
xié dài
  • shoelace;shoestring;latchet;ferret
鞋带 [xié dài]
  • [shoelace;shoestring] 用以把鞋帮束紧在鞋的拱面上的细带或一窄条料子(如织物的)

鞋带[xié dài]
  1. 我要求我的羽毛球对手等一下,以便我系鞋带。

    I asked for holding up to my badminton opponent , because I wanted to tie my shoestring .

  2. 我可是靠鞋带为生的,也就是说我可支配的钱很少,几乎没钱买衣服。

    I live on a shoestring . I have a very small budget and little money to spend on clothes .

  3. 他正坐在床边系鞋带。

    He was sitting on the bed lacing up his shoes .

  4. 这家商店出售的商品从鞋带到计算机应有尽有。

    The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers .

  5. 你的鞋带松开了。

    Your laces are undone .

  6. 你的鞋带松开了。

    Your shoelace is undone .

  7. 把你的鞋带系好!

    Tie up your shoelaces !

  8. 他穿上厚厚的软皮鞋,系上鞋带。

    He pulled on his heavy suede shoes and tied the laces .

  9. 到隧道出入口时,他弯腰重新系好鞋带。

    By the mouth of the tunnel he bent to retie his lace .

  10. 她解开了一只鞋的鞋带。

    She untied the laces on one of her sneakers

  11. 他开始系鞋带。

    He began to tie his shoelaces .

  12. 你靴子上的鞋带松了。

    Your boot lace is untied .

  13. 巴里正坐在床上系他那双旧跑鞋的鞋带。

    Barry was sitting on the bed , tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes .

  14. 我有一双不错的溜冰鞋,可是不管我把鞋带系得多紧,脚脖子那里还是空落落的。

    I have a good pair of skates , but no matter how tightly I lace them , my ankles wobble .

  15. 他俯身系鞋带。

    He bent over to tie his shoe .

  16. 他正弯下腰系鞋带。

    He is bending down to tie his shoelaces .

  17. 把你的鞋带结成蝴蝶结。

    Tie your shoe laces in a bow .

  18. 他系紧靴子的鞋带。

    He laced up his boots .

  19. 趁他没注意时把他的鞋带拴在一起,岂不有趣!

    Wouldn 't it be a giggle to tie his shoelaces together while he isn 't looking !

  20. 他的鞋带秃噜了。

    His shoelace is loose .

  21. 刚过起跑线不久,我的鞋带就松开了。

    Shortly after crossing the start line , my shoe laces became untied .

  22. 劳拉爱他,他都乐于吻她的鞋带

    Laura loved him and he was ready to kiss her shoestrings .

  23. 给鞋带打双结,以免被松开的鞋带绊倒。

    Tie double-knots to prevent tripping over undone4 laces .

  24. 来自韩国的iPhone手机套,有着漂亮的彩色鞋带。

    Creative iPhone cases from Korea come with colorful shoelaces .

  25. 但是Mike用了鞋带。

    But Mike uses his boot laces .

  26. 在电影《回到未来》(BacktoTheFuture)里,我们看到马丁·麦克弗莱(MartyMcFly)耐克鞋自动系鞋带的神奇情景,已经有26年了。

    It 's been 26 years since we saw them magically tightening Marty McFly 's Nike boots in Back to The Future 。

  27. 总而言之,K放弃了吃所有让一个人没有搬家公司协助就系不了鞋带的东西。

    In short , K.gave up the very stuff that makes a man unable to tie his shoelaces without help from the Santini Brothers .

  28. Chris,我要喝酷乐饮料Chris,给我系鞋带

    Chris , make me some Kl Aid . Chris , strap up my shoe .

  29. 技术凉鞋,视频眼镜,和LED产品的功能和操纵鞋带可怕的,而时尚(“真正的”时尚,知道是什么意思),是美丽的和无用的。

    Technical sandals , video glasses , and LED-rigged shoelaces are functional and hideous , whereas fashion (" real " fashion , whatever that means ) is beautiful and useless .

  30. 方法应用改良式可拆除膀胱颈荷包缝合法,将荷包缝线在膀胱外交叉后从腹壁穿出,再以鞋带式活结结扎的方法行前列腺摘除,治疗20例BPH患者,观察其疗效。

    Methods 20 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia were treated with modified removable bladder neck pursestring suture , and the curative effect was observed .