
  • 网络Organizational development;Organization Development;Organisational Development
  1. C还在美国接受了有关人力资源发展、组织发展和咨询方面的培训。

    C has been trained in the United States in the area of human resource development as well as organization development and consulting .

  2. 目前,在中国尚未见针对组织发展(OrganizationDevelopment,OD)技术和方法在人口与计划生育领域中应用的报道。

    No research to date has focused on the application of techniques and methods of Organization Development ( OD ) in the field of population and family planning in China .

  3. 民间组织发展的实证调查和思考&以浙江省C县为研究案例

    The Empirical Study on the Non-Governmental Organizations & C County as A Case

  4. 最后,利用研究成果对JS集团销售公司的组织发展进行案例分析,案例分析的结果在一定程度上支持了本文的结论。

    Lastly the paper analyses the case of organizational development of sales department in JS Salse Corporation . The result sustains conclusion of this paper in a certain extent .

  5. 动力学分析指出:在特定条件下,不连续析出相变的总体动力学不符合动力学定律(Avrami方程),而是符合与纤维组织发展相对应的线性动力学。

    It shows clearly that the dynamics of noncontinuous separation is not conform to Avrami eguation in specially condition It confirm to linear dynamics of fibre structures grow .

  6. 第四,强化政府在农村合作经济组织发展中的作用。

    Fourth , strengthen government in rural cooperative economic organization developing function .

  7. 许多组织发展既是一个使命宣言和构想说明。

    Many organizations develop both a mission statement and a vision statement .

  8. 耗散结构理论与企业组织发展方向

    The Theory of Dissipation Structure and the Developing Direction of Enterprise Organization

  9. 构建合作主义社会保障模式的途径探讨&以非营利组织发展为视角

    Approaches to Establishing Collaborationism Social Security Model by Non-profit Organizations

  10. 地方政府在农民合作经济组织发展中的职能

    Analysis on Local Government 's Function in Developing Professional Farmer Cooperative Organizations

  11. 非政府组织发展与社会稳定

    Development of Non - government Organizations and Social Stabilization

  12. 人是组织发展的原动力。

    Human is the motivity factor of organization development .

  13. 政府职能转变与非营利组织发展

    The Trans for mation of Government Function and the Development of Nonprofit Organizations

  14. 农民分化视角下我国农民专业合作经济组织发展研究

    Study on the Development of Farmer Cooperative Organizations from the Angle of Farmer Differentiation

  15. 商品经济是农村合作经济组织发展的重要条件

    Commodity Economy is an Important Condition for Development of the Rural Cooperative Economic Organizations

  16. 农村金融及其组织发展探讨

    On Agricultural Finance and its Organization Development

  17. 组织发展及其研究新进展

    Organization development and its newly-progress in research

  18. 美国教师组织发展的初步研究

    An Initial Study on the Development of Teacher Unions in the United States of America

  19. 行政规划及组织发展处

    Corporate Planning & Organisation Development Department

  20. 联合策划及组织发展司

    Joint planning and Organisational Development Division

  21. 我国企业的经营机制改革和新技术应用,实际上是一场深刻的组织发展与变革。

    The economic reform and-high-tech application in Chinese enterprises are actually an organizational development ( O.D. )

  22. 达实公司的变革需求产生于业务发展和组织发展过程中遇到的阻碍。

    The requirement of organization change was caused by obstruct coming with business and organization development .

  23. 组织发展是高校党建工作的一项重要任务。

    Organizational Development is an important mission for the work of Party construction in Colleges and Universities .

  24. 在社会转型的大背景下,我国的非营利组织发展迅速。

    In the background of the society transformation , the nonprofit organization develops quickly in our country .

  25. 在目前市场竞争越来越激烈的情况下,企业内部的管理沟通问题日益凸显其在组织发展中的重要性。

    The internal management communication is becoming increasingly important in the organization development under the fierce market competition .

  26. 随着信息时代的到来,知识成为组织发展过程中的核心资源。

    Knowledge becomes the core resources in the process of organizational development with the arrival of information age .

  27. 因此,合理界定政府对合作社的职能是合作组织发展中不可忽视的问题。

    Therefore , the government to define the functions is cooperation organization in development must not overlook the problems .

  28. 对广饶县农民专业合作经济组织发展情况特别是解决困境的实践进行了剖析。

    The specialized cooperative economic organizations in Guangrao county particularly addresses the plight of the development of the practice .

  29. 我国社会中介组织发展还存在地位不独立、机制不健全、行为不规范的问题。

    Our social intermediary organization has the following problems : its dependent status , imperfect mechanism , and nonstandard behavior etc.

  30. 要积极营造有利于独立政策评估组织发展壮大的社会环境和政策运行机制。

    Going all out to build a social environment and frame good for the growing-up of independent policy evaluation organizations .