- 名general mechanics

The application of complex variables to general mechanics
General mechanics is foundational mechanics . It is important to establish dual forms of the generalized variational principles in general mechanics for studying dual forms of the generalized variational principles in deformable body mechanics and other subjects besides mechanics .
Directed against the differences in mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete ( SCLC ) and ordinary concrete , adopting ordinary testing ways in mechanical properties of concrete , the authors study mechanical properties of SCLC and draw the conclusions on mechanical conclusions of SCLC .
In general mechanical documents , the exposition of the basic types of ideal constraints is incomplete , and even inaccurate .
The contact states and contact conditions of the pairing elements of the S pair with clearance are analyzed in detail .
General mechanic differences and methods of dynamic response analysis of RC structure characterized by abrupt change in horizontal connection stiffness are discussed .
This course , taking Newton 's laws as the foundation , establishes the general motion laws of a particle , particle system and rigid body motion .
The concept of introducing critical repeated stress level into the Carter Model is expounded based on the critical state soil mechanics ; and the Carter Model is modified .
In this paper , the analysis of finite element of structure mechanics is introduced .
In this paper the wearing mechanism of abrasives and general mechanical properties for wear resistant materials were analyzed .
According to the evidence of the experiments , this equation is feasible in general theory and practice of rock mecha ?
A general mechanical analysis is hard to reflect the actual working status and carrying capacity for the anchorage zone of cable stayed bridge .
The equations of impact for a nonholonomic system described with generalized coordinates have been discussed in detail in the general references of classical dynamics .
A new invariance , i.e. the form invariance , is studied . The definition and criterion for the form invariance of the motion equations in holonomic systems are given .
A method for deriving the compatibility equation in polar coordi-nates of two-dimensional problems in the Theory of Elasticity as distinguished from that in ordinary textbook is presented in this paper .
In pipe laying and lifting analysis , the contact condition between pipeline and seabed , including deflection , rotation angle and bending moment , is sometime tricky in a normal mechanical model .
The auther of this article carried out experimental study from partial procedure to whole procedure of the compression process in laboratory condition and studied it from the view point of general engineering mechanies to the rheological features of the compression process .
Full analysis and calculation are made for an idiographic problem that two-dimension piezoelectric slab is subjected to well-distributed load , and exact solutions of stress and electric displacement are obtained , which are consistent with those obtained by the general theory of elasticity and rather precise .
The continuum differential equations model and the general equation of fluid mechanics are very close , so that we can take advantage of some computational fluid dynamics research results , and because of this we use macro model of continuous to study the disturbance of development and dissemination .
The backscattering coefficients calculation is carried out with variable ocean wave spectrum and SAR image models .
A mechanical system in general is studied with methods in modern geometry and a necessary and sufficient condition is derived for mapping it into a Newtonian motion . The geometric form of extended Hamilton principle is finally presented .
Besides having succeeded in simulating normal problems in fluid dynamics , LBM also achieved great success in simulations on porous media , multiphase flow , reactive-diffusive , interstitial flow , granular flow , and relative domain .
The unified expression provides a base to develop a general nonlinear mechanics model of soils .
Computer and data collection system are used in this system , which can not only do general engineering mechanical experiments , but also simulate more complex ones .
We consider that under the situation of single granule is much smaller than the granular pile , the system can be looked as continuum media and it 's stress be deal with theory of elasticity .
Functionally graded material ( FGM ) is a kind of new functional materials . Through optimal of design of the material , the FGM structures can have better mechanical properties in thermal environment than homogenous material structures .
In this article , the Mac-Millan 's equations are extended to the most general nonholo-nomic mechanical systems and the generalized Mac-Millan 's equations for nonlinear non-holonomic systems are obtained .
The intrinsic randomness commonly ascribed to quantum mechanics is the result of this postulate .
Discussion of a General Research Route to Value the Rock Mass Mechanical Parameters of Dam Foundation
A variety of gear teeth contact problem , generally material mechanics of materials method for the rough estimate .