
  • 网络chief executive
  1. 第二章讨论官僚集团与行政首脑的冲突。

    Chapter two discusses conflicts between the bureaucratic group and the chief executive .

  2. 通过这种变化的分析,进一步揭示出文官制度与官僚政治的关系;第二章讨论官僚集团与行政首脑的冲突。

    The dissertation reveals relationship between the civil service and bureaucracy through analyzing the change . Chapter two discusses conflicts between the bureaucratic group and the chief executive .

  3. 美国总统是政府的行政首脑。

    The President of the United States is the executive head of the government .

  4. 州政府的行政首脑称为什麽?

    What is the executive of a state government called ?

  5. 作为技术和行政首脑,我的责任是有效管理本组织。

    It is my responsibility , as the chief technical and administrative officer , to manage this Organization efficiently .

  6. 在这个国土面积几乎是美国或者中国两倍的联邦制国家里,恢复地区行政首脑直选是件大事。

    In a federal country almost twice the area of the US or China , this is a big deal .

  7. 但责任也在总统,奥巴马总统一直没有弄明白行政首脑的一项主要职能是说服双方的议员做出让步。

    But responsibility also lies with the president , who has consistently failed to understand that a key function of the head of the executive branch is to twist the arms of legislators on both sides .

  8. 地方长官是各州行政机构的首脑。

    A governor heads the executive branch of every state .

  9. 国民议会通过超过三分之二选票来选举行政机关的首脑-总统。

    The National Assembly elects the head of the executive branch , the president , by a two-third majority .