
xié yóu
  • shoe polish;shoe cream
鞋油 [xié yóu]
  • [shoe polish;shoe cream] 擦在皮鞋或其他皮革制品上面使发光泽并起保护作用的蜡状物

鞋油[xié yóu]
  1. 他用一美元买了一个盒子、三把刷子和一些鞋油。

    With the dollar he bought a box , three brushes , and some shoe polish .

  2. 鞋油是用来让鞋子光亮如新。

    Shoe polish is used to make shoes shiny and new looking .

  3. 为改进国内液体鞋油产品的质量,研制出用直接乳化蜡溶液,配以天然树脂M和合成树脂N,并添加各种助剂的工艺。

    In order to improve the quality of liquid shoe-polish at home , the technology of emulsifying wax solution directly is developed , by adding the natural resin M. the synthetic resin N and various additives .

  4. 我坐在切普赛街圣玛丽勒波教堂(StMary-le-Bow)外面的一个凳子上,一位男子蹲在我脚边,用奇伟(Kiwi)鞋油、擦鞋布和鞋刷忙碌起来。

    I sat on a stool outside St Mary-le-Bow on Cheapside and a man crouched at my feet and got busy with the Kiwi polish , rags and brushes .

  5. 铝管鞋油气胀腐蚀与缓蚀问题的研究

    Studies on corrosion of shoe polish aluminium tubes and its inhibition

  6. 他有一个粘贴标签的黑色鞋油工作。

    He had a job of pasting labels of blacking .

  7. 那看起来就跟怀表、鞋油这类东西一样,简直是过时而怪异。

    It seems downright quaint , like pocket watches and shoe shines .

  8. 将你的旧鞋擦上一点鞋油就好了。

    A little shoe polish may be in order here .

  9. 她抓着她的丈夫,战斗的黑色鞋油出来的感觉。

    She clung to her husband , fighting the feeling of blacking out .

  10. 阿丽思说道:“我想是用的黑鞋油。”

    Alice said " they 're done with blacking , I believe . "

  11. 擦鞋匠:以擦鞋和上鞋油为生的人。

    Bootblack : a person who cleans and polishes shoes for a living .

  12. 他们做的黑色鞋油,我相信。

    They 're done with blacking , I believe .

  13. 鞋油鞋油是用来让鞋子光亮如新。

    shoe polish Shoe polish is used to make shoes shiny and new looking .

  14. 液体鞋油配方的改进

    Improve the Dispensation of liquid Shoe - polish

  15. 他昨天买一听褐色鞋油。

    He bought a tin of brown polish .

  16. 我买这双鞋时,要求售货员额外赠送鞋油。

    When I bought the shoes I asked the salesman to throw in some shoe polish .

  17. 仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。

    The servant blacked his boots .

  18. 你的皮鞋需要上鞋油了。

    Your shoes need polishing .

  19. 如果擦痕过深,可以在擦鞋油之前先涂上一些蜡。

    If there are any deep scratches , fill with a little wax polish before the next stage

  20. 他用黑色的鞋油来洗澡,因为他没有肥皂;

    He washed himself with blacking ball , Because he had no soap ; Then said unto his mother .

  21. 采购产品鞋油,捺印配偶,湿手巾,动物手巾,陶瓷的热水器手巾。

    Shoe Polisher , Stamp Mate , Wet Towel , Animal Towel , Emf Tester , Ceramic Heater Towels .

  22. 只有干透的鞋子才行,湿鞋子不能吸收鞋油,鞋油擦上之后没有任何效果。

    Only polish shoes that are absolutely dry , damp shoes won 't absorb the polish in the same way .

  23. ::三人拿着咖啡坐下我的那堤看起来像上个月我们做广告的那种鞋油。

    Sitting down with their drinks My latte looks like that shoe polish we did an ad for last month .

  24. (头发)擦润发油的。擦鞋匠:以擦鞋和上鞋油为生的人。

    ( of hair ) groomed with pomade . bootblack : a person who cleans and polishes shoes for a living .

  25. 本机适用于牙膏、鞋油、化装品、药业等产品的自动包装。

    The machine is suitable for automatically filling and sealing tooth paste , shoeshine , cosmetic , flexible tube drug and so on .

  26. 不久他发现这家媒体公司是个骗子;而他在鞋油和鞋刷中找到了更大的满足感。

    After a while he discovered that the media company was phoney ; he found greater satisfaction with a can of polish and a brush .

  27. 研究采用蜡类、溶剂、各种助剂和抛射剂为原料,结合气雾剂包装新技术制备喷雾鞋油。

    In this study , the aerosol spray shoe polish was prepared by the emulsifying method of wax , solvent , various additives and propellant .

  28. 床脚放着我那个扁皮箱,而我的冬靴,鞋油擦得亮光光的,搁在皮箱上。

    At the foot of the bed was my flat trunk , and my winter boots , the leather shiny with oil , were on the trunk .

  29. 人们说,他的广告商用那姑娘的头做鞋油广告画,她的头发漆黑,你知道&是埃及型的。

    They say his advertiser used the girl 's head for the shoe-polish posters ; her hair 's intensely black , you know & the Egyptian style .

  30. 擦得那么亮?爱丽丝看了下自己的鞋子,想了一下说:我用的黑鞋油。

    Alice looked down at them , and considered a little before she gave her answer . ` They 're done with blacking , I believe . '