
  1. 五星级旅馆与一星级有何不同?

    What is the difference between five star hotels and one star hotels ?

  2. 现在,五星级旅馆和摩天大楼鳞次栉比,道路上挤满了车辆。

    Five-star hotels and skyscrapers abound . The roads are jammed with traffic .

  3. 我们住在一家五星级旅馆。

    We stayed in a five-star hotel .

  4. 这是个三星级旅馆。

    This is a threestar hotel .

  5. 12.四星级旅馆房间

    12 . Four-Star Hotel Rooms

  6. 我无法想像这种地方怎麽会被看做是五星级旅馆!服务糟透了。

    I can 't imagine how this place passes for a five-star hotel ! The service is dreadful .

  7. 那里的菜非常好,不愧是四星级的旅馆。

    The food , as befits a four-star hotel , was excellent .

  8. 利比亚在苏丹首都喀土穆出资建造了一家五星级豪华旅馆,这个旅馆因其独特造型而被昵称为“卡扎菲的鸡蛋”。

    Libyan-financed hotel towers over Sudan 's capital , Khartoum , and has been nicknamed Gadhafi 's egg because of its unique shape .

  9. 我认为第三点尤为重要,不管是高星级酒店还是低星级旅馆,它首先必须做到达到顾客的预期。

    No matter how many stars a hotel is rated , most importantly it should meet customer expectation .