
  • 网络monetary diplomacy
  1. 从货币战到有限合作19331936年美英法三国货币外交

    From " Monetary War " to " Limited Cooperation ": Monetary Diplomacy between France , Great Britain and the United States from 1933 to 1936

  2. 上世纪80和90年代,货币外交如同家常便饭,当时日本与美国围绕日元汇率进行谈判,但其规模较小,目标也更为有限。

    The 1980s and 90s were marked by currency diplomacy as Japan and the US negotiated over the value of the yen , but that was on a smaller scale with more limited objectives .

  3. 正是用这样的方式,欧盟采用了单一货币,统一的外交政策,建立了免护照旅行区,实施司法和内政政策,以及新近成立的有自主参谋部的防务联盟。

    EU has acquired a single currency , a common foreign policy , a passport-free travel zone and policies on justice and home affairs , plus a nascent defence alliance with its own military-planning staff .