
xìng xíng wéi
  • sex instinct act;sexual behaviour;sexuality erotism;sexuality;lovemaking;sex;intimacy;rumpy pumpy;nooky
性行为[xìng xíng wéi]
  1. 我们社会标准的性行为仍旧是异性间的。

    Normative sexual behaviour in our society remains heterosexual .

  2. 但是她的低调粗俗风格的幽默,最粗话笑话的喜欢,还有对别人的性行为的着迷,这都显示了她是对性行为只有书面的兴趣而不是实质兴趣的人。

    But her lavatorial sense of humour , fondness for coarse jokes and fascination with other people 's sexual behaviour indicated a vicarious rather than a practical interest in sex .

  3. 和16岁以下的未成年人发生性行为是违法的。

    It is illegal to have sex with a person under the age of 16 .

  4. 社区迅速作出反应,宣传安全性行为。

    The community reacted quickly and spread the word about safe sex .

  5. 我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。

    I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral .

  6. 这些进食模式是习得性行为。

    These eating patterns are a learned behavior .

  7. 酒精会引发暴力和破坏性行为。

    Alcohol can produce violent , disruptive behavior

  8. 从其他渠道,我们也能知道青少年犯罪、吸毒、婚前性行为在普遍减少。

    From other sources , we also know teenage crime , drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline .

  9. 随婚前性行为的时间延长,CT感染危险性增大;

    The risk of CT infection increased with the time of pre-marital sexual behavior .

  10. A组较B组的探索性行为和运动总量明显减少(P<005),C组较D组的运动总量明显减少(P<005),探索性行为无显著性差异;

    The explorative behavior and total distance of movement of group A significantly decreased compared with those of group B ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 目的评估高危性行为人群中乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)及丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的感染情况及某些高危性行为与HBV、HCV感染的关系。

    Purpose To evaluate HBV and HCV infection among high risk sexual behavior group and the relationship between them .

  12. 不同的EIS有不同的事务性行为。

    Different EISs have different transactional behavior .

  13. 详细考察了纤维取向、纤维体积含量及应变率对单向上B/Al复合材料总体剪切弹粘塑性行为的影响。

    The effects of the fiber orientation , fiber volume fraction and strain rate on the overall shear elastic viscoplastic behaviour of unidirectional B / Al composite are investigated .

  14. 具有不同的年龄、性别、母亲文化程度、父亲职业、母亲职业、家庭月收入的学龄前儿童攻击性行为得分的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The scores of aggressive behavior problem showed significant difference between different background information such as age 、 gender 、 education degree of mother 、 career of mother 、 family income of average month .

  15. Logistic回归分析显示影响新疆大学生发生婚前性行为的因素有是否谈过恋爱、亲密行为及对婚前性行为态度等。

    The result of Logistic regression shows the effect factors of premarital sexual behavior are whether had love affairs , intimacy behaviors , the attitudes to the premarital sexual behavior etc.

  16. 对于有关性教育,最想知道的内容为性病与AIDS的预防、安全性行为、性生理知识等。

    As to the sex related knowledge , most of the subjects wanted to know about the prevention of venereal diseases and AIDS , safe sex behavior , sex physiology and others .

  17. 方法2003年12月~2004年5月采用横断面研究方法调查HIV感染者的社会人口学特征,婚内、婚外性行为和安全套使用情况。

    Methods From December 2003 to May 2004 , a cross-sectional study was performed to interview the socio-demographic characteristics , sexual behaviors and condom use with spouses and non-steady sex partners among HIV positive adults .

  18. 为了解决B2B在线支付中的无序性行为,本文应用信息生态理论、协同论和信息基因理论对B2B在线支付进行研究。

    To solve the disorder behavior in online payment , this paper applies of information ecological theory , coordination and information genetic theory to study of B2B online payment .

  19. STARR:现行的性行为管理办法足以缓解士兵们对居住在很近的营房中的担忧。

    STARR : Existing regulations governing sexual behavior may be enough to allay concerns about living in close quarters .

  20. 有研究认为血清低5-羟色胺水平可能与ADHD的攻击性行为有关,国内报道较少。

    Some studies suggest that decreased serum 5 hydroxytryptamine ( 5 HT ) level is related to aggressive behavior in ADHD , but no relevant report is available in China .

  21. 目的本研究的主要目的是分析与正常中耳黏膜和外耳道皮肤相比血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在中耳胆脂瘤中的定位和分布。探讨VEGF与中耳胆脂瘤的血管形成以及胆脂瘤侵蚀性行为的关系。

    Objective This study aimed to analyze the localization and distribution of vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) in middle ear cholesteatoma in comparison with normal middle ear mucosa and auditory skin and the relationship between the angiogenesis induced by VEGF and the destructive behavior of middle ear cholesteatoma .

  22. 粘细菌(myxobacteria)是一类具有社会性行为的高等原核生物,具有复杂的多细胞行为和形态发生,在细胞分化、发育和生物进化研究中占有重要地位。

    Myxobacteria is a kind of higher prokaryote with social behavior . They have complicated cooperative motility behavior and appearance formation , so they are important to the research of cell differentiation , development and evolution .

  23. 婚姻是立于生产的基点,对人类性行为的制度规范。

    Marriage is based on production , which regulates human sexuality .

  24. 首次性行为性伴为男性者占77.2%。

    First sex for male sexual partners accounted for 77.2 % .

  25. 冲动性行为是不同类型药物依赖者的共同特征。

    The impulsive behavior is a common feature of different drug addicts .

  26. 目的:评价性行为相关资料的可靠性。

    Objective : To evaluate the reliability of data on sexual behavior .

  27. 性病门诊外来人员就诊者性行为情况调查

    Investigation of sexual behavior of floating population in STD clinics

  28. 雄性大熊猫配种期的性行为观察

    Observation on the sexual behaviour of male giant panda during the mating

  29. 广州市医学生恋爱态度、恋爱及性行为研究

    Attitude of love and sexual behavior of the medical students in Guangzhou

  30. 不同意发生婚前性行为的占75.6%。

    Among the respondents , 75.6 % disagreed sexual behavior before marriage .