
dòu fěn
  • Soybean flour;cooking starch
豆粉 [dòu fěn]
  • [bean powder] 豆子经加工而成的粉状细末

  1. 实时荧光PCR技术定量检测转基因豆粉的研究

    Study on Quantitative Detection of Glyphosate-resistant Genetically Modified Soybean Powder by Real-time Fluorescence PCR Method

  2. 低温脱脂豆粉与维生素C对改善馒头品质具有显著的协同改良作用,可作为良好的馒头品质复合改良剂。

    The baking soybean flour mixed with vitamin C can be a good complex improver to promote the quality of steamed bread remarkably .

  3. 采用酰化试剂A、酰化试剂B、交联剂和表面活性剂改性脱脂大豆粉,研究了各种方法改性后的脱脂大豆粉的粘接性和抗水性。

    Adhesiveness and water resistance of soybean glue based on defatted soy flour modified with acylating reagent A , B , cross-linking reagent and surfactant were discussed .

  4. 本文对膨化前后的大豆粉和玉米粉进行了营养成分比较和动物实验。成分分析测定了膨化前后的蛋白质、脂肪、醣、钙、磷、铁、维生素B1、B2及氨基酸等。

    Before and after the expanding process quantities of protein , fat , carbohydrate , Ca , P. , Fe , VB_1 , VB_2 and amino acids of the soybean and corn powder were measured .

  5. 采用几种不同的方法从脱脂大豆粉中提取LOX。

    LOX was extracted from defatted soybean flour with several methods and LOX activity was measured .

  6. XPS测定表明,速溶豆粉颗粒表面由蛋白质、18碳脂肪酸钠和皂甙构成,3种物质重量比约32∶41∶27;

    Measuring by XPS , the instant soymilk particle surface is composed of protein , sodium 18C - fat acid and soyasaponin , the ratio of the three substances is 32 ︰ 41 ︰ 27 ;

  7. 在豆腐、豆奶、豆粉的加工过程中,片段大小为1883bp的lectin基因仅能在原料中检测到;

    The results show that the lectin gene is degraded during the manufacturing process of these soybean products , and the fragment size 1883 bp can only be detected in the raw material .

  8. Díaz说这一裁决可以让阿根廷销往欧盟的主要大豆产品(如豆粉和豆油)的营销更加容易。

    D í az said the ruling would make it easier to market the main soy products that Argentina sells to the EU , like flour and oil .

  9. 以蛋清为缺锌饲料的蛋白质原料,经EDTA络合后,锌含量可低于0.8mg/kg,与经EDTA处理后的大豆粉、酪蛋白含锌量比较。

    The egg-white as the source of protein was treated with EDTA and the concentration of Zinc in the treated egg-white could be decreased to lower than 0 . 8mg / kg .

  10. 研究了葡萄糖氧化酶(GOX)和富含脂肪氧合酶的活性大豆粉(SF)在两种面粉(Ty粉和Jf粉)面团中的作用情况。

    The effects of glucose oxidase ( GOX ) and lipoxygenase active soybean flour ( SF ) on the dough of two types of flours ( Ty flour and Jf flour ) were studied .

  11. 在此基础上对培养条件进行4因素3水平正交试验,最终确定了JY36的最适液体培养条件:培养基为玉米粉大豆粉培养基、温度为30℃,pH9,培养时间为120h。

    After that the orthogonal tests were done . Eventually the optimal conditions were determined : the corn flour and bean flour medium , 30 ℃, pH 9,120h .

  12. 研究了戊聚糖酶(Pentopan)、葡萄糖氧化酶(GOX)以及脂肪氧合酶(活性大豆粉,SF)对普通粉和专用粉面包品质的影响,这些酶均可使面包品质有明显改善。

    The effects of pentosanase ( pentopan ), Glucose oxidase ( GOX ) and lipoxygenase ( enzyme - active soybean flour , SF ) on the characteristics of bread made from common and patent flour were studied . The bread quality was markedly improved with these enzymes .

  13. 热处理对全脂大豆粉营养品质影响的研究

    Effect of heat treatment on the nutritional value of soybean meal

  14. 以水为主要溶媒,提取脱脂大豆粉中的大豆异黄酮。

    Soybean isoflavones were extracted by water from defatted soybean flour .

  15. 添加全豆粉对面团特性影响的研究

    Study on the effect of whole soybean powder on dough characteristics

  16. 活性豆粉复合改良剂对面粉品质影响研究

    Effects of Complex Modifier of Active Soybean Flour on Wheat Flour Quality

  17. 秣食豆粉饲喂泌乳牛试验

    A Test of Feeding Lactating Cows with Feed Soybean Meal

  18. 乳品企业生产速溶豆粉的探讨

    The Production for Instant Soybean Meal in Dairy Enterprise

  19. 脱脂豆粉生产工艺设备及存在的问题

    Processing Technology Equipment and Problems of Degreased Soybean Powder

  20. 速溶豆粉微结构的研究

    Study on the microstructure of the instant soymilk powder

  21. 化学改性对脱脂大豆粉性质的影响(Ⅱ)

    Effects of chemical modification on properties of defatted soy flour ( ii )

  22. 接枝共聚改性脱脂豆粉胶粘剂的研究

    Study on graft copolymerization of defatted soya meal adhesives

  23. 角豆粉作成分的棒糖。

    A bar of candy made with carob powder .

  24. 乳化剂和亲水胶体对豆粉性质的影响及其作用机理

    Effects of Emulsifiers and Low-viscosity Hydrocolloids on Soybean Flour and the Effect Mechanism

  25. 饲喂豆粉的蜂群,群势逐渐衰落,甚至不能培育出雄蜂个体。

    Even the colony can 't breed drones .

  26. 黑曲霉产纤维素酶系各组分特性及酶解条件不同蛋白酶对脱脂豆粉酶解条件的研究

    Characteristic of Respective Components from Cellulase System Induced by Aspergillus Niger and Condition of Enzymolysis

  27. 一年生丛生的豆,广泛种植于中国和日本,其种子可制成豆粉。

    Bushy annual widely grown in China and Japan for the flour made from its seeds .

  28. 鸡蛋打散与盐、水豆粉搅成淡豆粉、裹于茄子上。

    Beat eggs with salt , water , soy flour Jiaocheng light , wrapped in eggplant .

  29. 巨豆粉代替尿素酶法测定复混肥料中的尿素态氮

    Determination of Nitrogen Content in Urea of Compound Fertilizer by Jack Bean Method Substituted for Ureases

  30. 本文在间歇式流化喷雾造粒床内,研究了豆粉流化造粒的颗粒生长机理和规律。

    The particle growth mechanism is studied in a batch operational fluidized bed spray granulator of beau powder .