
xìng bié
  • gender;sex;sexuality;sexual distinction;sexual differentiation
性别 [xìng bié]
  • [sexual differentiation;sex;sexual distinction] 雌雄两性的区别,一般指男女两性的区别

性别[xìng bié]
  1. 生育文明与出生人口性别比的平衡

    The Balance Between Fertility Civilization and Ratio of Sexual Distinction

  2. 不同科别、不同性别、不同城乡来源的研究生心理健康水平具有一定的差异。

    The mentality health situations of the Postgraduate in university of technology appear a lot of differences on the discipline , sexual distinction and native place in urban and rural .

  3. 请在下面写明你的性别和出生日期。

    Please indicate your sex and date of birth below .

  4. 请提供下列具体情况:姓名、年龄及性别。

    Please supply the following details : name , age and sex .

  5. 胚胎的性别早在受精时就决定了。

    The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization .

  6. 个人的特征,如年龄和性别等,都要考虑进去。

    Personal characteristics , such as age and sex are taken into account .

  7. 重新起草这个报告,删除带有性别特点的语言。

    The report was redrafted to remove gender-specific language .

  8. 我们要超越种族、性别和宗教的界限。

    We want to cut across lines of race , sex and religion .

  9. 文化因素常常对性别的角色有着重要的影响。

    Gender roles are often conditioned by cultural factors .

  10. 你张口闭口就是各种歧视——性别歧视、年龄歧视、种族歧视。

    You 're always talking in isms ─ sexism , ageism , racism .

  11. 孩子的性别在妊娠期第三个月便可查明。

    During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable .

  12. 性别歧视在我们这个社会根深蒂固。

    Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society .

  13. 因种族、性别或宗教信仰而有所歧视是非法的。

    It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race , sex or religion .

  14. 许多因素都很重要,如阶级、性别、年龄及民族。

    Many factors are important , for example class , gender , age and ethnicity .

  15. 他对自己的性别感到困惑。

    He was confused about his sexuality .

  16. 所有申请者,不论其年龄、性别、宗教信仰及国籍,都可考虑。

    All applicants will be considered regardless of age , sex , religion or nationality .

  17. 将孩子们的朋友称为女朋友或男朋友就把他们的性别差异凸显出来了。

    Referring to children 's friends as girlfriends and boyfriends sexualizes them

  18. 妇女有时仅仅因为性别而无法获得种种机会。

    Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender .

  19. 达拉对我们老一套的性别和女性特质观念提出了异议。

    Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity .

  20. 男性和女性同样受到传统性别角色的束缚。

    Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles .

  21. 《反性别歧视法》并未根除工作中的歧视。

    The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment

  22. 一些像我们这样的团体致力于消除对同性恋的憎恶、种族歧视和性别歧视。

    Groups like ours are committed to eradicating homophobia , racism and sexism .

  23. 这一新技术已经被用来鉴别胎儿的性别。

    The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses .

  24. 生态政治和性别政治论述请见第4章。

    For a discussion of biology and sexual politics , see chapter 4 .

  25. 性别歧视是一个争论激烈的话题。

    Gender discrimination is a hotly contested issue .

  26. 她免受性别歧视法的追究。

    She is exempt from sex discrimination laws .

  27. 一些女性团体谴责性别歧视。

    Women 's groups denounced sexual discrimination .

  28. 利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。

    Microscopic examination of a cell 's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus .

  29. 她是一个女强人,已经升至一个性别歧视意识根深蒂固的组织的最高层。

    She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation

  30. 陈旧的性别歧视态度仍然常见。

    Old-fashioned sexist attitudes are still common