
ròu shí xìng
  • Carnivore;predacity;sarcophagy
肉食性[ròu shí xìng]
  1. 南方鲇幼鱼的淀粉酶活性的基础水平(未经实验处理的0周)在胃、肠分别为0.073,0.108U/mg,高于某些肉食性鱼类的相应水平;

    The basic level ( 0 . 073 U / mg for stomach and 0 . 108 U / mg for gut ) of amylase activities was higher than some other carnivorous fishes .

  2. 鱼类的食性可能会影响指示性PCBs在鱼体内的含量,肉食性鱼类指示性PCBs的含量远高于草食性鱼类。

    Feeding habits of fish may affect the content of indicative PCBs in fish , the level of indicative PCBs in carnivorous fish higher than herbivorous fish .

  3. 在夏威夷的瓦胡岛上,一条肉食性波尺蛾(Eupithecia)毛虫正在一片蕨叶上巡游,寻找猎物。

    A carnivorous Eupithecia caterpillar prowls a fern leaf in Oahu , Hawaii , in search of prey .

  4. 肉食性动物有原罪吗,既然它们吃肉?

    Do carnivores have any original sins since they eat meat ?

  5. 非肉食性鱼类饲料中用动植物蛋白源替代鱼粉的研究进展

    Current status of dietary fishmeal replacement research for non-carnivorous fish species

  6. 结果显示鳗鲡为典型的肉食性鱼类。

    The results show that Anguilla japonica is a typical carnivorous fish .

  7. 肉食性腹足类减少了草食性软体动物和固着无脊椎动物的数量;

    Predaceous gastropods reduced the abundance of herbivorous molluscs and sessile invertebrates .

  8. 最大的肉食性恐龙是霸王龙。

    The largest carnivorous dinosaur was the tyrannosaurus rex .

  9. 猫,狗,狮子,老虎和熊是肉食性的动物。

    Cats , dogs , lions , tigers , and bears are carnivorous animals .

  10. 太湖沿岸区几种肉食性鱼类蛋白酶活性的研究

    Studies on Protease Activity of Some Predatory Fishes in Coastal Area of Taihu Lake

  11. 植食性的蝽类和肉食性的蝽类之间存在明显的菌落差异。

    However the significant differences of colony exited between flesh-eating bugs and plant-eating bugs .

  12. 3种淡水肉食性鱼类胰脏及胰液导管系统的组织学比较

    Histological Comparison of the Pancreases and the Duct Systems of Three Freshwater Carnivorous Fish

  13. 结论:重口裂腹鱼消化道形态组织结构具典型肉食性鱼类结构特征;

    Conclusion : the digestive tract of Schizothorax davidi shows the characteristics of carnivorous fishs .

  14. 科学家称,他们的研究表明,植物防御和肉食性捕食者对植物的繁茂都有促进作用。

    The researchers say their findings show that both plant defenses and carnivorous predators help plants thrive .

  15. 肉食性的水虿,在费了一翻工夫,捉到一只虾子后,瞧它一脸邪恶的笑。

    Finally , this dragonfly caught it 's food-a shrimp . See , what a evil smile .

  16. 肉食性鱼类补偿生长特性的研究

    Compensatory Growth in Carnivorous Fishes

  17. 与其他恐龙近亲不同,这种巨蜥不是肉食性动物,而是以水果为生。

    Unlike other close cousin of dinosaur , the giant lizard eats fruits instead of fresh meats .

  18. 也否认了希特勒是谋杀了150多名支持者以掩盖秘密的肉食性同性恋。

    They also shoot down claims that Hitler wasa predatory homosexual who massacred 150 supporters to hide his secret .

  19. 他虽然是肉食性,他也会吃蔬菜,害病的时候,他会蚕食草。

    Although he is carnivorous , he will also eat vegetables , and when sickly he will nibble grass .

  20. 大多数龟均为肉食性,以蠕虫、螺类、虾及小鱼等为食,亦食植物的茎叶。

    Most turtles are carnivorous worms , screw , such , shrimp and fish feed , also food plants for the stem .

  21. 近日,哈佛大学威斯生物启发工程研究中心的科学家们在肉食性植物猪笼草的身上寻求启发。

    Recently , researchers at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University looked to the carnivorous pitcher plant for guidance .

  22. 探讨了落叶松人工林内植食性、寄生性及肉食性和腐食性昆虫,在落叶松林这一生境内随季节、海拔变化的运行规律。

    Describes the influence of season and elevation variation on dynamics of phytophagous , parasitic , carnivorous and saprophagous in larch in larch forest .

  23. 运用大体解剖法、显微解剖法、组织切片法等方法研究了几种典型淡水肉食性鱼类的摄食形态学特征。

    Feeding morphological characters of several species of typical freshwater predatory fishes were studied by means of general dissection , micro dissection and tissue sections .

  24. 在非洲的茫茫荒原上,许多肉食性动物喜欢独来独往;而草食性动物较偏好群居生活。

    On the vast savanna and grassland in the Africa , predators adore solitary life , rater , most of the herbivores prefer living in groups .

  25. 肉食性鱼类较草食性鱼类高,石油烃类含量肉食性鱼显著高于草食性鱼(P<0.05)。

    However , there were much higher deposits of petroleum hydrocarbon , in carnivorous fishes than those in herbivorous fishes ( P < ( 0.05 )) .

  26. 高级肉食性动物,营养级为3.5~4.0级。属于该营养级的种类数量最少,只有7种。

    Carnivores for high class animals , the nutrient level of which was 3.94.0.The species numbers of this level was the least ( 7 species ) .

  27. 结果表明,作为一种肉食性鱼类,黄鳝的消化能力较南方大口鲶、长吻鱼危弱。

    The results showed that the digestive ability of swamp eel , a carnivorous fish , was lower than that of southern catfish and Leiocassis longirostris .

  28. 锯缘青蟹属肉食性、广盐、广温性海水经济甲壳动物,是我国东南沿海地区重要的海洋经济养殖蟹类。

    The mud crab Scylla serrata is a sarcophagi , eurythermal and euryhaline crustacean . It is of important economic values and mainly cultured along the coast of southern China .

  29. 观测实验表明:(1)海鸟和鱼类减少了草食性软体动物和肉食性螺类的数量;

    These were all tested in two intertidal sections . Field experiments demonstrate that ( 1 ) Seabirds and fishes reduced the abundance of herbivorous molluscs , and predaceous snails .

  30. 肉桂树一种亚洲常绿热带乔木(山扁豆属肉桂树),有可作肉桂皮替代品的芳香树皮非肉食性鱼类饲料中用动植物蛋白源替代鱼粉的研究进展

    A tropical Asian evergreen tree ( Cinnamomum cassia ) having aromatic bark used as a substitute for cinnamon . Current status of dietary fishmeal replacement research for non-carnivorous fish species