
lì zǐ shù
  • particle beam
  1. 粒子束接口(BPI,ParticleBeamInterface)是几种实现液相色谱-质谱联用的技术之一。

    Particle Beam Interface ( PBI ) is one of the techniques designed for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry ( LC / MS ) .

  2. 在E2线上的第二靶室内,为了得到用于高能探测器刻度所需要的不同能量和种类的单能粒子束,在靶室的电子束流出口处安装了可移动的目标靶。

    The movable targets are set up afterward the electron beam inject jet to get different kinds of single mono-energetic particle beam for the high energetic detector calibration in the second target chamber on E2 line .

  3. 我们主要的工作是理论数值计算不同程度的碰撞率对于粒子束-电浆系统中不稳定波之线性成长率(lineargrowthrate)的影响。

    We focus on the linear regime of the instability and consider that how collisions affect the linear growth rate in the beam-plasma system .

  4. 用Lie代数方法分析了带电粒子束在二极磁铁中的非线性传输,包含了空间电荷效应。

    Lie algebraic methods are used in the analysis of nonlinear transport of charged particle beams in dipole magnets .

  5. 运用电子碰撞电离、强流粒子束平衡体系理论方程与等离子复合特性等理论对这种新型X射线激光器的工作原理及其方案的可行性作了进一步的理论分析与探讨。

    Its working principle and feasibility are analysed and proved by many theory such as electron impact ionization , equilibria system of high-energy particle beams and recombination properties of plasma produced .

  6. 本文提出一个对于具有初始发散度的粒子束流在四极透镜对的作用下,实现X、Y平面时腰腰传输的图解设计方法。

    A graphical design method in which a partical beam with initial divergence can realize waist to waist transport in both X and Y planed simultaneously by means of quadrupole doublet is presented .

  7. 中性束注入装置(Neutralbeaminjector,简称NBI)是能产生高能带电离子束并对其进行中性化形成高能中性粒子束用以加热托卡马克等离子体的装置。

    Neutral Beam Injector ( NBI ) is a device which produces high energy ion beam , neutralizes it to high energy neutral beam for tokamak plasma heating .

  8. 单粒子束精确定位照射装置在CR-39膜上刻蚀中国地图边界研究

    Single Particles Irradiating Scattergrams of China Map Profile Etched on CR-39 Film

  9. 脉冲功率技术在民用和国防领域有着广泛的运用,包括产生高功率粒子束、激励X射线、激励气体激光等。

    Pulsed power technology has an extensive usage in the fields of national defense and industrial application , such as high power microwave generator , X-ray generation and gas lasers generation , and so on .

  10. 在此基础上,利用PIC方法计算了带电粒子束流在电磁场中的运动情况、空间分布以及空间电荷效应对电场分布的影响。

    Also , the movement , distributions of charged stream , and the space effect on the electric field are calculated with PIC method .

  11. 本文结合FinniganMATSSQ710质谱仪及其粒子束接口与Waters液相色谱泵联用和近年来有关文献对仪器结构原理、分析条件选择、应用等方面进行讨论。

    This article discusses the principle of the device and the selection of analysis conditions by introducing some recent published articles and the performance tests of Finnigan MAT SSQ 710 MS-PBI system linked with Waters HPLC pumps .

  12. DNB是诊断中性束的简称,它是将一束中性粒子束注入等离子体内部,测量等离子的一些状态。

    DNB means diagnostic neutral beam .

  13. 通过区分热离子和超热离子,讨论了HL-1M等离子体中性粒子束加热的初步实验结果。

    Distinguishing thermal ions from superthermal ions , the ion heating in the HL 1M plasma with neutral beam injection is discussed .

  14. 接着讨论了尺寸范围介于0.1~10mm之间的小粒子束流。

    Subsequently the problem of modelling the flux of small panicles in the size range between 0.1 mm and 10 mm is discussed .

  15. 中性束注入器(Neutralbeaminjector,NBI)是产生高能中性粒子束并输送至聚变装置以有效加热等离子体的设备,中性束注入一直是聚变研究的一个热点问题。

    Neutral beam injector ( NBI ) is an equipment that is used to inject high energetic particle beam into the fusion device and heat plasma availably . The research of injecting neutral particle beam is always an important issue in the fusion research .

  16. 单粒子束装置(Single-ionMicrobeamFacility)是一种可以将粒子束的束径限制在微米量级的范围内,并将预定个数的粒子注入到细胞中的某一指定位置的辐射装置。

    A single-ion microbeam facility is a set of radiation system that can limit the diameter of the ion beam to the micron level and can deliver predefined numbers of ions into a predefined area of a cell .

  17. 兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环工程(HIRFLCSR)主环和实验环上带电粒子束流强度的测量和监视拟由环型束流变压器实现。

    The intensity of a pulsed beam of charged particles in the Cooling Storage Ring Project of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou ( HIRFL-CSR ) will be measured with a toroidal current transformer .

  18. 本文指出,在中性粒子束注入期间,当注入的能量非常高时,有可能出现反常慢化机制取代经典的Fokker-Planck散射的情况。

    In this paper , it is pointed out that there may be an anomalous slowing down mechanism for ion current instead of Fokker-Planck scattering during the injection of a neutral beam when the injection energy is very high .

  19. 在粒子束物理领域中,碳纳米管绳沟道的最诱人应用是与在高梯度加速场里粒子加速的可能性相联系和与建造TeV对撞机的可能性相联系。

    In particle-beam field , the most intriguing applications of the nanotubes-rope channeling are connected with the possibility of particle acceleration in high gradient accelerating field , and with the possibility of construction of TeV colliders .

  20. 本文介绍了在国产LT-1离子探针上作的有关中性粒子束的实验工作。描述了中性粒子束密度的测量方法。

    This paper reports results of experiments on neutral particle beam using the national product ion microprobe mass analyzer model LT-1 . This pa-per describes the measuring method of density of neutral particle beam .

  21. 带电粒子束中的离散空间电荷效应及其计算方法

    Discrete space charge effect in charged particle beam and its calculation

  22. 粒子束对玻姆鞘层判据的影响

    The influence of particle beams on the criterion of Bohm sheath

  23. 带电粒子束传输中发散范围的计算

    The Calculation of Diffusive Region of Charged Partical Beam in Transmiting

  24. 带电粒子束在真空中传输时的扩散研究

    Study of Spread of Propagation of Charged Particle Beams in Vacuum

  25. 带电粒子束在靶等离子体中能量沉积模拟计算

    Simulation of energy deposition of charged particle beam in target plasmas

  26. 正、反粒子束的磁瓶约束和压缩

    The magnetic bottle confining and compression for particle and antiparticle beams

  27. 稳态超导磁镜装置粒子束对中调试

    Alignment of particle beams in a steady state superconducting magnetic mirror machine

  28. 带电粒子束的等时周期场聚焦

    Focusing of Charged Particle Beams by Isochronic Periodic Field s

  29. 试验束能提供不同种类、一定动量的单粒子束流。

    Test beam provides single particle beam for different experimentation .

  30. 带电粒子束聚焦装置中的图像信号采集与显示

    Image Collecting and Displaying in Charged Particle Beam Focusing Systems