划分为4个营养级,即初级生产者(海洋植物)、草食性动物和杂食性动物、低级肉食性动物和中级肉食性动物、高级肉食性动物。

    Based on the relationship among each nutrient class in food web , they may primarily be divided into four nutrient classes , i.e. , primary producer ( marine plants ), phytophage animals and miscellaneous feeding habit animals , low and middle carnivorous animals , high class carnivorous animals .

  6. 猫,狗,狮子,老虎和熊是肉食性的动物。

    Cats , dogs , lions , tigers , and bears are carnivorous animals .