
cè jiāo
  • test cross
  1. 三重测交与小麦群体遗传分析

    Triple Test Cross and Genetic Analysis in Wheat Population

  2. 扩展三向测交设计及其分析方法

    The augmented triple test cross design and lts analysis

  3. 从F2代中测交筛选出11个种间可交配性较好的单株。

    11 plants with better interspecific crossability were selected from F2 populations .

  4. 测交F1自交,正常株与标雌株的比例为3:1;

    If F1 self - cross , the ratio of nomal plants and marked female line was 3 : 1 ;

  5. 具交叉干涉的三点测交区间标记定位(QTL)的相关方法

    A Correlation Method for Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Using Flanking Markers in Three-Points Backcross with Cross-Interference

  6. 测交F1与标雌株回交,B1正常株与标雄株的比例为1:1,没有发现具有标志性状又有雄花发育的植株。

    If F1 backcross with marked female line , the ratio of nomal plants and marked female line was 1:1 . In all experiment were not found plants with male flowers .

  7. PCR-RFLP和测交方法对进口祖代蛋鸡异性个体间的遗传同质性检测

    Detection of Homogeneity between Imported Grant Parent Layers Using Recessive Backcross and PCR-RFLP Techniques

  8. 本研究通过构建梅花重瓣性F1作图群体,探讨了运用拟测交方法构建梅花分子遗传图谱的可行性。

    In the study , the feasibility of constructing a molecular genetic map using " double pseudo - testcross " strategy was discussed through establishing a F1 population .

  9. 新种质,并用减数分裂配对分析、单体小麦测交法、基因组原位杂交、C分带、同工酶等电聚焦和RAPD对上述材料进行了综合鉴定;

    The six germplasms were comprehensively identified by meiosis pairing analysis , testing cross analysis using monosomic analysis , C_banding , isoelectrofocusing ( IEF ) of isoenzyme and RAPD analyses .

  10. 通过以携有主基因sd-1的半矮秆水稻品种南京11号与F2代中的半矮秆个体成对测交和自交分离、获得了一种新的矮秆主基因单独控制的半矮秆系新桂矮。

    Nanjing 11 , a semidwarf cultivar carrying major gene sd-1 , was used as tester to croes with semidwarf plants selected from F_2 generation individually .

  11. 选取243个F1单株,利用拟测交(Pseudo-testcross)策略构建了两个亲本的遗传框架图谱。

    We selected 243 individuals to construct the frame linkage maps of parents with pseudo-testcross strategy .

  12. 在F1群体中,符合1:1或3:1孟德尔分离比例的RAPD标记占总数的28.57%,理论上说,运用拟测交策略构建梅花分子遗传图谱是可行的。

    The RAPD markers segregating in a 1:1 or 3:1 ratio account for 28.57 % of the total RAPD markers . Therefore , it is feasible to use " double pseudo testcross " strategy to construct molecular genetic maps of Prunus mume .

  13. 通过测交筛选出一个强优势高产恢复系HR-1。

    A high yield restore line with strong heterosis ( HR 1 ) was screened by test cross with sterile line .

  14. 前人主要针对IHO、IHP和BHO种质背景,利用单一遗传背景和测交群体对玉米籽粒品质性状开展了QTL定位研究。

    Previous researches about QTL mapping for kernel nutritional quality traits have been conducted with IHO , IHP and BHO high-oil corn germplasms and using single genetic background and testcross populations .

  15. 以11个BC1~BC12的K型不育系与30个新品种(系)不完全测交F1为研究对象,从调查自交结实率和单倍体频率入手,分析了供试原始群体的育性状况;

    In field test in 2002-2003 11 CMS lines with K-type of BC 1-BC 12 were partial test crossed with 30 new wheat varieties and F 1 were analyzed on the fertility of the testing population provided according to its self fructification rate haploid rate .

  16. 另外,在2010年扩大测交范围用168份测交材料(包括甘蓝型油菜、芥菜型油菜、油菜近缘种)对1575A进行测交,找到了一个1575A的恢复系。

    In addition , a restorer line of 1575A was found after hybridizing with 168 test-cross materials ( including Brassica napus , Brassica juncea , Brassica related species ) in 2010.3 .

  17. 利用滇四型金南特43A转育而成的金新A、PARCCP-72A香米不育系与恢复系(材料)进行测交,对杂交香稻组合香味遗传分析及优势应用。

    By wide testcrosses between sterile lines of Japonic Indica aroma rice and its restorer , hybrid aroma rice combinations with strong heterosis were bred and the aroma was analyzed genetically .

  18. 通过水稻隐性高秆品种(Grlc、02428h)与正常高秆及互不等位基因控制的半矮秆品种杂交及后代测交,研究控制隐性高杆基因与常规半矮杆基因的遗传关系。

    The main results were summarized as follow . 1 . Using recessive tall mutants ( Grlc , 02428h ) crossed with normal tall varieties including non-allelic semi-dwarf genes for investigating allelic relationship among various semi-dwarf genes , normal tall gene and recessive tall gene in rice .

  19. 通过遗传测交试验表明:甘蓝型油菜核不育系ZWA的不育性由两对隐性重叠基因和一对上位抑制基因共同控制。

    The results of genetic crossing tests were shown that the sterile of the recessive genic male line ZWA was controlled by two pairs of recessive duplicate genes and one pair of recessive epistatic gene , which possesses restorer resources and can be elected excellent hybrid .

  20. 三点测交基因连锁作图计算的新方法

    New Counting Method of Linkage Mapping of Genes by Three - Point Testcross

  21. 用三向测交设计估计数量性状的基因数目

    Estimating the Number of Genes Controlling a Quantitative Trait by Triple Test Cross Design

  22. 氟烷阴性母猪的测交及其后代经济性状比较

    Test mating of Halothane Negative Pigs and Comparison of Economic Traits of Their Offsprings

  23. 三向测交分析的一点注记

    A Note on Triple Test Cross Analysis

  24. 浅谈三点测交作遗传图

    On Genetic Mapping by Three-point Testcross

  25. 水稻广亲和基因互作研究中测交种的再生体系建立

    The Establishment of Tester Strain Regeneration System for the Study of Wide Compatibility Gene in Rice

  26. 改良群体产量与相应测交产量平均值之间呈正相关。

    There existed a positive correlation between the yield of population and the average yield of test cross .

  27. 对南方砂梨12个品种不同的授粉组合进行测交。

    The pollination combinations of 12 sand-pear cultivars of southern China were tested for pollination efficiency in this experiment .

  28. 这种杂交即利用一个已知的纯合的隐性作为一个亲本的杂交,称为测交。

    The kind of mating , using as one parent a known homozygous recessive , is called a testcross .

  29. 甜菜雄不育系和测交系间的遗传差异及其在优势育种中应用探讨

    A Study on the Genetic Variance of MS and Test Cross Lines and Heterosis Applied in Sugar Beet Breeding

  30. 三点测交是基因连锁作图的经典方法,由于其实用性强,广泛地应用于基因定位的研究工作之中。

    Three-points backcross is the classical method in genetic linkage mapping , and is applied in genetic mapping widely .