
Therefore , volume contract is widely used by both carrier and shipper in the field of cargo shipping .
This essay will discuss and comment on the legal issues involved by analyzing the relevant provisions considering volume contracts .
One of the innovations of the Rotterdam rules is that the convention explicitly applies to volume contract and allows volume contracts to take a non-mandatory application under some conditions .
Furthermore , this thesis discusses main clauses in volume contract and involved legal issues in order that the parties to the contract can understand and know volume contract well and they can benefit from the this contract .
Volume contract has significant advantage compared to traditional contracts of carriage , it can not only ensure enough supply of goods and profits to the carrier but also provide sufficient carrying capacity and low prices to the shipper .
Research on Contract-Processing Platform for Mass Configuration
The production technical process of cold rolling is more complex than other normal steel and iron production , whose has characteristics of many product specifications , small batch and strict order due date .
Batch-planning layer includes an order-planning optimization module and an integrated batch-planning optimization module , task-scheduling layer includes a task-scheduling optimization module , and the dynamic scheduling layer includes a dynamic scheduling main-controlling module based on rules and a real-time controller .
On the other side , due to the production technology and processing equipment constraints , mass production has gradually become one of mainstream production modes in the steel industry , whereas it clashes with the customer demands .