
xīnɡ zú
  • stellar population
  1. 蓝致密星系谱的星族合成

    Stellar Population Synthesis for the Spectra of Blue Compact Galaxies star track

  2. 他称之为第二星族(PopulationII)。

    He called them Population II .

  3. 太阳等现代恒星拥有充裕的金属元素(比氦重的物质),它们现在被称为第一星族(PopulationI),主要是因为它们是首批被发现的恒星。

    Modern stars like the sun , with healthy abundances of so-called metals ( anything heavier than helium ) , are now called Population I , mainly because they were the first known .

  4. 与星族Ⅰ恒星相反,贫金属的星族Ⅱ的F和早型G型矮星大气锂丰度弥散很小,且其丰度比年轻的星族Ⅰ恒星和星际介质锂的丰度约低一个量级。

    In . contrast with Pup I stars the Li abundances of Pup ⅱ F - and early G-type dwarfs show a very small dispersion and they are about an order of magnitude smaller than the value of the young Pup I stars .

  5. 这些宽线活动星系核(ActiveGalacticNuclei,AGN)的光学谱均含有大质量中等年龄星族的光谱标志性特征,这使其适合用来研究AGN及其寄主星系之间的关系。

    The optical spectra of these broad-lined active galactic nuclei ( AGNs ) simultaneously show spectral signatures of massive intermediate-aged stellar populations making them good candidates for studying the connections between AGNs and their hosts .

  6. 索夫拉尔和他的团队报告称,CR7星系中可能存在第二星族和第三星族的恒星。

    Stars of both Population II and Population III are probably present in CR7 , Dr. Sobral and his team report .

  7. 星族综合模型与星系的颜色演化

    A Model of Population Synthesis and the Color Evolution of Galaxies

  8. 浙江省天南星族药用植物叶的显微特征

    Microscopical Characters of Leaves of Medicinal Plants from Tribe Areae in Zhejiang Province

  9. 这些恒星有时称为星族Ⅱ恒星。

    These stars are sometimes called poulation II stars .

  10. 被星族Ⅲ加热的尘埃辐射谱

    The Radiative Spectrum of Dust Heated by Population ⅲ

  11. 星族等时综合模型的现状

    The Status of Isochrone Population Synthesis Models

  12. 本文采用演化星族综合方法,讨论了在低红移因短时间星暴过程而变亮的矮星系族。

    He dwarf population of starburst galaxies is analyzed by the Evolving Population Synthesis Method .

  13. 花粉形态特征支持天南星族为本科最进化类群的观点。

    The pollen morphologies support the viewpoint that Tribe Areae is the most evolutive taxon of Araceae .

  14. 年龄和金属丰度是星族的两个重要参数,但两者相互简并。

    Age and metallicity are the most important parameters for stellar populations , but they are often found to be degenerated .

  15. 星族Ⅰ的太阳型恒星大气锂的丰度随恒星质量的减小和年龄的增大而迅速降低。

    The observations show that the lithium abundance of the solar-type stars decreases sharply with decreasing of their mass and increasing of their age .

  16. 在此基础上,我们运用恒星团星族合成方法,分析了一些蓝致密星系的光学谱。

    On the basis of this , we apply the population synthesis method based on star cluster integrated spectra to some BCGs optical spectra .

  17. 恒星元素丰度是探讨银河系化学演化的重要探针,分析不同星族成分的元素丰度是研究银河系结构和化学演化的重要课题。

    Analysis about the abundance in different stellar populations is a very important subject in study of the structure and chemical evolution of the Galaxy .

  18. 利用星族合成方法,我们分别对半相接共生星、分离共生星和D-型共生星作了理论研究。

    By means of a population synthesis code , we have carried out a theoretical study of semi-detached symbiotic stars , detached symbiotic stars and D-symbiotic stars .

  19. 现在,与黑暗森林的最后的战斗渐渐临近,他们不仅需要改变火星,而且要向雷族甚至是星族寻求帮助。

    Now , as the final battle against the Dark Forest draws ever nearer , they must turn not only to Firestar , but also to ThunderClan and even StarClan for help .

  20. 对它们空间分布的研究表明:这些星属于极端星族Ⅰ,从而为进一步研究主序前和主序后中等和大质量恒星的演化提供较为完备的观测对象。

    The Galactic distribution shows that most of them belong to extreme population I , and indicates the objects listed in this catalogue could mostly be stars of intermediate and high mass either in the pre - or post-main-sequence stage .