
  • 网络personal probability
  1. 主观概率或个人概率的发明,使得一个被广泛接受的数学分支能够应用到一系列新问题上。

    The invention of subjective or personal probabilities proved to be a means of applying a well-established branch of mathematics to a new range of problems .

  2. 因为两个人的概率是相同的高度是零,这是X先生将拿起保证。

    Because the probability that two people are the same height is zero , this guarantees that Mr.X will be picked up .

  3. 这个job使用了一个统计模型来预测两个人认识的概率。

    This job uses a statistical model to predict the probability of two people knowing each other .

  4. 我不是一个爱赌的人,但是我可以这么说,你离机时带上另一个人同行的概率至少有50%,他告诉潜在客户群。

    ' I 'm not a betting man , but I say your chance of deplaning with a plus-one are at least 50 percent , ' he told potential customers .

  5. 对法医遗传学而言,为应用这些遗传标记在我国人群中进行亲子鉴定和个人识别提供了概率计算依据。

    For forensic genetics , the obtained data can be used to calculate the probabilities dealing with the paternity test and the individual identification .