
xìnɡ fā yù
  • sexual development
  1. 经治疗,促进了性发育,改善了患者的心理状态。45,XO/46,XY患者中3例切除了畸变的性腺以预防恶变。

    The results were satisfactory in sexual development and better mental status Three 45 , XO / 46 , XY cases had their gonads removed to prevent malignant change .

  2. 为提高对CAH病人的治疗管理质量,对治疗5~15年25例CAH患者的体格及性发育总结发现,晚诊治的单纯型患者体格发育不如早诊治的失盐型。

    In order to increase the quality of treatment , we followed up the height and sexual development of 25 cases of CAH for 5 ~ 15 year . We found the height of the simple type patients are shorter than the salt wasting type .

  3. 壬基酚对雌性SD大鼠早期性发育的影响

    Effects of p-Nonylphenol on Early Sexual Development in Femals SD Rat

  4. SELDI-TOF-MS在研究胎儿先天性发育缺陷中的初步应用

    Preliminary Application of SELDI-TOF-MS in Congenital Defect

  5. 结论(1)SRY基因不是性别决定的唯一基因,SRY基因缺失或突变可能导致性发育的一系列异常改变,尿道下裂的发生与SRY的缺失、变异有关。

    Conclusions The absence or mutation of SRY gene may be concerned with the pathogenesis of hypospadias which is a sex upgrowth abnormality .

  6. 结果13例外周血单个细胞染色体畸变的畸变类型可分为平衡易位、倒位、缺失、重复及X染色体单体等,主要临床表现包括性发育异常、死胎流产及肢体畸形等。

    Results : The aberration types of 13 cases of individual cell chromosomal aberration in peripheral blood were balanced translocation , inversion , deletion , duplication , and monosomic X. The main clinical manifestations included abnormal sex development , abortion or dead fetus , and limb deformity .

  7. HSP104在酵母细胞的耐热性发育中起着关键作用。

    HSP104 plays a critical role in the development of thermotolerance in yeast cells .

  8. 性发育对女性最大吸氧量的影响

    The effects of sexual development on maximal oxygen uptake in girls

  9. 体脂及瘦素对女性青春期性发育调控的双生子研究

    Twin Study of Body Fat and Leptin on Female Puberty Development

  10. 2004年北京市2-6岁儿童广泛性发育障碍的现况调查

    Survey on Pervasive Developmental Disorder in 2-6 Year-old Children in Beijing

  11. 性发育和生育咨询患者染色体分析

    WTO Consultancy Chromosomal analysis in sexual development and bearing counseling

  12. 植物节律性发育的分子基础

    The Molecular Basis of the Rhythmic Development of the Plant

  13. 植物叶片的极性发育对于其行使正常的功能是必需的。

    The polarity development of leaves is important for their normal functions .

  14. 9~17岁青少年营养状况与体重增长、性发育的关系

    Relationship of Nutritional Status with Weight-increase and Sexual Development in 9-17-Year-old Adolescents

  15. 随访43例中,学历大部分在初中、技校和中专,18例有不同程度的性发育,25例无性发育。

    Eighteen had various degrees of sexual development and 25 had none .

  16. 孤独症属于发育和认知障碍中的广泛性发育障碍。

    Autism belongs to development and cognitive impairment of universality developmental disorders .

  17. 大庆市健康青少年女性青春期性发育调查

    Puberty development of the healthy adolescent girls of Daqing city , Heilongjiang province

  18. 妊娠早期不同一性发育双胎的妊娠结局

    Perinatal outcome of first trimester growth discordance in twins

  19. 贵阳市560名8~15岁男性发锌与性发育关系

    Relationship Between Hair Zinc and Sexual Development in 560 Males Aged 8-15 Years

  20. 17例有不同程度的性发育,18例无性发育。

    17 had varying degree of sexual development and 18 deficient sexual development .

  21. 性发育异常的细胞和分子遗传学分析

    Analysis of cytogenetics and molecular genetics in sexual agenesis

  22. 天津市7~21岁青少年性发育研究

    A study of Youngster Sexual Development for 7 ~ 21 Years in Tianjin

  23. 青春期性发育前后儿童智力的遗传效应

    Genetic Effects on Intelligence in Sexual Development of Children

  24. 性发育期间公兔的睾酮浓度和睾丸大小都随年龄的增长而呈上升趋势,且两者之间呈显著相关性。

    The testosterone concentration and testis volume were relative to age during sexual develop-ment .

  25. 性发育异常13例细胞遗传学分析

    Cytogenetic Analysis in 13 Cases of Sexual Maldevelopment

  26. 结论雌性肥胖大鼠性发育有提前倾向;

    Conclusion There were a tendency of ahead sexual maturation in female obese rats .

  27. 前言:目的分析性发育异常与染色体异常的关系。

    Objective : To analyze the connection between abnormal chromosome karyotype and sexual abnormality .

  28. 严重幼年型甲状腺功能减退症并性发育异常及文献复习

    Serious juvenile hypothyroidism concurrent sexual dysplastic and literature review Albright 's syndrome to type

  29. 颈椎先天性发育与颈椎病的相关性研究

    Cervical Vertebra Congenital Develop and Disease Relations study

  30. 女性青少年身体发育水平与性发育及身高增长的关系

    The Relationship between Physical Development and Sexual Development or Height Increment in Adolescent Females