
  • 网络combination;number of combination;n-mx x;composite number
  1. Hermite多项式平方及组合数的一组计算公式

    Some Calculation Formulas for Square of Hermite Polynomials and Combination Categories

  2. 本文阐述了使用VB6.0编程语言对一组特定数字进行给定条件组合数计算的应用编写程序,讨论了基本算法、结果的文本方式输出以及程序代码的实现。

    This paper presents an application algorithm and program by VB6.0 programming language for combination number computation of a group of specific numerals under given conditions . The basic algorithm , the output method in text mode as well as the procedure code realization are discussed in detail .

  3. 关于含r对k一间隔的组合数

    On the number of combinations with R pairs K - separations

  4. 组合数(-1)~xx~m(m从x到2n-x)的求和

    Sum of the Combinatorial Numbers ( - x ) xxm

  5. k.研究了这种多组组合数Ck(nk)在素因数个数函数(包括重数在内)上的值分布性质,并得到了一个有趣的渐近公式。

    ~ k , It is studied that the value distribution properties of the prime divisor number function acting on the multi-group combinatorial numbers C ~ ~ (( k )) __ ( kn ), and an interesting asymptotic formula is given .

  6. 一个含组合数的不等式的证明与应用

    The Proof and the Application of an Inequality with Combination Number

  7. 计算从给定数目的集合中提取若干对象的组合数

    Returns the number of combinations for a given number of objects

  8. 无单位间隔的组合数的简易求法

    A Simple Derivation about the Number of Combinations without Unit Separation

  9. 组合数的倒数公式的一些运用

    Some Usage Of the Reciprocal Formula Of The Combinatorial Number

  10. 一些组合数的对数凸性和对数凹性的组合证明

    Combinatorial Proofs of Log-convexity and Log-concavity of Some Combinatorial Numbers

  11. 一类组合数乘积的最大值及算法

    The Maximum Product of the Combinatorial Numbers and its Arithmetic

  12. 关于无单位间隔组合数求法的注记

    Note on the Number of Combination without Unit Separating

  13. 关于多组组合数的一个渐近公式

    On an asymptotic formula of the multi-group combinatorial numbers

  14. 多重集组合数的计算公式

    Computing Formula of Combinatorial Numbers for Multiple Set

  15. 与组合数有关的一个不等式

    A Inequality of Relation to Composite Number

  16. 超大组合数的计算机实现技术及其在密码学中的应用

    The Implementation on Computer for Super - Long Number of Combinations and Its Application in Cryptography

  17. 论组合数行列式

    On the determinant of combinatorial numbers

  18. 关于组合数的同余

    On congruence for combinatorial number

  19. 组合数的推广

    Spread of the Combinations Number

  20. 对于所有单元格使用相同字体减少的格式组合数。

    There is only one way to correct the situation : Reduce the number of custom formats .

  21. 计算从给定元素数目的集合中提取若干元素的组合数。有关使用的方程式,查看帮助

    Returns the number of combinations for a given number of items . See Help for the equation used

  22. 两个组合数公式

    Two combinational number formulas

  23. 证明了有关全相关的几个定理和性质,给出了具体的例子,并推导出了计算相关序列之间相同组合数的简化算法。

    As the preliminary work , we prove several theorems and properties of full-correlation , followed by an example study .

  24. 运用递推序列法,给出组合数丢番图方程(方程式略)的一个初等解法。

    An elementary proof of the Diophantine equation ( The equation abbreviated ) is given by using recursion sequence method .

  25. 该方法的功能来自于这些片段组装的组合数。

    The power of the approach is derived from the number of combinations in which these toy pieces can be assembled .

  26. 计算了不同振型组合数时结构的地震响应,从而分析合理振型数的选取;

    The seismic responses of structures with different numbers of modes are calculated and the reasonable number of modes is confirmed .

  27. 该方法结合了最小二乘分组搜索方法和整数高斯变换方法,减少了备选整周模糊度的组合数。

    The algorithm makes use of the least-square searching and integer Gaussian transform , and the number of ambiguity candidates is reduced .

  28. 1986&1995年的十年间是杂交水稻的完善发展阶段,表现为参试组合数逐渐增加,新不育系层出不穷。

    From 1986 to 1995 was the development stage when the number of entries of hybrid rice combination which entered the trial was increasing .

  29. 全部10项米质指标均达到优质的组合数占测定总组合数的45.4%。

    The number of hybrids with all ten indexes reaching high quality standard accounted for 45.4 % of the total number of tested hybrids .

  30. 本文讨论了在4×4网结型完全无阻塞光开关阵中,构成4×4重排无阻塞光开关阵的组合数。

    In this paper , we discuss the numbers of 4 × 4 rearranging nonblocking optical switch matrices formed in a 4 × 4 strictly nonblocking net-type optical switch matrix .