
  • 网络Functional authority;Function authority;staff authority
  1. 论日本地方议会的职能与职权

    On the Functions and Power of Local Diets of Japan

  2. 城市政府行为规范设计,就是划清政府职能、职权和职责,使应管尽管,不该管者不越雷池一步;

    The norm design of city governments is to make a clear distinction of governments ' functions , responsibilities and duties .

  3. 本文探讨和总结欧洲法院的人员组成、职能和职权,说明了法院的管辖范围、预裁决制度的内涵以及预裁决对法律解释的实践。

    This article tries to investigate the basic structure , functions , and Preliminary Ruling of the Court of Justice , summarizes its jurisdiction , and uses two cases to exemplify the practice of the Preliminary Ruling and reveals its meaning .

  4. 稽查机构建设不规范,职能定位不清,职权独立性不强,职能职权发挥受限,影响系统整体执法效率。

    The inspection organization construction is not standard , the organization does not have clear function positioning and powerful authority independence , and the hierarchies do not have clear division of authority , which impact the overall law enforcement efficiency of the system .

  5. 公差的职能(4)县级市政府职能转变与职权关系的问题。

    The function transformation and the relation between functions and powers of the municipal governments on the county level .