
mínɡ yì jià ɡé
  • nominal price
  1. 中国商品市场存在较强的名义价格粘性。

    There is relatively strong nominal price stickiness in China 's commodity market .

  2. 名义价格粘性是货币产出效应产生的微观原因。

    The nominal price stickiness is the micro reasons for the money output effect .

  3. 此外,受影响的国家还会遭受债务通缩(debtdeflation):随着名义价格和工资不断降低,以欧元计价的实际债务负担将会加重。

    Moreover , the affected country would also suffer debt deflation : with falling nominal prices and wages , the real burden of debt denominated in euros will rise .

  4. 黄金价格飙升至每盎司1400美元上方,再创名义价格历史新高。此前世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)表示,主要经济体应考虑以改良版金本位制来指引汇率变动。

    Gold prices surged above $ 1,400 a troy ounce , setting a fresh nominal all-time high after Robert Zoellick , World Bank president , said leading economies should look at a modified global gold standard to guide currency movements .

  5. 据巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)的金融学教授克里斯托夫斯帕杰尔斯(ChristopheSpaenjers)表示,自1952年以来,伦敦售出的艺术品的名义价格已经是当初的逾500倍,剔除通胀后的实际价格是当初的逾20倍。

    According to Christophe Spaenjers , a finance professor at HEC Paris , the price of art at London sales has risen more than 500-fold in nominal terms since 1952 , or 20-fold after inflation .

  6. 同期内石油名义价格的涨幅为150%。

    Nominal prices of oil have increased by 150 per cent over the same period .

  7. 经济学家将这称为名义价格刚性。

    Economists call this nominal price rigidity .

  8. 该机构预计,按名义价格计算,油价将上涨一倍多,达到每桶204美元。

    In nominal terms , prices will more than double to $ 204 a barrel it predicted .

  9. 一些人可能会选择黄金,尽管它并没有固定的收益率而且其名义价格也极度不稳定。

    Some would opt for gold , although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile .

  10. 日本房地产价格仍远远低于30年前的水平,即使按名义价格计算也是如此。

    Property in Japan is still substantially below the price it commanded 30 years ago even in nominal terms .

  11. 美元对欧元等主要货币持续走低及通贷膨胀所造成的美元贬值是导致国际原油名义价格走高的重要原因之一。

    An important factor contributing to the climbing nominal price of international crude is the devaluation of the US dollar .

  12. 这也促使我们正确看待在考虑生活成本时对名义价格的不断调整。

    It also puts into perspective our incessant efforts to adjust nominal prices to take account of the cost of living .

  13. 但在最糟糕的情况下,要努力降低名义价格和工资,或许需要一次漫长的低迷。

    Yet , at worst , a lengthy slump might be needed to grind out a reduction in nominal prices and wages .

  14. 在过去十年,美国玉米和棉花的名义价格已上涨到了最初的三倍,大豆和小麦价格则翻了一番。

    In the past decade nominal US corn and cotton prices have trebled , while soyabeans and wheat have more than doubled .

  15. 黄金名义价格当前正创历史新高,但经通胀因素调整后的金价仍远低于1980年时曾触及的价位。

    Gold is trading at a nominal record high , but adjusted for inflation it remains far off the levels hit in 1980 .

  16. 4月11日创出历史最高名义价格的黄金则是另一种受益于“逃向安全港”的资产。

    Gold , which hit a record nominal high on April 11th , is another beneficiary of this " flight to safety " .

  17. 采矿业无疑经历了一次需求冲击,价格(至少是名义价格)大幅飙升。

    The mining industry has definitely experienced a demand shock , and prices , in nominal terms at least , are through the roof .

  18. 白银价格从本周早些时候的下滑中反弹,涨幅为5.5%,达到每盎司47.99美元,逼近每盎司50美元的名义价格纪录高点。

    Silver jumped 5.5 per cent , rebounding from a slip earlier this week , to $ 47.99 an ounce , nearing its own nominal record of $ 50 .

  19. 如果你试图把金子固定在一个名义价格水平,那么金子的实际价格就“要”上涨,这只能是通过严重的通缩才可能发生。

    The real price of gold " wants " to rise ; if you try to peg the nominal price level to gold , that can only happen through severe deflation .

  20. 从今年春天以来,小麦的价格已经翻番,而且几乎所有阳光下的农作物-玉米,牛奶,出油种子,只要你叫出名字-其名义价格都达到或接近最高点。

    Since the spring , wheat prices have doubled and almost every crop under the sun-maize , milk , oilseeds , you name it-is at or near a peak in nominal terms .

  21. 从名义价格来看,国际石油市场已进入高油价时期,虽然油价继续上扬的阻力已经较大,但油价仍有一定的上涨空间。

    But when it comes 11 Tto the nominal price , the global oil market has entered an era of high oil prices , and this might continue going up despite an increasing resistance .

  22. 本周最新一轮的黄金涨势令金价的名义价格达到创纪录的每盎司1050美元,并因而成为报纸的头条新闻,而如果镍的价格涨到这种程度却不可能享受这一待遇。

    The latest surge in bullion nominal prices this week topped $ 1,050 an ounce , a record has generated headlines that would not have been seen if nickel had reached a new peak .

  23. 从大举抛售转变为买入,今年迄今为止已经推动黄金价格上涨了逾25%,在本月早些时候达到了每金衡盎司1920美元的名义价格纪录。

    The switch from large selling to buying has helped propel the gold price more than 25 per cent higher so far this year , hitting a nominal record of $ 1920 a troy ounce earlier this month .

  24. 即使最近有所回升,每平方英尺的名义价格也与1994年1月相差无几,较1997年的两次峰值跌去了30%以上。

    And even with the recent lift , nominal prices per square foot are no better than where they were in January 1994 , and more than 30 per cent adrift of the twin peaks they hit in 1997 .

  25. 美国农业部(usda)周四预测,在以2011年收割季为起点的农事年里,玉米、小麦和大豆的名义收购价格将创历史纪录。

    The US Department of agriculture on Thursday forecast nominal record farm-gate prices for corn , wheat and soyabeans in the crop year that begins with the 2011 harvests .

  26. 所以基本的NOEM模型也融合了劳动力市场和产品市场中的不完美竞争、名义刚性和最优价格设定导致的时变利润。

    So basic NOEM model also combines imperfect competition in labor and product markets , nominal rigidities and the optimal price setting which due to time-varying profit .

  27. 名义汇率对进口价格和国内价格水平波动影响力有限,也不是导致国内价格波动的主要原因。

    Nominal exchange rate is neither the main reason nor powerful in causing the domestic price fluctuation .

  28. 究其原因,在于新股供求的严重失衡使这个以市场化名义形成的发行价格并非真正的市场价格。

    The reason is that this issuing price denominated in market-oriented price is not the real market-oriented price .

  29. 名义粘性是一般价格水平(工资水平)随着市场供求的变化而缓慢调整。

    The nominal stickiness is gradually adjusted by the price level ( wage level ) as the change of the market demand and supply .

  30. 实际汇率的变动反映名义汇率调整与价格变动对贸易商品价格竞争力的净影响,进而影响贸易收支。

    As a reflect of net influence on the prices of foreign trade goods , the movement of real exchange rate has an effect on trade .