
xìnɡ bàn lǚ
  • sexual partner;sex partner
  1. 男性STD患者性伴侣通知意愿调查分析

    Investigation on Sex Partner Notification and Influence Factors among Male STD Patients

  2. 她不想要单一性伴侣的关系。

    She wouldn 't want to be in a monogamous relationship .

  3. 其他科学家则表示,一些女性的性伴侣可能感染了HIV,而且HIV病毒的数量很多。

    Others say some women may have had sex with infected men who had very high amounts of the virus .

  4. 然而,研究表明我们结婚的几率,维持婚姻的几率和拥有性伴侣的数量都受DNA影响。

    However , studies show that our odds of getting married and staying married and our number of sexual partners are all influenced by our DNA .

  5. 羞辱感和文化程度是影响性伴侣通知的主要因素(P值分别为0.001~0.025、0.005~0.01);

    A sense of humiliation and the level of literacy were primary factors that influenced sexual partner notification ( with a P value of 0.001 ~ 0.025 and 0.005 ~ 0.01 respectively );

  6. 对于你和你的新的性伴侣都应该去做HIV检测,在知晓检测结果之前,不要发生性行为。

    Both you and your new partner should get tested for HIV , and learn the results , before having sex for the first time .

  7. 应用新的治疗满意度量表来评估ED患者及其性伴侣对伐地那非治疗的满意度

    Evaluating the Treatment Satisfaction of Vardenafil in Men with Erectile Dysfunction and Female Partners by the Treatment Satisfaction Scale

  8. 临床服务包括STI病例管理、性伴侣的STI筛查和管理。

    Clinical services include STI case management , screening and management of STIs in sex partners .

  9. CDC表明,青少年的女孩,甚至那些一生的少数几个性伴侣女孩,也有HPV感染高风险。

    The CDC said this indicates teen girls , even those with few lifetime sexual partners , are at high risk for HPV infection .

  10. STI防治需要对频繁更换性伴侣可能传播疾病的核心群体进行有效干预。

    STI control requires effective interventions with core populations whose rates of partner change are high enough to sustain transmission .

  11. 高管们竞相向詹姆斯以及她的文学代理人瓦莱丽·霍斯金斯(ValerieHoskins)投标,说他们能拍好这个关于安娜斯塔西娅·斯蒂尔(AnastasiaSteele)的故事,在书中,这个21岁的处女学生成了受27岁的成功商人克里斯蒂安·格雷(ChristianGrey)支配的性伴侣。

    Executives vied for a chance to pitch Ms. James and her literary agent , Valerie Hoskins , on how best to tell the story of Anastasia Steele , a virginal 21-year-old student who becomes the submissive sexual partner to Christian Grey , a successful 27-year-old businessman .

  12. 不管你是决定将所有目标对象的时钟调快两个小时,让他们以为自己要迟到了而发狂,还是用他们的邮箱地址在分类广告网站Craigslist的“邂逅”栏目中登广告寻找性伴侣,都得符合他们的个性。

    Whether you decide to turn all your target 's clocks forward by two hours so they think they 're crazy late for work or to set up a Craigslist " casual encounters " ad with their e-mail , it should fit their personality .

  13. JeanNachega:“我们不能将治疗和预防完全分开。治疗本身也是预防的一部分。因为通过治疗,通过及早治疗,他们将艾滋病毒传播给性伴侣的可能性会降低。”

    We should no longer see treatment and prevention totally separately . Treatment , by itself , it is also part of prevention . Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to the virus to their sexual partner . "

  14. 这种观念对男性和其性伴侣的健康有着极其重要的影响。

    This has serious health implications both for men and their sexual partners .

  15. 她曾经是足球队上每个人的性伴侣。

    She have is the playmate of every boy on the football team .

  16. 我们可以透露那个流行歌手现在有了一个新的性伴侣。

    We can reveal that the popular singer now has a new playmate .

  17. 想想你的性伴侣喜欢接受东西的方式,以及答复的方式。

    Think about the ways your associate likes to receive possessions , and what they answer to .

  18. 其性伴侣也应作治疗以防止再度感染。

    Treatment requires antibiotics , Bed rest , pain medication , and sexual abstinence until the infection disappears .

  19. 该研究还发现性伴侣超过一人的感染该病毒的几率更大。

    The study found men who had more than one lover were more prone to catching the virus .

  20. 这是首次研究报道目前的性伴侣是否对异性的兴趣。

    This is the first study to report whether having a current sexual partner influences interest in the opposite sex .

  21. 他可能很清楚他的性伴侣之所以忍受他只是为了付房租。

    He might have known full well that his sex partners were only putting up with him to pay the rent .

  22. 事实上,向拥有多个性伴侣的山地田鼠的奖赏中枢直接注射后叶加压素可以增加其忠于单一性伴侣的可能性。

    In fact , injecting vasopressin directly into a polygamous montane vole 's reward centre increases the likelihood of it becoming monogamous !

  23. 该广告也保持了严肃的观点,警告说拥有多名性伴侣以及不使用避孕套是不安全的性行为。

    But the ad has a serious point , warning that having many sexual partners and not using condoms is unsafe sexual behaviour .

  24. 研究员还测试了参与者一生性伴侣的个数与事业有多成功的关系。

    Researchers also quizzed the participants on their lifetime " number " of sexual partners and how successful they were in their careers .

  25. 毕竟,你最不希望发生的事情便是意外妊娠或是因你的性伴侣而染上某种疾病。

    After all , the last thing you want is to have an unplanned pregnancy or to catch a disease from your partner .

  26. 因为通过治疗患者,并尽可能更早治疗,能够降低他们将病毒传播给性伴侣的机会。

    Because by treating people , and hopefully treating them earlier , they are less likely to transmit the virus to their sexual partner .

  27. 他必须有过三次认真的恋情,之前的性伴侣不得超过六个,没结过婚,没孩子。

    He has had three serious relationships , no more than six sexual partners , has never been married and doesn 't have children .

  28. 咨询组的性伴侣通知率(42%)明显高于对照组(21%)。

    The rate of partner notification in the counseling group was higher ( 42 % ) than in the control group ( 21 % ) .

  29. 丈夫看待妻子时,性伴侣的成分越少,他送给妻子的礼物就更实用,更不性感。

    The less a husband thinks of his wife as a sexual being , the more functional and ' unsexy ' his gifts will become .

  30. 激情、热情或温和,匿名或单一性伴侣,稀少或频繁&无论您想如何进行,前提是必须安全

    Passionate , hot or tender , anonymous or monogamous , rare or frequent - However you want it , it still has to be safe