
yá chǐ
  • tooth;cusp;chopper;gnashers
牙齿 [yá chǐ]
  • [tooth] 齿的通称

牙齿[yá chǐ]
  1. 他锛缺了一点牙齿。

    He chipped off a piece of his tooth .

  2. 她的牙齿是局部麻醉拔出的。

    Her tooth was extracted under local anaesthetic .

  3. 他得戴着牙箍矫正牙齿的咬合。

    He has to wear a brace to correct his bite .

  4. 氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。

    It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth .

  5. 五岁儿童牙齿不健康的比例高。

    A high proportion of five-year-olds have teeth in poor condition .

  6. 他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。

    He smiled suddenly , exposing a set of amazingly white teeth .

  7. 他笑了起来,露出一排洁白的牙齿。

    He laughed , revealing a line of white teeth .

  8. 她的牙齿在褐色面孔映衬下显得洁白明亮。

    Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face .

  9. 果汁可能损坏儿童的牙齿。

    Fruit juices can be harmful to children 's teeth .

  10. 牙医建议大家每六个月检查一次牙齿。

    Dentists advise you to have your teeth checked every six months .

  11. 我的一颗牙齿镶了假齿冠。

    I 've had one of my teeth crowned .

  12. 牙医为我刮除牙石,抛光了牙齿。

    The dentist scaled and polished my teeth .

  13. 有些恐龙只有未充分长成的牙齿。

    Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth .

  14. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。

    They look like the teeth of some fierce animal .

  15. 莫妮卡拿起她的伯罗圆珠笔,放在牙齿间转动着。

    Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth .

  16. 那个军官咧开嘴,露出洁白整齐的牙齿。

    The officer 's mouth opened , showing white , even teeth .

  17. 牙齿和牙龈之间会滋生牙斑。

    Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum .

  18. 下町的已婚女性还保留着把牙齿涂黑的习俗。

    The married women of Shitamachi maintained the custom of blackening their teeth

  19. 每年去牙医处做两次牙齿检查。

    Visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up .

  20. 他牙齿长得不好,参差不齐而且有些发黄。

    He had bad teeth , irregular and discolored .

  21. 它猛地朝我的脚脖子咬下去,牙齿还咔咔直响。

    His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle

  22. 受过重击的牙齿可能会变色。

    A tooth which has been hit hard may discolour

  23. 牙医开始在那颗有问题的牙齿上挖洞,钻孔,直到最后把它补好。

    The dentist commenced to dig , drill and finally fill the offending tooth .

  24. 她冻得牙齿咯咯响。

    She was so cold her teeth chattered .

  25. 你可以得到免费的牙齿治疗。

    You can get free dental treatment .

  26. 罐装的甜饮料会腐蚀牙齿。

    Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth .

  27. 抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。

    Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes

  28. 每天两次彻底刷净牙齿和牙龈。

    Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily

  29. 她有一口漂亮整齐的牙齿。

    She had very pretty straight teeth

  30. 如果有一颗牙齿很松,牙医可能会建议你把它拔掉。

    If a tooth feels very loose , your dentist may recommend that it 's taken out