
ròu yònɡ
  • Meat;table-;raised for food
  1. 把肉用慢火煮烂。

    Let the meat cook slowly until it 's tender .

  2. 抗球虫药物每天均用于肉用仔鸡饲料中。

    Coccidiostats are routinely used in broiler feeds .

  3. 利用微卫星DNA在萨福克羊群体中的多态性预测绵羊群体的肉用性能。

    The meat performance of Suffolk sheep population was forecasted by polymorphism of micro-satellite DNA .

  4. 饲粮Met-Zn与Ca水平对肉用仔鸡生产性能的影响

    Effect of Zinc - methionine and Calcium Level on Performance of Broilers

  5. 不同维生素A添加量对肉用仔鸡的生长发育及血浆、肝脏中维生素E含量的影响

    Influence of different levels of vitamin A on growth and vitamin E utilization by Broilers

  6. 我们用自己筛选的乳酸杆菌K、P菌株及需氧芽胞杆菌N(42)作为肉用仔鸡的饲料添加剂。先后两次对1~30日龄的仔鸡单独和混合使用上述制剂。

    Lactobacillus K , P and Bacillus N_ ( 42 ) were used as food additive to raise broilers .

  7. 日粮锰水平对AA肉用仔鸡生长的影响

    Effects of manganese in diet on growth of AA-type broiler

  8. EM发酵饲料对肉用仔鸡增重的影响

    Effect of EM fermented Feed on Gain of Broiler

  9. 快大型肉用种鸡遗传变异的RAPD分析

    The genetic variation analysis of the fast-growing broiler breeders by RAPD marking technique

  10. RAPD标记与波尔山羊杂交后代肉用性能的相关性研究

    Study on Relationship between RAPD Markers and Meat Performance of Upgrading Offspring of Boer Goat

  11. 本试验以吉林Ⅰ号肉用商品代雏鸡为试验对象,测定了A、B血型因子及甲状腺球蛋白浓度,并对它们与抗马立克病的关系做了研究。

    Blood-typo A and B and thyroglobulin are determined and their resistance to Marek ′ s disease is studied in the experiment of No. I Jilin Broiler .

  12. 新浦东、AA肉鸡肉用性能的比较

    Broilers : comparisons of meat productivity and quality between broiler breeds new Pudong and AA

  13. 我国肉用型鸡群中J亚群白血病流行现状及中国株与参考株病毒间囊膜蛋白同源性比较

    Chinese Isolates of Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Viruses and Their Envelope Protein Sequence Comparisons with Reference Strains

  14. 本文研究了7周龄AA肉鸡的肉用性能和肉质。

    A study on the meat yield and quality of AA broiler aged 7 weeks was conducted .

  15. 日粮LFA3对AA肉用公鸡肉品质的影响

    Effect of dietary lfa_3 on meat quality of male broiler

  16. r-球蛋白制剂对AA肉用仔鸡的生长和血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性的影响

    Effects of gamma globulin preparation on growth and serum alkaline phosphatase ( alp ) activity of AA-type broiler

  17. TMR饲料对肉用牛生长发育及胴体品质的影响

    Effects of TMR on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of meat cattle

  18. 鸡IGF-I基因PCR-SSCP分析及其与肉用性状关系的研究

    Study on Polymorphism of IGF-I Gene on Chickens by PCR-SSCP and Relationship Analysis with Carcass Traits

  19. J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)是一种主要感染肉用型鸡的反转录病毒。

    Avian leukosis virus subgroup J ( ALV-J ) is a retrovirus which infects meat-type chickens .

  20. 分别于不同日龄采集海兰褐蛋用型雄性雏鸡和AA肉用型雏鸡血清,测定其对新城疫病毒(NDV)HI抗体水平,以此确定抗NDV母源抗体的衰减规律及半衰期。

    The maternally derived antibody in serums collected from chickens for meat and eggs in different days were detected by HI experiment .

  21. EPD在肉用种公牛价值评定上应用广泛。

    EPD directly reflects breeding value from bulls .

  22. 本文提出肉用指数(Beefpurposeindex,简写为BPI),即平均成年活重与体高的比值,作为划分肉用牛与役用牛(品种)的量值指标。

    Beef Purpose Index ( BPI , ratio of adult body weight to body height ) is put forward to be a quantity index for differentiating the present typical beef from draft cattle breeds .

  23. 蛋鸡规模化养殖场的生产管理系统1绿壳蛋鸡公鸡与海兰W&36父母代母鸡杂交,其F1代不仅表现良好的蛋用性能,而且12周龄公雏呈现良好的肉用价值。

    Production Management System for A Large scale Egg laying Hens Farm 1 . Fl of GH was good at egg laying performance and meat of 12 week rooster .

  24. 最近Mila在《地球母亲新闻》杂志上阅读到一篇关于一名饲养肉用动物农夫的短篇。

    Mila recently read a short article in the Earth Mother News magazine about a farmer who raised all his own animals for meat .

  25. 试验结果表明:(1)肉用兔生长阶段的日粮在蛋白质含量适宜的条件下,消化能(DE)含量在2515&2850Kcal/kgDM时能满足自由采食状态下的需要。

    The results as follows : ( 1 ) The DE concentration of the diets from 2515 to 2850Kcal / kgDM could meet the growing meat rabbits ' DE requirement fed ad libitum on condi-tions that dietary CP was satisfied .

  26. 本研究选用1日龄公母混合樱桃谷肉用仔鸭3000羽,随机分为6个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复100羽,初始体重保证基本一致(P0.05)。

    This study used a mixture of male and female day-old Cherry Valley Meat Duck 3000 birds were randomly divided into six treatments with five replicates of 100 birds , to ensure consistent initial body weight ( P 0.05 ) .

  27. 安格斯牛是一种著名的肉用牛品种,为了提高其繁殖效率,本试验采用FSH处理青年母安格斯牛。

    Angus Cattle is a famous beef cattle . In order to improve its reproduction performance , some angus cattles ( 2-3 years old ) were treated with FSH in the experiment .

  28. 我国白羽肉用型鸡群中CAV、REV和REOV感染状况的血清学调查

    Serological Surveys of Chicken Anemia Virus , Avian Reticuloendotheliosis Virus and Avian Reovirus infections in White Meat-type Chickens in China

  29. 绵羊BMPR-IB基因作为多胎性能的候选基因在肉用多胎品种选育中的应用研究

    Sheep BMPR-IB Gene as Fecundity Candidate Gene Application to the Breeding Breed for the Meat Type Fecundity Sheep

  30. 卡巴多(Carbadox)对肉用幼兔生长发育的影响

    Effect of Carbadox on the Growth Traits of Rabbits