
  • 网络commodity;General merchandise;GENERAL GOODS;Normal goods
  1. 用途:适用于PVC、PET胶片成型的各种瓜子筒,子弹内裤,文具,玩具,糖果,一般商品的圆筒包装盒

    Application : PVC , PET film tube forming a variety of seeds , bullets underwear , stationery , toys , confectionery , general merchandise cylinder box

  2. 因此,图书与一般商品相比存在许多不同的特性。

    Compared with the general merchandise , book has different features .

  3. 但股票价格的形成却比一般商品更为复杂。

    However , the stock price formation process is more complicated .

  4. 管理信息化产品与一般商品成本结构的比较研究

    Research on the Difference of Cost Structures between Informatization Products and General Products

  5. 资本定价既包含了一般商品定价的基本原理,又与之有所区别。

    So there are both common and different principles between the pricing of them .

  6. 一般商品空间中的交换与竞争

    Exchange and competition on general commodity spaces

  7. 黄金非货币化后,许多人将黄金仅仅视为一般商品,而在实际上并非如此。

    After the non-monetary process of gold , many people view gold as an ordinary commodity .

  8. 天然气供应函数与一般商品的供应函数相比具有供应曲线为阶梯型的特点,终端用户需求曲线亦然。

    Gas supply functions in a staircase manner , in the same manner as terminal demand .

  9. 资本是经济发展到一定阶段的产物,资本来源于一般商品,又具有相对独立性。

    Capital evolved from common commodity as the result of economic development , while relatively independent .

  10. 黄金商品属性决定其价格影响因素为黄金的一般商品供给和需求。

    As a goods , the price of gold is determined by its supply and demand .

  11. 美术作品不同于一般商品,对于一个国家具有特殊的意义和价值。

    Art works are different from general commodity for it possesses special meaning and value for a nation .

  12. 对于进口价格和一般商品价格而言,其影响的程度如何,影响的方式和渠道是什么,都成为考察的重点。

    For the import general commodity prices , the influence extent , influence channel have became the focus .

  13. 网络教育产品不同一般商品,其本质是网络教育服务。

    Distance education product is not as same as common commodities , which essence is the distance education service .

  14. 粮食是一种特殊的商品,它不仅具有一般商品的属性,而且还具有重要的社会属性。

    Grain is a kind of particular goods for it has important social attribute apart from its normal ones .

  15. 媒介产品具有一般商品的共性,又有不同于一般商品的差异性。

    Though media products and ordinary products have much in common , they are quite different in many ways .

  16. 森林资源产权市场与一般商品市场比较,具有明显的自身特点。

    Compared with the general commodity markets , the forest resources property rights market has its obvious own characteristics .

  17. 木材商品检验学是以一般商品检验的理论知识为基础、以木材检验为技术的学科。

    Wood products checking is the discipline of considering common products checking theories as basis and wood checking as techniques .

  18. 在和一般商品交易的对比分析中提出知识交易的八大特征,这是研究知识交易定价问题的基础。

    This paper offers eight characters of knowledge transaction through the comparison analysis between general merchandise transaction and knowledge transaction .

  19. 旅游购物品具有不同于一般商品的特性,旅游者的购物动机也具有其独特性。

    Tourism purchases had a different characteristic compared with general commodity , tourist 's purchasing motive had its uniqueness too .

  20. 三是创新保险营销机制,建立保险营销与一般商品营销战略联盟。

    Thirdly , it shall take marketing innovation , establish a strategic alliance between insurance marketing and general commodity marketing .

  21. 天然气购销合同由于天然气的特殊性而与一般商品合同有较大的区别。

    Natural gas purchase and sales contracts are greatly different from general commodity contracts because of the particularity of natural gas .

  22. 作为商品,出版物必须进入商品市场,转移它的使用价值,才能实现它的价值,但作为特殊商品,它有不同于一般商品的丰富的伦理价值。

    Commercially , publications must get into the market , thus being special and different from ordinary industrial products in ethical properties .

  23. 使用价值的特殊性是媒介产品区别于一般商品最根本的经济特性。

    After analyzing these differences , this paper holds that it is utility value that make media products differ from the ordinary products .

  24. 市场经济条件下,商品林概念和外延日益丰富,商品林资源与一般商品的属性互有异同;

    In the market economy system , the concept of merchandise wood is increasingly abundant , and somewhat different from the general merchandise .

  25. 本文认为,知识是商品,但知识又具有不同于一般商品的特殊商品属性;

    This paper holds that knowledge is a commodity , which , however , is distinguished from common commodities by their distinctive attributes .

  26. 女性消费者的消费意识大大增强,由一般商品消费转向品牌消费,从商品的物质功能性需求转向精神需求。

    Female consumer awareness greatly enhanced along with the products consumer turning to branded consumer and the functional requirements turning to spiritual needs .

  27. 最终以批号为主线,详细讨论了生产模块、库存模块和查询模块的设计与实现,着重描述了与一般商品所不同的库存管理方法和批号追踪方法。

    In discussion of the produce , stock and query module , it canvasses the stock management and the lot number tracking method .

  28. 如今,信息经济分析已被广泛运用于一般商品市场、劳动力市场及保险与资本市场等理论研究中,而且日益得到主流经济学界的认可。

    Nowadays , information-economic analysis has widely been applied in the research to common commodity market , labor market and insurance & capital market .

  29. 此外,由于媒介生产并不等同于一般商品生产,媒介组织的社会属性决定电视造星策略必须坚持相应的社会责任,把经济效益与社会责任统一起来。

    In addition , because the medium production is not equal to the general merchandise production , television organizations have to insist the social responsibility .

  30. 技术产权的主要特征与美式看涨期权极为相似,因此,应用一般商品的定价方法显然会低估技术产权的价值。

    Technological property is very similar to the characters of American call option , so its value can be underestimated by the traditional assets assessment methods .