
  • 网络consumer credit;personal consumption credit
  1. 其次分析国内个人消费信贷业务的制约因素。

    Next , analyze the restrictive factor of personal consumption credit .

  2. 海南省银行发展个人消费信贷及其对策

    Problems of Developing Personal Consumption Credit in the Banks of Hainan and Countermeasures

  3. 我国加入WTO后,个人消费信贷业务发展前景巨大。

    After Chinas entry of WTO , individual consumption loan looks on a huge development prospective .

  4. 发展个人消费信贷的难点与对策&试从山西省建行个贷状况论我国个人消费信贷的发展

    On the Difficult Points and Countermeasures of Developing Individual Credit Consumption

  5. 形成以会员制为组织形式的信用联保体系,可以有效地防范个人消费信贷风险。

    Membership organizations will be the proper form of the warranty system .

  6. 论个人消费信贷业务的发展风险与政策控制

    On Developmental Risk and Policy Control of the Individual Consumer Credit Business

  7. 试论组建担保公司对个人消费信贷的作用

    Impact of Organizing Guaranty Corporation on Personal Consumption Loan

  8. 个人消费信贷是金融管理的重要内容。

    The personal consumptive credit operation is an important part of financial management .

  9. 基于个人消费信贷的银行风险管理体系的研究

    The Study of Bank Credit Risk Management System Basing on Personal Consumer Credit

  10. 放手发展个人消费信贷

    Have a Free Hand in Personal Consumption Credit

  11. 我国个人消费信贷的现状及规范发展的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of Status Quo and Healthy Development of Personal Expenditure Credit in China

  12. 中国个人消费信贷状况及风险防范研究

    Individual Consumption Credit in China and Risk Aversion

  13. 个人消费信贷的博奕分析

    The Games Analysis of Personal Consumer Loans

  14. 为银行卡管理层和个人消费信贷业务提供科学预测和决策依据。

    For individual consumer credit card business management and provide scientific basis for decision-making and prediction .

  15. 个人消费信贷与地区经济协调发展

    Consumer Credit and Regional Economic Development

  16. 发展个人消费信贷业务对扩大内需和拉动消费具有重要意义。

    To develop personal consumption credit business is of great significance in expanding domestic demand and fueling consumption .

  17. 发展个人消费信贷是我国启动内需政策的一项重要措施。

    Developing individual consumption credit is one of the most important measures to activate the policy on domestic demands in China .

  18. 努力发挥消费对生产的促进作用&工商银行苏州分行拓展个人消费信贷业务的实践与思考

    Maximizing the Role of Consumption in Boosting Production & Practice and thought regarding individual credit business by Suzhou Branch , ICBC

  19. 本文在总结我国个人消费信贷状况的基础上,分析了个人消费信贷风险及其原因,并提出了风险防范的措施。

    The article analyses the reason for the risk of consumption credit , and gives some advices about the risk prevent .

  20. 目前我国实行个人消费信贷面临一些障碍,致使消费信贷低迷,直接影响经济增长目标的实现。

    There are some obstacles in carrying out the personal consuming credit and the realization of economic growth target is negatively affected .

  21. 第二部分:国内个人消费信贷业务发展前景分析首先分析国内个人消费信贷业务的发展趋势。

    B : The analysis of the development perspective of domestic personal consumption credit First analyze the tendency of domestic personal consumption credit .

  22. 面对着人们日益增长的信用需求,商业银行不失时机地推出了个人消费信贷服务。

    To satisfy people 's increasing demand for credit consumption , the commercial bank presents the loan of credit consumption to public in time .

  23. 其中,开发基金项目和个人消费信贷项目是重点要开发的业务项目;第二是价格策略。

    Among them , the Development Fund projects and individual projects is the key to consumer credit business development projects ; second pricing strategy .

  24. 明确个人消费信贷业务市场定位;从严治贷,强化管理,有效防范消费信贷风险。

    Under-standing the function in the market of individual consumption loan business accurately and ( 4 ) strengthening management to prevent consumption loan risk efficiently .

  25. 但个人消费信贷违约事件屡见不鲜,商业银行个人消费信贷风险评分方法与管理能力亟待提高。

    But individual consumer credit violation event common occurs , individual consumer credit risk evolution technique and management capacity of commercial banks urgently to enhance .

  26. 在积极信贷政策的支持下,我国商业银行个人消费信贷发展迅猛,总量规模与日俱增。

    Supported by policy of positive credit , the scale of personal consumer credit grows with each passing day in commercial bank of our country .

  27. 文章的最后,作为一个合作电子商务的具体应用案例,详细阐述了《山西省农业银行个人消费信贷管理系统》的业务需求、数据概要和系统设计运行的内容。

    In the end of the paper , as a case , the Mortgage systems of Agriculture Bank of ShanXi Province is designed in detail .

  28. 加之一些小额贷款银行的进入,使牡丹江个人消费信贷市场的竞争更加激烈。

    Combined with the entering of some micro-credit banks , the competition in the individual consumer credit market of Mudanjiang became more and more intense .

  29. 一是消费者方面因素,消费观念的差异成为个人消费信贷在我国发展的最大阻碍。

    The factor of consumer : the difference of consumption conception becomes the biggest barrier in the development of personal consumption credit of our country .

  30. 针对我国个人消费信贷拓展面临的主要问题,从消费者、银行和社会三方面进行了分析,指出消费信贷拓展不畅的根源所在。

    On the main issue of individual consumer credit , the thesis analyzes the ultimate reason from the view of consumer , bank , and society .