
  • 【机】bath salt
  1. 一包重量为50毫克的浴盐售价为25美元至50美元。

    A 50-milligram packet sells for $ 25 to $ 50 .

  2. 浴盐,溶解在水里。

    Bath salts , when they 're dispersed into the water .

  3. 我想要浴盐。

    Phoebe : Ooh ! Bath salts would be nice .

  4. 加入两汤匙量的浴盐到浴缸中来舒缓您的疲劳。

    Relieve fatigue by adding a couple of scoops to your bath .

  5. 薰衣草浴盐用完了,可真会挑时候。

    I picked a fine time to run out of lavender bath beads .

  6. 红糖磨砂浴盐不建议用在面部。

    Sugar scrubs are not recommended for the face .

  7. 顺便提一下我跟你说想用那些浴盐

    And by the way , I 've asked to use those bath salts ,

  8. 浴巾、浴球、浴盐、浴乳

    bath towel washing ball bath salt bath lotion

  9. 自己制作浴盐,为沐浴时间增加一些乐趣。

    Add some fizzle and sizzle to bath time with a homemade bath bomb .

  10. 这种在浴盐中发现的化合物可以用于制作豆腐。

    The new compound is used to make tofu and is found in bath salts .

  11. 加入一些可以触摸的快乐在水中加入一些浴盐和浴油。

    ADD A TOUCH OF LUXURY Add some both salts or oil to your bath .

  12. 而不是使用浴盐你加的是四川辣椒粉。-

    And instead of adding bath-salt to the water ... You just added Szechuan peppercorns . -

  13. 水温温的,浴盐没有溶解,所以现在它……结块了。

    The water 's tepid . The salt didn 't dissolve and is now ... lodged places .

  14. 浴盐有益于各种病痛的恢复,并帮助美化肌肤。

    Bath salt crystals are great for aches and pains and they also help to beautify your skin .

  15. 加入用海盐或泻盐制成的浴盐,放松酸痛的肌肉和关节。

    Add bath salts made from either sea salt or Epsom salts to ease sore muscles and joints .

  16. 我们必须采取更严格的措施,以遏止日益盛行的‘浴盐’及其它新型致幻药。

    Stricter measures must be taken to stem the growing prevalence of bath salts and other new designer drugs .

  17. 你甚至可以买到根据不同血型人群所定制的软饮、口香糖以及浴盐。

    You can even buy soft drinks , chewing gum , and bath salts catering to different blood groups .

  18. 午饭的时候去拿一盒巧克力一打康乃馨还有一些浴盐

    At lunch , pick up a box of chocolates , a dozen carnations , and some bath salts .

  19. 金牛座:五官感觉都很敏锐的金牛座最喜欢浴盐、香味蜡烛之类的礼物。

    TAURUS : Keenly tuned in to all five senses , Taurus appreciates things like bath salts and scented candles .

  20. 如果想把制作的浴盐作为礼物,可以用彩色保鲜膜包装,然后系上缎带。

    If you 're giving the bath bombs as gifts , cover them with colored plastic wrap and tie with ribbon .

  21. 中午的时候,你去领一盒巧克力,一打康乃馨和一些浴盐。

    At lunch , you need to pick up a box of chocolates , a dozen carnations , and some bath salts .

  22. 泡澡的时候放一点浴盐可以有效地舒缓压力、放松肌肉,让身体在一整天工作之后好好地放松一下。

    Soaking in epsomsalts will help relievestress and sootheyour muscles , allowing your body to unwind after a long day on the job .

  23. 你可以把它当作是一种药丸,皮肤上的传播作为洗剂,或用浴盐它。

    You may take it as a pill , spread it on your skin as a lotion , or use it as bath salts .

  24. 5.存储将剩余的浴盐存放在密封的容器中,或者多做一点,装在小罐中作为礼物送给朋友。

    Step 5 Store Store the leftover scrub in an airtight container , or make more and put it into small jars to give as gifts .

  25. 在浴缸中放松至少20分钟,让浴盐发挥作用,让你从沐浴中得到最大的益处。

    Relax in the tub for at least 20 minutes to let the salts do their job and give you the most benefit from your bath .

  26. 这已经不是警方首次发现热衷于“浴盐”的人犯罪或者表现出危险行为了。

    This case is not the first time police have had to respond to people high on the drug committing illegal acts or exhibiting dangerous behavior .

  27. 根据美国毒物控制中心协会的数据,有关“浴盐”的咨询求助电话已由2010年的304个上升至2011年的6138个。

    The number of calls to poison centers concerning " bath salts " rose 6138 in 2011 from 304 in 2010 , according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers .

  28. 如果你希望你的浴盐产生气泡,向之前混合干燥材料的碗里加入1/8杯月桂醇磺基乙酸酯钠盐。

    If you want your bath bombs to foam , add 1 / 8 cup of sodium lauryl sulfoacetate to the dry mixture once you 've combined the other dry ingredients .

  29. 但是“浴盐”仍然可以轻易在网上买到,而且被冠以“紫色浪潮”、“热情|”、或者“极乐心境”等名称。一包重量为50毫克的“浴盐”售价为25美元至50美元。

    Bath salts are still easily available online , though , and come in brand names such as " Purple Wave , " " Zoom " or " Cloud Nine . " A 50-milligram packet sells for $ 25 to $ 50 .