
  • 网络Freight Contract;contract of affreightment;Cargo Carriage Contracts;cargo contract
  1. 提单证明货运合同及物权凭证的功能决定了承运人应该凭借正本提单实施放货行为。

    Bill of lading is the proof of document of title and freight contract and this function determines the carrier should deliver goods by virtue of original bill of lading .

  2. 因此研究《合同法》中有关合同订立和生效之法律制度,对认识和掌握海上货运合同的订立和生效大有裨益。

    So the article tries to study the concluding and taking effect of the contract of carriage on the basis of the new Law of Contract .

  3. 海上货运合同和租船合同作为合同的一类,在《海商法》及其它水运法律规范未有规定的方面,自然适用《合同法》。

    As one kind of the contract , the provisions in the new contract law ( 1999 ) shall apply the contract of carriage of goods by sea and charter parties , when there are no provisions in Maritime Code and other law concerning the transport .

  4. (四)查阅、复制、摘录与检疫物有关的运行日志、货运单、合同、发票以及其他单证。

    Consulting , making copies of or excerpts from operational diaries , bills of lading , contracts , invoices or other documents relating to the quarantine objects .

  5. 由于现实中存在信息不对称、市场需求不确定、运力的易逝性和空箱需要及时调运等诸多问题,如何优化货运代理的期权合同订购策略具有较强的理论价值。

    Because there are some problems such as asymmetric information , market demand uncertainty , capacities ' perishables and empty container repositioning , optimization of freight forwarding option contract ordering policy has a strong theoretical value .