
  • 网络leuven;Leuven, Belgium;louvain
  1. 说的更明白一点,鲁汶大学的这三位教授认为,发展中国家的人均GDP每提高7272美元,其国家队的国际足联积分也可以增加21.6分。

    Driving this home , the Leuven professors note that developing countries could also get a 21.6 jump in FIFA points by increasing per capita GDP by $ 7,272 .

  2. 2013年,比利时荷语天主教鲁汶大学(KULeuvenUniversity)的分子流行病学家阿德尔海德·苏布赖(AdelheidSoubry)和她的同事们研究了79名新生儿。

    In 2013 , Adelheid Soubry , a molecular epidemiologist at KU Leuven University in Belgium , and her colleagues studied 79 newborn children .

  3. 出生于比利时的鲁汶。,Sophie,was,born,in,Leuven,,Belgium。,她是天主教鲁汶大学,工程系的毕业生。

    Sophie She is a graduate , an engineering graduate of Catholic University of Leuven .

  4. 比利时鲁汶大学的经济学家PaulDeGrauwe认为通过分散风险,欧洲债券可以成为一种持久应对不稳定的流动性危机的方法。

    By pooling risk , Eurobonds could be a more durable counter to such destabilising liquidity crises , argues Paul De Grauwe , an economist at the Catholic University of Leuven , in Belgium .

  5. 鲁汶大学的保罗。德格罗维(PaulDeGrauwe)说,如果英国不能在可接受的利率基础上用新债替代旧债,它可以最终迫使英格兰银行购买这些债务。

    Paul De Grauwe of the University of Leuven says that if Britain couldn 't roll over its debt at acceptable interest rates , it could ultimately force the Bank of England to buy it .

  6. 2012年,比利时鲁汶大学(UniversityofLeuven)三位经济学家发表的研究报告显示,发展中国家每向英超输送一名球员,这些国家的国家队在国际足联(FIFA)的积分就会增加21.6分。

    In a 2012 research paper , three economists at the University of Leuven in Belgium found that every player a developing country sent to play in England 's Premier League translated into 21.6 extra points in therankings from the international soccer body FIFA .

  7. 目前在中国国内认可的院校有中欧商学院、上海交通大学以及弗拉瑞克-鲁汶-根特管理学院VlerickLeuven-Gent北京分校。

    The recognising institutions in China currently include : China Europe International Business School , Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School ( Beijing ) .

  8. 曾于多所大学开设博士研讨会和培训课程,包括:丹麦奥尔胡斯商学院,日内瓦高级翻译学院,鲁汶CETRA暑期研讨会等。

    She has taught doctoral seminars and training courses at various institutions , including the Aarhus Business Schools , ETI in Geneva , the CETRA summer workshop ( in Leuven ) .

  9. 方法1999-04~2002-05比利时鲁汶大学医学院和郑州大学第一附属医院使用严重联合免疫缺陷型(SCID)小鼠,并体内移植入同基因源性CD45RBCD4+T细胞诱发慢性结肠炎发生。

    Methods From Apr.1999 to May 2002 , in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University , an experimental colitis model was established in which chronic colitis was induced by transfer of syngeneic CD45RB , CD ~ + _4T cells into severe combined immunodeficient ( SCID ) mice .

  10. 对翻译,通信和文化鲁汶研究中心。

    The Leuven Research Centre for Translation , Communication and Cultures .

  11. 本文作者为比利时鲁汶大学经济学教授

    The writer is Professor of economics at the University of Leuven

  12. 马琳中国人民大学副教授,比利时鲁汶大学哲学博士,列席。

    Ma Lin Associate Professor , School of Philosophy , Renmin University of China .

  13. 博物馆位于公园内,架在几根立柱上。游客通过一条长长的木制人行桥进入馆内,感觉就像是登上一艘临时停靠在新鲁汶的飞船。

    The structure stands on stilts in a park and visitors enter across a long wooden footbridge .

  14. 在时代的故乡鲁汶人们用的是平底酒杯,在其它地方只有底部附近有菱形花纹的酒杯才够格。

    In its hometown of Leuven it is a flat-sided tumbler ; elsewhere only one with diamond mouldings near the base will do .

  15. 来自比利时鲁汶大学的首席作者杰伦和他的同事们说:气味在我们日常生活中无所不在,而且工作环境里香水或香味的使用非常重要。

    Lead author Jeroen Camps and colleagues , from the university KU Leuven in Belgium , said : ' Scents are omnipresent in our daily world and they are of great importance as represented by the use of perfumes or fragrances in the work environment . '