
  • 网络Gender role;sex role;gender
  1. 师范大学生性别角色期望的调查

    Investigation on gender role expectation of students in a normal university

  2. 本论文针对当前青少年性别角色错位问题作了具体研究。

    This thesis makes a concrete research about adolescent gender role dislocation .

  3. 男性和女性同样受到传统性别角色的束缚。

    Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles .

  4. 在首次出版时,这本书因展现了反对既定性别角色的态度而收到了各种不同的反响。

    At the time of first publication the book met with mixed reactions , mainly due to presenting attitudes that were against established gender roles .

  5. 此类课程的教科书中都一致认同“gender”是指生物的性别角色,这个概念下,是女性还是男性仅仅是一种社会观念。

    Textbooks for such courses all agree that gender refers to the roles attached to biological sex ; femininity and masculinity in this view are mere social concepts .

  6. 目前,使用最普遍的性别角色类型划分是由Bem提出的,他将其划分为男性化、女性化、双性化和未分化。

    At present , the most common roles types are classified by Bern , he classified them as masculine , feminine , double gender and undifferentiated .

  7. 1974年Bem编制性别角色量表以来,对性别角色差异的研究就一直成为心理学研究中的一个热点。

    Since Bem brought forward the theory of androgyny and constructed Bem Sex Role Inventory ( BSRI ) in 1974 , social gender role has become a focused point in psychological researches .

  8. 《贝姆性别角色问卷》(BSRI)是美国心理学家Sandra·Bem编制的,用于测量个体性别心理特征从而区分不同类型性别角色的问卷。

    BSRI is a type of questionnaire which is worked out by American psychologist Bem for measuring individual sex psychological characteristics to distinguish different types of sex roles .

  9. 方法:根据339名被试对性别角色形容词评定量表、自我和谐量表、行为抑制量表和SCL-90的评定,比较不同性别角色类型个体的心理社会适应水平。

    Methods : More than 300 subjects were administered the Sex Role Adjective Rating Scale , Self-Experience Inconsistency Scale , Behavior Inhibition Scale and SCL-90 , and relations between levels of psychosocial adjustment and sex stereotypes were compared .

  10. 通常将性别角色划分为四个类型:男性化、女性化、双性化、未分化,双性化(Androgyny)是近年来被公认为理想的性别角色。

    Generally sex roles are divided into four categories , which are masculinity , femininity , undifferentiated , and androgyny . Androgyny was recognized as the perfect sex-role identity in recent years .

  11. 无论是对最初的演员挑选还是对Bustle的声明,witter上的许多人对此愤怒地进行了回应,他们认为:跨性别角色应该由变性演员扮演。

    Many on Twitter responded angrily , both to the initial casting and the statement to Bustle . The overwhelming consensus : Transgender characters should be played by transgender actors .

  12. 结果发现不同性别角色类型柔道运动员在16种人格因素中有7种因素存在非常显著差异(P001);有2种因素存在显著差异(P005)。

    Results show that of 16 personality factors , seven have very significant difference , two have significant difference among sex role styles , which is inconsistent with past investigation on personality difference between gender .

  13. 性别角色认知的研究运用内隐联想测验的最新修正范式&简式内隐联想测验(BIAT)探索不同性别角色的大学生对性别角色认知的特点。

    In the experimental study of cognition between different gender roles , the author adopt the newest paradigm of Implicit Association Test-Brief Implicit Association Test ( BIAT ) to explore different gender roles undergraduates ' cognition of gender roles information .

  14. 中学生性别角色观的初步研究

    The Initial Research of Sexual Role View of Middle School Students

  15. 性别角色刻板印象与女性发展的民族学研究

    An Ethnological Analysis of Sex - role Stereotypes and Female Development

  16. 结论大学生性别角色与焦虑及抑郁密切相关。

    Conclusion Sex role is related to anxiety and depression closely .

  17. 性别角色已经被一代代地承传了下来。

    Gender roles have been handed down for generation after generation .

  18. 大学生性别角色观的差异

    The Difference of the Notion For Sex Roles among College Students

  19. 那么为什么特别强调毕摩教对性别角色社会化的影响呢?

    Then why emphasize effects on socialization of gender roles ?

  20. 以及性别角色与管理动机的关系。

    Is there relationship between sex roles and the motivation to manage ?

  21. 中国译论的性别角色双重性

    Double-Gender Issue in Chinese Translation Theory : A Feminist Translation Theory Perspective

  22. 女权主义和变换性别角色:男人的福音!

    Feminism and Changing Sex Roles : It 's good for Men !

  23. 西方性别角色态度研究述评

    Account of the Study of Attitudes of Sex Roles in the West

  24. 朝鲜族性别角色分明,男主外,女主内。

    Korean majority distinguishes gender roles as outer-man and inner-woman .

  25. 《贝姆性别角色问卷》在体育情境中的修订与检验

    Amendment and testing of Bem sex-role inventory in sports situation

  26. 双性化和男性化角色类型是比较理想的性别角色类型。

    Dual-gender types and masculine types is an ideal gender role type .

  27. 关于性别角色认同研究的深层思考

    More Profound Considerations about the Study of the Identification of Sex Roles

  28. 性别角色类型与心理社会适应的关系研究

    Research on Relationship Between Sex Sterotypes and Psychosocial Adjustment for Chinese Subjects

  29. 西方男性性别角色冲突研究进展

    On the Research Development of West Male Gender Role Conflict

  30. 浅析父亲在儿童性别角色化过程中的影响

    Analysis on the Fathers ' Impact on the Sex Role of Children