
  • 网络ROUEN;Rouen, France
  1. 法国鲁昂商学院(RouenBusinessSchool)2011年的一项研究显示,工作狂通常能发挥积极作用,能启发同事,让他们更具创意,更加专注。

    As a 2011 study from the Rouen Business School in France reported , workaholism often can be constructive , inspiring co-workers to be more original and dedicated .

  2. 不,不是鲁昂,鲁昂是不可能的。

    No , not rouen . rouen 's out of the question .

  3. 格鲁昂特吸钱远比进钱要快的多。

    Gluant was siphoning money out faster than it came in .

  4. 鲁昂铁路调车场是德军作战的发动机

    The railway yards at Rouen keep the German war machine alive .

  5. 鲁昂大教堂在莫奈的绘画作品中名垂千古。

    Rouen cathedral was immortalized by Monet in his paintings .

  6. 我知道什么是格鲁昂特案件所需要的。

    I know what we need for the gluant case .

  7. 再一个月就是鲁昂枪术比赛。

    The tournament in Rouen is in a month .

  8. 因为每个月我要去四次鲁昂。

    I go to Rouen four times a month .

  9. 格鲁昂特可能从饭店私自提钱去赌博。

    Gluant would steal money from the restaurants and use it to gamble .

  10. 我有些生意上的事,要去鲁昂。

    I have to go to Rouen on business .

  11. 法国的摩纳哥、尼斯和鲁昂俱乐部,以及瑞士的温特图尔俱乐部踢球。

    AS Monaco , Nice and Rouen in France and FC Winterthur in Switzerland .

  12. 查出格鲁昂特在那做过什么,见过谁,去过哪些地方。

    Find out what gluant did there , who he saw , where he went .

  13. 海盗还袭击鲁昂、南特、图卢兹和波尔多并包围巴黎。

    The Vikings also attacked Rouen , Nantes , Toulouse and Bordeaux , and laid siege to Paris .

  14. 1431的今天,圣女贞德的审判在由英国占领者政府所在的鲁昂市开始。

    The trial of Joan of Arc begins in Rouen , the seat of the English occupation government .

  15. 1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    1419 – Hundred Years'War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  16. 听说约翰去了法国鲁昂他看到圣女贞德雕塑了吗?

    I wonder if John has seen Joan of Arc 's Statue yet coz it is in Rouen .

  17. 这僧人懂些巫术,为人凶恶,死后葬在鲁昂附近波什维尔地方的圣乔治修道院,他坟上竟生了些癞虾蟆。

    This Tryphon is buried at the Abbey of Saint-Georges de Bocherville , near Rouen , and toads spawn on his grave .

  18. 历史上的今天-百年战争1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    Hundred Years ' War 1419 - Hundred Years ' War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  19. 介绍法国鲁昂轻轨交通的建设和发展、对轻轨交通的评价、经营成就、轻轨交通的贡献和发展计划等。

    The construction and development , appraisal , operation achievements , contribution and further development plan of the LRT in Rouen , France are introduced .

  20. 现在,法国鲁昂大学的研究人员称,他们发现一名62岁的喀麦隆妇女感染了此前未知的病毒毒株。

    Now the researchers based at the University of Rouen in France say they 've discovered a62-year-old Cameroonian woman who is contracted a previously-unknown strain .

  21. 复活节时,约翰第一次和弟弟分开,住在鲁昂的高迪尔太太家里。

    Meanwhile , at Easter , John had parted from his brother for the first time , going to stay with a Mme Godier in Rouen .

  22. 勒阿弗尔距离其他主要城市也很近。比如首都巴黎也仅有两个小时的火车车程,同时里鲁昂也很近。

    Le Havre is also very close from the major cities , first of all , from the capital Paris-2 hours away in train-and as well very close to Rouen .

  23. “我的天堂”:莫奈这样评论他自己在吉韦尔尼的寓所建造的花园。吉韦尔尼位于鲁昂和巴黎之间,旁边就是塞纳河。

    " My paradise ": this was Monet 's description of the garden he made in the grounds of his house at Giverny , on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris .

  24. 另外,尽管爱好潜水、瑜伽和园艺,但拉加德哀叹,今年夏天,自己连鲁昂(诺曼底)家里种的水果都没顾上收。

    And while Lagarde lists her hobbies as scuba diving , yoga and gardening , she laments that this summer she did not have an opportunity to pick the fruit in her house in Rouen , Normandy .

  25. 我希望约翰喜欢鲁昂不好意思我今天不怎么想继续写了迈顿说约翰寄了些东西。

    Last monday we had scouts cubs it was rather exiting there was no weeks order this week I hope John likes Rouen I don 't feel much like writing much today sorry . Matron says John sent something .