
yá gāo
  • toothpaste;dentifrice;dental cream
牙膏 [yá gāo]
  • [toothpaste] 刷牙时用的膏状物,用甘油、牙粉、白胶粉、水、糖精,淀粉等制成,装在金属或塑料的软管里

牙膏[yá gāo]
  1. 请在回来的路上帮我买一管牙膏。

    Please help me buy a tube of toothpaste on your way back .

  2. 你用什么牌子的牙膏?

    Which brand of toothpaste do you use ?

  3. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。

    To interrogate this hardened criminal , you have to squeeze every word out of him .

  4. 那是牙膏。

    It is dental cream .

  5. 因此,许多专家建议只要把多余的牙膏(泡沫)吐掉即可。

    Instead , many experts recommend simply spitting out excess toothpaste .

  6. 这是因为牙膏中含有氟化物。

    This is because toothpaste contains fluoride .

  7. 先是一阵风,施施然袭来,像一幅硕大无朋的裙裾,不由分说就把我从头到脚挤了一遍,挤牙膏似的,立马我的心情就畅快无比。

    First comes the wind , slowly , like a huge fluttering skirt , caressing , thorough relief in my heart .

  8. 如果用清水或漱口水冲洗掉泡沫,那么牙膏的防蛀作用就会大打折扣。正确做法是,将多余牙膏和泡沫吐掉即可。在你刷完牙后,你会用水漱漱口然后吐掉,这样才不会满嘴都是牙膏泡沫。

    After you finish brushing your teeth , swishing around some water before spitting ensures that you rid your mouth of all that frothy toothpaste .

  9. 有些人会用漱口水来作为变通之法,但是这个主意也不算太好,因为牙膏的氟化物浓度比漱口水要高得多。

    Some people rinse with mouthwash as a workaround — but that may not be such a great idea either , since toothpaste has a significantly higher concentration of fluoride than mouthwash does .

  10. 然而,口腔中残留一点牙膏并不是坏事——事实上,这是保持牙齿健康的一个重要部分。

    But as it turns out , having a little toothpaste residue1 left in your mouth isn 't a bad thing — in fact , it 's an important part of keeping your teeth healthy .

  11. 经过两个星期的空军基础训练,我给家里打电话,“你不相信他们的要求是多么的严格,”我抱怨道,“他们甚至对事情提出过分的要求,像毛巾挂得不直或牙膏盖没拧紧。”

    After two weeks of Air Force basic training . I called home . " You wouldn 't believe how strict they are , " I complained . " They even give demerits for things like not hanging your towel straight or not tightening1 the cap of your toothpaste properly . "

  12. 我们发动了一场声势浩大的广告宣传攻势来推销我们的新型牙膏。【相关短语】launchinto(热情地)开始做,投入

    We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste .

  13. 结果徐用多肽因子牙膏组的牙釉质硬度较对照组高(P<0.0001)。

    Results The dental enamel treated with polypeptide-containing toothpaste was harder than the control group ( P < 0 . 0001 ) ;

  14. 维生素E醋酸酯在牙膏的应用

    Application of Vitamin E in toothpastes

  15. 口腔原虫感染与年龄、涎液pH、牙膏类型无关。

    Oral protozoan infection has no relation to age , saliva pH and the kind of toothpaste .

  16. 男孩乐队OneDirection用1D牌牙刷和牙膏确保了粉丝们在微笑时总能露出一口散发着珍珠白光泽的牙齿。

    Boy band one direction found a way to make sure their fans always have the pearliest white smiles with their 1D toothbrush and toothpaste .

  17. PMMA在牙膏期向椎体内注射。

    PMMA was injected in the paste period .

  18. SiO2、Si/Al复合空心球的合成及在牙膏中的应用研究

    Synthesis and Application of SiO_2 , Si / Al Composite Hollow Microspheres in Toothpaste

  19. IgY牙膏防龋的临床效果观察

    Clinical Observation of IgY Toothpaste on Prevention of Dental Caries

  20. IgY牙膏对口腔变形链球菌的抑制作用

    The inhibitive effect of IgY toothpaste against oral Streptococcus mutans

  21. 另一名人士告诉《新京报》,他所在的国企将新年礼物从往年的iPad降格为牙膏。

    Another told the Beijing News his state-owned company replaced new year gifts such as iPads with toothpaste .

  22. 目的观察含生物活性物IgY的牙膏对预防成人龋病的临床效果。

    Objective To observe the preventive effect of IgY toothpaste on dental caries .

  23. 最近针对中国产品瑕疵和召回事件(涉及牙膏、轮胎、托马斯坦克引擎(thomasthetankengine)玩具等各种产品)的“病毒式”攻击,将造成持续多年的诉讼。

    The recent viral attack of Chinese product flaws and recalls on everything from toothpaste to tyres to Thomas the tank engine toys will spawn years of litigation .

  24. 结论:抗龋IgY牙膏能降低乳牙龋病的发病率、龋均,具有一定的防龋效果。

    CONCLUSION : Anticarious IgY toothpaste is efficient in preventing caries on deciduous teeth .

  25. 抗龋IgY牙膏对大鼠口腔病原菌影响的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of influence of anticarious IgY-toothpaste to the pathogenic bacteria in mouth of rat

  26. 抗龋IgY和IgY牙膏对体外培养细胞影响的形态学观察

    Influence of anti - dental caries IgY and IgY toothpaste on morphology of cultured cells

  27. 抗龋IgY牙膏中的某些成分可能对培养细胞有短暂的不良影响。

    Some components of IgY toothpaste may have transitory harmful effect to the cultured cells .

  28. 抗龋IgY和IgY牙膏抗变形链球菌的体外实验研究

    In vitro study of anti - dental carious IgY and its dentifrice against Streptococcus mutans

  29. 结论含生物活性物IgY的牙膏对于龋病的防治有着一定的疗效。

    Conclusion The application of the toothpaste containing IgY may have effect on preventing dental caries .

  30. 结果:涂抗龋IgY牙膏后,大白鼠牙龈黏膜和牙齿表面细菌明显减少;

    RESULTS : The germs of gum and tooth surface decreased obviously after smearing IgY toothpaste .