
  • 网络behaviorism;behavioral political science;Behavioristic school
  1. 哈罗德·D·拉斯韦尔是行为主义学派的先驱者和精英理论的代表人物之一。

    Harold D. Lasswell is the precursor of the behaviorism school and elites theory .

  2. 行为主义学派认为,心理是行为的内在原因,行为是心理的外在表现。

    Behaviorism school of Thought thinks , mind is the inner cause of activity , and activity is the outer form of mind .

  3. 行为主义学派,远在斯金纳提出他的理论之前就已经存在,受到了众多心理学家的拥护,比如约翰·华生。

    Behaviorism is a school of thought that was there long before Skinner , championed by psychologists like John Watson , for instance .

  4. 第二部分,介绍了人工智能最具代表性的三大学派,即符号主义学派、行为主义学派和联结主义学派的发展和主要特点。

    The second part introduces the development and main features of symbolism , connectionism and behaviorism , the three most representative schools of artificial intelligence .

  5. 上世纪七十年代以前,心理咨询和治疗领域内居于主导地位的三大学派分别为心理动力学派,行为主义学派以及人本主义学派。

    Before 1970 's , there consisted three primarily distinct schools in the field of psychotherapy and counseling , which were psychoanalysis , behaviorism and humanism .

  6. 结果发现:大学生比较认同人本主义学派和认知学派的人性观,较少认同行为主义学派的人性观。

    The result shows : Most college students identify with the view of human nature of humanistic and cognitive school , whereas identify less with that of behavioral school .

  7. 对此,行为主义政治学派内部不同学者的立场各有不同,同一学者在其思想的不同发展阶段也持有不同的观点。

    As for this , different Behavioral politicians upheld different positions , and even the same scholar held different views in different development phases of his thought .