
  • 网络monetary credit;credit;money and credit
  1. 1999年中国货币信贷政策面临的主要问题与有关建议

    Main issues faced by China 's policy of monetary credit and concerning policy suggestions in 1999

  2. 货币信贷运行良好,存贷款等多项指标创历史新高。

    Besides , monetary credit went well , indicators of deposits and loans achieved a new record .

  3. 货币信贷高速增长解读

    An Understanding of Rapid Increase of Monetary Loan

  4. 促进货币信贷供应总量合理增长。

    The total supply of money and credit will be increased by an appropriate amount .

  5. 西北五省区1&3季度货币信贷调查与分析

    The Survey and Analysis on the Currency and Credit Performance in Northwest China in Quarter 1-3

  6. 怎样看待当前的货币信贷形势&基于科学发展观的一个视角

    On How to Understand the Current Credit and Investment : From the Perspective of Scientific Development

  7. 当前经济运行存在的突出问题是投资规模偏大、货币信贷投放偏多和国际收支不平衡矛盾加剧。

    The major problems now are excessive investment , excessive money issuance and imbalance of international payment .

  8. 一是保持货币信贷合理充裕。

    First , we will ensure that there are proper and sufficient supplies of money and credit .

  9. 加强宏观审慎管理,引导货币信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。

    We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing .

  10. 结合货币信贷增速放缓,显示通胀压力上升的趋势得到控制。

    Combination of monetary and credit growth is slowing , inflationary pressures show an upward trend under control .

  11. 中国央行称,本次加息是为了“合理调控货币信贷投放,稳定通货膨胀预期”。

    It said the rises were needed " to reasonably control money and credit expansion and stabilise inflationary expectations " .

  12. 2009年之后由于实行非常宽松的货币信贷政策,融资难的问题得到暂时缓解。

    After 2009 , due to the implementation of very loosely monetary and credit policy , financing difficulties are relieved temporarily .

  13. 今年,央行将继续保持货币信贷总量适度增长。

    This year , the central bank will continue to ensure increases in money supply and aggregate credit at an appropriate rate .

  14. 适当提高金融机构存款准备金率,控制货币信贷过快增长势头。

    We increased the deposit-reserve ratio for financial institutions to an appropriate level to bring the excessively rapid growth of credit under control .

  15. 三是认真落实已经出台的各项货币信贷措施,促进国有企业改革和经济结构战略性调整。

    Third , seriously implementing various monetary and credit policy measures , and promoting the reform of SOEs and the strategic restructuring of the economy .

  16. 经营多种货币信贷业务或者融资租赁业务的企业,也可以根据实际需要,按照人民币和各种有关外币分别记帐。

    Enterprises engaged in multi-currency financing or finance leasing may maintain their accounts in Renminbi as well as other related foreign currencies according to their actual requirements .

  17. 2006年以来,固定资产投资继续快速增长,货币信贷居高不下,我国经济过热的风险仍然存在。

    Since this year , fixed assets investment continues to grow rapidly , monetary credit remains in a high level , the risk of over-heated economy still exists .

  18. 历史地看,上述货币信贷增幅与当前较低的利率水平并不对应,出现了明显的货币松、信贷紧现象。

    Historically speaking , the current monetary and credit growth and lower interest rates do not correspond , there is a clear monetary relief , credit tight phenomenon .

  19. 加强货币信贷管理,两次上调人民币贷款基准利率,三次上调金融机构存款准备金率;

    We strengthened supervision of money supply and credit , raised the basic interest rate on RMB loans twice and raised the reserve requirements for financial institutions three times .

  20. 目前,我国经济运行中投资、货币信贷等指标均已出现不同程度的回落,但投资反弹的压力仍然较大。

    In China , presently , the targets of investment and monetary credit has already dropped in varying degrees , but the pressure of investment rebound will be tremendous .

  21. 中国央行昨日表示,将“保持银行体系的流动性充裕,保证货币信贷总量满足经济发展需要”。

    The central bank said yesterday it would " maintain liquidity in the banking system , and ensure that monetary supply is sufficient to meet the needs of economic development " .

  22. 金融机构要建立健全内部资金运用总量约束和风险管理机制,以保证货币信贷总量的健康适度。

    A financial institution shall establish and improve the total amount restriction and risk management systems for internal capital uses to guarantee the health and appropriateness of the total amount of currency credit .

  23. 要在有效实施宏观经济政策、管好货币信贷总量、促进社会总供求基本平衡的基础上,搞好价格调控,防止物价反弹。

    China will control prices and prevent inflation from rebounding by effectively carrying out macroeconomic policies , managing the supply of money and credit , and striving for basic equilibrium in aggregate supply and demand .

  24. 央行在将近4个月的时间里先后两次提高存款准备金率,两次提高利率以抑制过快增长的货币信贷。

    The central bank of China , PBOC , to restrain the overspeeding credits and investments , will increase the reserve rate twice , and increase interest rate twice , within the next four months .

  25. 但同时由于我国各地区对外开放程度的不平衡性、信贷供给市场的寡头垄断性,单一总量调控模式客观上加剧了货币信贷供给的区域差异,不利于经济协调发展。

    However , due to the imbalance of opening in different areas and oligarch monopoly in credit supply market , the system enlarged the disparities of money and credit supply among different areas , and went against the harmonious development of the whole economy .

  26. 但我们面临着更复杂的局面:欧洲部分国家的疲弱,可能会影响到欧盟(EU)的货币、信贷乃至财政体系,并导致危险的后果。

    But we face the added complication that weaknesses in parts of Europe can infect the European Union 's monetary , credit and even fiscal systems , with dangerous consequences .

  27. 欧洲各央行本周已做好准备,将采取措施抑制货币和信贷市场的动荡局势。上周五,美联储(Fed)采取行动,以优惠条件直接向银行提供贷款,并暗示可能降息。

    European central banks are standing ready this week to stem the turmoil in money and credit markets after the US Federal Reserve moved on Friday to make direct loans available to banks on favourable terms and hinted at an interest rate cut .

  28. 货币政策信贷传导与商业银行经营行为

    Monetary Policy Transmission by Credit and Commercial Bank 's Operation

  29. 在这个模型中,货币和信贷不直接发挥作用。

    In this model , money and credit play no direct role .

  30. 疏浚、重塑和培植货币政策信贷传导渠道;

    To dredge , remodel and nurture the conduction channel of credit ;