- 名interstellar cloud

Collapsing interstellar cloud reverses its gravitational infall and expands outward into the relatively quiescent interstellar environment .
The reaction of H3 + ion and 0 atom provides a pathway for synthesizing H2O in interstellar clouds , thus it has attracted a great deal of experimental and theoretical studies in the past few years .
The paramount task here facing observational astronomy is to study real interstellar clouds .
And that our entire solar system appears to be moving into a dangerous interstellar energy cloud .
Figure 2.1 illustrates the departures of chemical composition from solar values for five different clouds projected against bright stars .
The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion , billion , billion liters of alcohol [ JFrater is planning to move there in the near future ] .
IOS ( infinite order sudden ) approximation , the hyperfine collisional transitional rate coefficients of E-type CH3CN-H2 have been calculated under the conditions of interstellar molecular clouds .
Characteristics of Electron Distribution Functions in Magnetic Cloud Boundary Layers
A study of the mean lifetime of interstellar molecular clouds
Interstellar gas clouds frequently collide and convert their kinetic energy into shock waves and radiation .
The contraction of a cool interstellar gas cloud can proceed in a variety of ways .
Major improvement has been made in the studies of interstellar molecular clouds and star formation . MAGNETIC FIELDS IN COLD AND MASSIVE CLOUDS
It has been shown that stars , including our own solar system , are formed by contraction of cold and dark interstellar clouds .
The current picture is that stars are formed during the collapse of a large enough self gravitating interstellar molecular cloud .
Recently , the work of many authors in the field of astronomy has shown that intersteller magnetic field plays an important role in the formation and evolution of intersteller clouds as well as in the formation of stars .
The magnetic lines of force are in effect glued to the interstellar gas , and they follow the clouds in their capricious motions .
Life is too short too let it pass you by . We only have one shot at this and then it 's gone . The magnetic lines of force are in effect glued to the interstellar gas , and they follow the clouds in their capricious motions .