
  • 网络individual consumer;individual customer
  1. 高等教育消费的符号特征评析:个体消费者视角

    Evaluation & Analysis of Symbolic Characteristics of Higher-Education Consumption : Perspective of Individual Consumer

  2. 文化价值观在个体消费者的行为、态度及其决策中起着特别重要的作用。

    Culture value plays a important role in individual consumer behavior , attitude and decision .

  3. 行不通的缘由在于中国的经济政策有利于大型产业而不利于众多个体消费者。

    But they can 't because China has structured itseconomy to favor big businesses over consumers .

  4. 这些由消费者提供的信息充实在网络中,对个体消费者的购买决策有着重大的影响。

    The information provided by consumers has a significant impact on the purchasing decisions of individual consumer .

  5. 其次,论文通过对个体消费者的调查,从顾客角度通过因子分析得出了顾客价值评价体系。

    Secondly , we analyze CV evaluation system in view of customers themselves through investigation and factor analysis .

  6. 目前,保险消费者行为研究,主要基于保险需求理论对影响保险消费者行为的因素进行分析,但围绕目前国内车险产品,对车险个体消费者的投保行为的影响因素分析较少,实证研究较少。

    Nowadays most of researches are on insurance demands , while the study of individual consumer and positive analysis are less .

  7. 文章以证券交易为例,从顾客的角度来研究个体消费者对渠道的感知。

    Taking the example of securities trading , our study examines individual consumer perceptions of the channels from a consumer 's perspective .

  8. 我们可以做出选择,使歌剧和其他形式的高消费文化,也能供普通的个体消费者享受。

    We can choose to make opera , and other expensive forms of culture , accessible to those who cannot individually pay for it .

  9. 个体消费者可以自由地“购买”一捆捆他们想要的知识,而大学则会提供他们要求的东西。

    Individual customers are free to " purchase " whatever bundles of knowledge they want , and the university provides whatever its customers demand .

  10. 市场外流通,则指农产品不经批发市场交易而径直转移到零售机构、消费团体或出售给个体消费者的过程。

    The out-of-market circulation is a process in which agricultural products are directly turned to retailers , group or individual consumers instead of wholesale markets .

  11. 与通过传统广播媒体进行广告的效用降低相对,企业开始大量利用社会网络技术与个体消费者的详细对话。

    Combat declines in the efficacy of advertising through traditional broadcast media , and exploit social networking technology to converse in detail with individual consumers .

  12. 学生消费者是高等教育市场中的弱势群体,符合消费者权益保护法保护生活消费关系中处于弱势地位个体消费者的立法主旨。

    Students of higher education market consumer is the vulnerable groups , accord with the consumer rights and interests protects a law " the protection living consumption relationship disadvantaged individual consumers " purpose of the legislation .

  13. 这些老模型将经济个体(消费者和生产者)视为一台巨型机器中被动的“螺丝钉”。

    The old models considered individual agents ( consumers and producers ) as passive " nuts and bolts " in a huge machinery .

  14. 个体网络消费者作为强大的网络水军的一员,在面临网络消费情景时其行为模式和心理过程是如何受到网络群体的影响,又是如何变化?这些正是本文试图探讨的问题。

    When individual online consumers are in the face of online consumption scenarios , whether are their patterns of behavior and mental processes effect by the information received from other consumers and how to change ?

  15. 不同个体特性的消费者在商店形象、顾客满意、顾客忠诚等变量的感知上有显著差异。

    Consumers with different characteristics perceive differently on store image , customer satisfaction and customer loyalty .

  16. 对于网络化电视产业而言,其主要核心资源优势首先是文化内容产品(形成虚拟产品信息流),其次是未来掌握的消费者个体数据库(消费者信息流)。

    As for the network television industry , its mainly core resources of cultural content products is followed by individual consumers database of the future .

  17. 而当社会个体定位于消费者这一角色时,安全即被赋予了特殊的具体的价值内涵。

    When individuals in the society are located in the role of consumers , the safety has been endowed with the special and specific value content .

  18. 在消费者个体因素中消费者学习动机和网络经验通过感知网络学习易用的中介对网络学习均有正向影响。

    In the consumer individual factors , through the perception of online learning easy intermediary , consumers learning motivation and network experience have a positive impact on network learning .

  19. 研究发现,个体因素对消费者企业社会责任的感知存在影响。不同性别、年龄、月均收入和不同受教育水平的消费者对于企业社会责任的感知是不同的。

    The study found that individual factors influence consumers ' perceptions of CSR , consumers with different gender , age , average monthly income and education levels have different perceptions of CSR .

  20. 新古典经济学的研究告诉我们,政府对于消费行为的管制只有在以下情况下才是合理的:对于个体理性的消费者,如果其消费存在外部性,那么,政府就应该对其消费加以管制。

    Neoclassical economics research tells us that governmental interference is proper only in one situation : for those rational consumers , if their consumption leads externalities , then , the government should interfere into such consuming activities .

  21. 本文主要对住房消费信贷的法律规制进行研究。由于作为个体社会成员的消费者处于相对弱者的地位,以及传统民法中信用授受观点的嬗变,决定了本文的研究主要围绕着消费者信贷权利的保护展开。

    In this dissertation , the author makes a thorough and systematic research on the regulation of housing consumer credit .

  22. 年龄、收入、教育程度等个体特征不同的消费者对不同质量认证信号的接受度存在差异。

    The customers with different characteristics in age , income , education vary in the level of the acceptance of the different quality certificate signal .

  23. 食品质量是指使食品具有个体差异和被消费者接受程度差异的各因素的综合特性。

    Food quality can be defined as the assemblage of properties which differentiate individual units and influence the degree of acceptability of the food by the consumer or user .

  24. 已有的研究文献表明,消费者对产品的认知程度、购物环境、社会经济因素以及消费者的个体特征是影响消费者购买意愿的重要因素。

    The existing literatures show that the important factors that affect purchase intention are the cognition degree of products , shopping environment , social economic factors and consumers ' characteristics .

  25. C2C交易中个体的功能风险和财务风险方面的感知影响个体消费者购物意向。

    Individual risks and financial risks affect consumers purchase intention .