
pī fā jià ɡé
  • wholesale price
  1. 这些巴西果采摘者所卖的钱仅为纽约批发价格的2%到3%。

    The brazil nut gatherers were paid only 2 to 3 percent of the New York wholesale price .

  2. 在B、C企业的案例背景下,比较多种契约的适用性,最终选择批发价格契约和数量承诺契约作为解决本文中双方利益分配问题的契约模型。

    By comparing the applicability of the various supply chain contracts , the wholesale price contract and quantity commitment contract are chosen as the final contract to solve this problem .

  3. 一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。

    Once wholesale prices are deregulated , consumer prices will also rise .

  4. 中国大豆批发价格波动规律研究&基于GARCH模型

    Analysis on Fluctuation Rule of Soybean Wholesale Price in China : Based on GARCH Model

  5. 据NPR新闻的戴夫·马丁利报道,高价格使批发价格通胀率大幅上升。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports higher prices prompted fuel big jump in wholesale inflation .

  6. 在生产商回购合同中,生产商决定最优的批发价格w和回购价格s。

    In manufacturer policy , the manufacturer determines a wholesale price " w / unit " and the buyback price " s / unit " for unsold units returned by the retailer .

  7. 在英国,追踪二手车价值的Glass'sguide称,该国去年二手车价值平均下降了20%,但今年以来,批发价格已上升了约5%。

    In the UK , where the value of the average used car fell by 20 per cent last year , wholesale prices have climbed about 5 per cent this year , according to Glass 's Guide , which follows used-car valuations .

  8. 为此,提出了一种基于不对称Nash协商模型的批发价格契约机制来协调合作双方的收益,并进行了数据模拟与综合分析。

    Therefore , a kind of wholesale price mechanism to coordinate the benefit of both parties based on asymmetric Nash negotiation model is proposed . And the feasibility of the model is manifested by data simulation .

  9. 然而,尽管经济活动正在升温,但中国仍面临着通缩局面。9月份,居民消费价格(CPI)和批发价格分别下跌0.8%和7%。

    However , even with economic activity picking up , China is still experiencing deflation , with the consumer price index falling 0.8 per cent in September and wholesale prices dropping 7 per cent .

  10. 通过Stackelberg博弈模型分析生产商在碳排放限额管制政策下的决策问题,优化其产品碳足迹、批发价格以及零售商选择决策,实现利润最大化。

    With an objective of maximizing the manufacturers ' profits , Stackelberg game models are formulated to optimize their decisions on carbon footprint , wholesale price and retailer selection under the governmental policy .

  11. BeatriceKemboi:“农民选择加入该保险的时候,我们以批发价格出售给他们,所以保险费用也降低,他根本感觉不到价格的变化,所以,农民的压力减缓,我们也卖出了产品。”

    When a farmer elects to join the insurance , we sell the product on wholesale so that the premium is reduced , so that he doesn'tt feel it , so that it

  12. 再运用K-T条件把确定的二层报童问题转化为单层报童问题,从而供应商可确定适当的批发价格,零售商对买进多少订购量做出最佳的决策,使得各自最终获得最大效益。

    Then the bilevel newsboy problem is transformed into a general newsboy problem using K-T condition , Which suppliers can determine the appropriate wholesale price , order quantity of retailers to make the best buying decisions , making their final gain maximum benefit .

  13. 消费与批发价格双双放缓,支持了美国利率决策机构联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的观点,增加了委员会继续暂停升息的几率。联邦公开市场委员会认为,美国经济在降温。

    The slowing of both consumer and wholesale price rises supports the view of the Federal Open Market Committee , the US interest rate setting body , that the economy is cooling , and increases the chances that the pause in the two-year cycle of interest rate rises may continue .

  14. 自今年年初以来,最高等级红茶一级碎白毫(BP1)的批发价格已飙升41%,上月超过每千克4美元。这一水平以前仅在2009年末出现过一次,当时价格达到5.45美元。

    The wholesale price of the highest quality black tea - known as broken pekoe 1 or BP1 - has surged 41 per cent higher since the start of the year , last month surpassing $ 4 a kg , a level seen only once before in late 2009 , when prices reached $ 5.45 .

  15. 就业的变化有滞后于批发价格变化的倾向。

    Changes in employment tend to lag changes in wholesale prices .

  16. 纽约市场的汽油和柴油批发价格也大幅反弹。

    Wholesale gasoline and diesel prices in New York also recovered sharply .

  17. 供应链中批发商和零售商的批发价格模型

    Wholesale Price Model of Wholesaler and Retailer in Supply Chain

  18. 政府称,粮食批发价格上涨了15%。

    The government says wholesale food prices are up by 15 percent .

  19. 上个月,批发价格上涨。

    Prices at the wholesale level were up last month .

  20. 请给我们一个有竞争力的批发价格。

    Please quote us your competitive price for our business selling by ~ .

  21. 粮食批发价格也受到管制。

    The wholesale price of grain is also regulated .

  22. 试论卷烟批发价格指数的编制方法

    The exploration of the methods of compilation of the cigarette whole-sale price index

  23. 另有批发商确认,康师傅饮料的批发价格有所提高。

    And wholesalers say the price for Master Kong drinks has also increased .

  24. 供应商首先确定批发价格。

    The supplier first decides the wholesale price .

  25. 分析人士指出,批发价格的上涨步伐可能会进一步放缓。

    Analysts said the pace of the rise in wholesale prices could slow further .

  26. 他们是以批发价格购进的这批货物。

    They bought these goods at wholesale price .

  27. 制造商确定批发价格,供应商确定生产能力。

    The wholesale price and capacity are respectively determined by the manufacturer and the supplier .

  28. 泰国的大米批发价格猛涨之后,香港人开始抢购大米。

    The rush for rice in Hong Kong began after wholesale prices spiked in Thailand .

  29. 我奉劝批发价格购买的,因为你可以在购买数量。

    I would advise buying at wholesale price , because you may buy in quantities .

  30. 在中国一些地区,监管更为松散的批发价格也不断下滑。

    More loosely regulated wholesale prices also have been falling in some parts of China .