
Lǔ cài
  • Shandong cuisine
鲁菜 [lǔ cài]
  • [Shandong cuisine] 中国菜系之一,山东风味的做菜方法和菜肴

  1. 鲁菜历史悠久,源远流长,其深厚的文化基础和精湛的烹饪技艺闻名于世,深受国人乃至世界人民的推崇。

    Shandong cuisine is well-known for its long history , solid cultural foundation and consummate cooking skills , and is held in high regard both at home and abroad .

  2. 修辞格分析:主要分析鲁菜名称中的积极修辞,并从接受修辞学的角度评价鲁菜名称的修辞效果。

    Rhetoric analysis , mainly analyzes positive rhetoric in Shandong cuisine name , and appraises the rhetoric effect of Shandong cuisine name .

  3. 听好了,它们是川菜、粤菜、鲁菜。

    Listen up , they are Sichuan , Guangdong , Shandong .

  4. 第三章,鲁菜名称中的齐鲁文化内涵。

    The third chapter is Shandong culture connotation in Shandong cuisine name .

  5. 听人家讲秘鲁菜如何如何好吃?

    Heard people talk about how delicious Peruvian food is , for example ?

  6. 服务生:是的,粤菜清淡适中,而鲁菜则味重浓香。

    Waiter : Yes , Cantonese food is lighter while Shandong food is heavier and spicy .

  7. 在烟台,您一定要品尝一下正宗的原滋原味的鲁菜。

    In Yantai , you must taste some authentic flavor of the original styles of AIDS .

  8. 内容:1.展示鲁菜、徽菜、云南菜的独特风格。

    Contents : 1 . Displaying unique features of Shandong food , Anhui dish and Yunnan cuisine .

  9. 烟台是我国八大菜系之首枣鲁菜的发祥地,素有“烹饪之乡”之美誉。

    Eight branches in Yantai is the birthplace of the first dates served , known as " cooking village ," reputation .

  10. 鲁菜:由济南和胶东两部分地方风味组成,注重鲜香和清脆爽口。

    Shandong Cuisine : A combination of Jinan and Jiaodong , Shandong is characterized by an emphasis on freshness , aroma , and crispness .

  11. 在美食周期间,每天都供应川菜、粤菜、淮菜和鲁菜,由从北京请来的名厨主理。

    During the Gourmet Week , there are daily presentations of Sichuan , Cantonese , Huai and Shandong cuisines prepared by renowned chefs invited from Beijing .

  12. 除了上海风味外,该菜单还将提供全国其他主要菜系的菜品,如川菜、粤菜、鲁菜、湘菜等。

    In addition to Shanghai flavours , the menu will also offer other major regional cuisines across the country , such as Sichuan , Shandong , Cantonese and Hunan .

  13. 当然,相比于10道精致的鲁菜大餐,大多数北京本地人更乐意去吃一碗面条或者汤团。

    The food is not exceptional but it is a delightful place to spend an evening . Most real Beijingers , of course , are more likely to go out for a bowl of noodles or dumplings than a ten-course feast of Shandong delicacies .

  14. 鲁菜,又称山东菜,是我国饮食文化的宝贵财富,也是我国影响最大,流传最广的菜系,是黄河流域烹饪文化的代表。

    Shandong cuisine is the precious riches of Chinese food culture . And it is the dish that has the biggest influence and spread widely of the eight major components of Chinese cuisine . And it is representative of the culinary in the area around the Yellow River valley .