
yá kē yī shenɡ
  • dentist;dental surgeon
  1. 你应该每年至少去看两次牙科医生。

    You should visit your dentist at least twice a year .

  2. 牙科医生每年给孩子们检查两次牙。

    The dentist inspects the children 's teeth twice a year .

  3. 我现在还得去牙科医生那儿给多萝西装一副矫牙套。

    I have to make an appointment to get braces for dorothy 's teeth .

  4. 她是位牙科医生。

    She is a dental doctor .

  5. 我已经带过太多有钱牙科医生的狩猎队,我不能再听取任何自杀性建议了

    I 've had too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas .

  6. dentist一词的意思是牙科医生。

    The word dentist denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth .

  7. “dentist”一词的意思是牙科医生。

    The word " dentist " denotes a doctor whose work is the care of teeth .

  8. 牙科医生用椅,装有牙科设备或其他牙科器具

    Dentists ' chair , incorporating dental equipment or other dental appliances

  9. '把嘴张大点,'牙科医生说。

    Open your mouth a little wider ,´ said the dentist .

  10. 这孩子在牙科医生的椅子上吓坏了。

    The child was scared stiff in the dentist 's chair .

  11. 护士:牙科医生这会儿很忙。

    NURSE : The dentist is very busy at the moment .

  12. 牙科医生把我牙齿的x光片拿给我看。

    The dentist showed me the X ray of my teeth .

  13. 他们说有许多牙科医生住在这里。

    They say there 's a lot of dentists staying here .

  14. 她当牙科医生已经多年了,对吗?

    She 's been a dentist for years , has not she ?

  15. 我已到牙科医生那里把坏牙拔掉了。

    I have gone to the dentist to extract the bad tooth .

  16. 他长大以后打算当一个牙科医生。

    After he grows up he planned to work as a dentist .

  17. 牙科医生是为仁术而不得不残酷的。

    A dentist has to be cruel to be kind .

  18. 我不喜欢当牙科医生。

    A : I don 't like my job as a dentist .

  19. 牙科医生把他正研究的牙齿隔开了。

    The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on .

  20. 牙科医生是如何建议你刷牙的?

    How do dentists recommend you to brush your teeth ?

  21. 看望牙科医生;巡视他教区的牧师。

    Visited the dentist ; a priest visiting his parishioners .

  22. 牙科医生总是在你不能回答时问你问题。

    Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer .

  23. 我想见牙科医生。

    I want to see the dentist , please .

  24. 旁边一个是安妮弗兰克和牙科医生艾伯特达塞尔合用的。

    Next door is the room Anne Frank shared with dentist Albert dussel .

  25. 牙科医生把我这颗牙拔掉,消除了疼痛。

    The dentist rid me of the pain by taking out the tooth .

  26. 牙科医生给我的牙洞填补上了。

    The dentist put a filling into my tooth .

  27. 牙科医生给患者拔了几颗牙?

    How many teeth did the dentist take out ?

  28. 这位牙科医生接待不了新患者了。

    The dentist can 't take any new patients .

  29. 牙科医生这儿会很忙。

    The dentist is very busy at the moment .

  30. 但有一点是真的,每一个我们认识的人都需要牙科医生。

    But the reality is this ; Everyone we know needs a dentist .