
  • 网络particle detection
  1. 介绍了可用于粒子探测的大面积玻璃高阻板探测器RPC(ResistivePlateChamber)。

    A RPC ( resistive plate chamber ) prototype made with domestic glass is tested , which is suitable for large area particle detection .

  2. 红外热粒子探测新技术

    New Technique of Infrared Thermal Particle Detection

  3. 空间带电粒子探测以及空间X射线的探测是空间环境探测中最主要的内容。

    Space explorers for charge-particles detecting and those for solar X-ray detecting are kernels of space environment monitoring systems for space charge-particles monitoring and space soft 、 hard X-ray monitoring respectively .

  4. 闪烁体用于X射线和γ射线等高能粒子探测,在核医学、高能物理、地质探矿、安全检查和材料探伤等领域有着广泛的应用。

    Scintillators are ideal candidates used in detectors for X-ray ,γ - ray and high energy ray , and have been widely applied in nuclear medicine , high energy physics , geologic survey , security inspection and material flaw detection .

  5. 利用人工增雨飞机和机载PMS粒子探测系统,对高原东部地区春季人工增雨主要降水云层的微物理结构进行大量探测研究。

    Based on artificial rain enhancement airplane and Particle Measuring System ( PMS ) the precipitation cloud microphysical features have been largely studied during the spring artificial rain enhancement in Qinghai .

  6. 从元素粒子探测致电离辐射的仪器。

    An instrument that detects ionizing radiation from elementary particles .

  7. 人们常常采用对数坐标分析粒子探测数据,因此相对误差比绝对误差更有意义。

    Logarithmic coordinate is often used to analyze data of the radiation in space .

  8. 阐述了空间能量粒子探测的原理和方法。

    The principle and method of space energetic particle detecting were described in this paper .

  9. 空间能量粒子探测方法研究

    The Analysis of Energetic Particle Detecting Method

  10. 卫星用粒子探测系统

    A particle detector system for satellite

  11. 此外还对国内外近期常用的低能粒子探测方法进行了介绍。

    Except that , the thesis discusses exploration methods for low energy particle in recent years .

  12. 塑料闪烁探测器因其具有对辐射粒子探测效率高、发光效率高、以及时间响应较快等优点,因此在脉冲辐射测量,尤其在脉冲裂变中子的测量中得到了广泛的应用。

    Development of Scintillator-photomultiplier Neutron Detector Plastic scintillation detectors are widely used in measurement of pulse fission neutron and r radiation .

  13. 就制约能量粒子探测技术发展的关键因素进行了讨论。

    The advantages and disadvantages of these methods were analyzed , and the key factors to limit the technology development of energetic particle detecting were also discussed .

  14. 由于激光雷达波长较短,可以实现原子、分子等尺度的粒子探测,能够进行大气物理化学参数的遥感测量,并具有很高的时间和空间分辨率,在大气观测中有重要的作用。

    Because of its short wavelength , the lidar can detect particles such as atoms and molecules , and remotely sense the atmospheric physical and chemical parameters with high spatial and temporal resolution . So the lidar plays an important role in atmospheric detection .

  15. 甲苯与氯原子光氧化产生二次有机气溶胶粒子实时探测研究药用氯化丁基橡胶塞对不同pH注射剂不溶性微粒的影响

    Real-time Measurement of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation Toluene and Cl Atoms Study of Effect of Medicinal Chlorinated Butyl Rubber Stoppers on Insoluble Micro-Particles in Injections with Different pH Values

  16. 建立了一套用于暗物质WIMPs粒子直接探测研究的低本底、低能量阈高纯锗探测器,探测器质量为5g,能量阈可以达到100eV。

    Status of ULE-HPGe Detector Experiment for Dark Matter Search An HPGe detector has been constructed for the direct detection of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles ( WIMPs ) .

  17. 方法根据氡及其短寿命子体218Po(RaA)和214Po(RaC)之间的关系,建立了一种闪烁室测量氡及其子体释放的α粒子的探测效率的三段法。

    Methods A three - counts method of measuring scintillation cell detection efficiency to a particles emitting from radon and its progeny were developed on the relationship of radon and its progeny .

  18. 宇宙线粒子声探测可能性研究

    Research for the possibility on detecting cosmic ray particles by acoustic way

  19. 回旋加速器质谱技术中氚和氦-3粒子的探测和鉴别

    Simultaneous acceleration and detection of ~ 3H and ~ 3 He in cyclotron mass spectrometry

  20. a粒子径迹探测实验教法意义上的研究

    Researches on the Meanings of the Track of Particle a in Experiments on Teaching Methods

  21. 应用方面,除了已有的弱光照明与显示领域外,还在向光电信息功能,特别是二维图像存储,高能粒子射线探测方面发展。

    Long afterglow materials are widely used to illuminate and display in weak light environment and their application is being expanded to optoelectronic material area , especially as two dimensions of image storage and detector of high energy ray .

  22. 所以Kerr-(anti-)DeSitter黑洞也许可以作为粒子加速器用来探测普朗克能标或更高能标的物理。

    So we may expect that the Kerr - ( anti - ) de Sitter black hole could be a probe of Planck-scale physics or even higher energy scale physics .

  23. 微喷射粒子团簇探测算法及其应用

    An Ejected Particle Cluster Detection Algorithm and Its Application

  24. 基于光散射的火灾烟雾粒子激光图像探测技术研究

    Study of Laser Image Detection of Fire Smoke Particles Based on Light Scattering

  25. 微波资料反演降水由于是对降水粒子的直接探测,物理意义明确。

    The method of Microwave material inversion rainfall precipitation is based on the directly detection for particles , which has clearly physical meaning .

  26. FY-1C卫星空间粒子成分监测器及其探测结果

    FY-1C Space Particle Composition Monitor and the Results Detected

  27. 这种中子管带有α粒子探测器,通过探测到的α粒子能给出与该α粒子伴生的14MeV中子产生时刻和飞出方向的指示信号。

    The associated alpha particle will be used to define the neutron direction and the time when neutron was generated .

  28. 本文讨论核谱学中粒子和γ射线探测的效率问题,以及影响探测效率的主要因素。

    Detection efficiency of particles and γ rays are discussed for the compound nuclei of in-beam experiments on various factors in this paper .

  29. 给出了空间环境宁静期、地磁扰动事件、太阳质子事件、与太阳活动的关系和粒子长期变化等探测结果,并进行了相应的分析。

    The detected results in common space condition , geomagnetism disturbance event , solar proton event , relationship with solar activity and particle change in long term were given , and relative analysis was made .

  30. 激光腔内吸收光谱自被提出以来因其高灵敏度特性一直为各国学者所关注,被广泛应用于气体、液体和等离子体等介质中粒子弱吸收的探测。

    Laser intra-cavity absorption spectroscopy has been of concern to scholars from various countries since it was proposed . Because of its high sensitivity , it is widely applied to the detection of weak absorption in gas , liquid and plasma .