
míng lù
  • directory;check-list
名录 [míng lù]
  • [directory;check-list] 名称汇编或索引

名录[míng lù]
  1. 他们很需要一本新的企业名录。

    They really need a new business directory .

  2. 1995年,他创办了面向中国企业的在线名录&中国黄页(ChinaYellowPages)。

    In 1995 , he set up the China Yellow Pages , an online directory for Chinese businesses .

  3. 公司名录大全每季度出版一次。

    A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly

  4. 到就业指导处领取企业名录。

    Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service .

  5. 除非你住在已列入文保名录的建筑或古建保护区之内,否则应该不需要申请规划许可。

    You probably won 't need to apply for planning permission unless you live in a listed building or conservation area .

  6. 书里有一页是守卫阿拉莫的183名士兵的名单,“C”字头的名录下有一个名字居然是丹尼尔克·劳德!

    One of the pages of the book had a list of the names of the 183 defenders9 of the Alamo , and in the " C " section was the name , Daniel Cloud !

  7. 和成千上万的植物和动物相比,科学家们只对约五十个真菌物种是否能列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录中进行了评估。

    And only about 50 species have been evaluated for the extinction4 Red List compared with thousands of plants and animals .

  8. 列入首批禁塑名录的产品包括一次性塑料袋、包装袋、餐盒、碗、水杯以及吸管等不可降解聚合物制品。

    The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags , packaging bags , meal boxes , bowls , drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers .

  9. 世界自然保护联盟制定的濒危物种红色名录,被认为是反映日益拥挤的地球上,自然界生存现状的详尽报告,最新公布的名录将非洲草原象列为濒危物种。

    This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa 's savanna1 elephants into the endangered category .

  10. 青海高原高寒地区C4植物名录

    The List of C_4 Plants in Alpine Locality of Qinghai Plateau

  11. 名录服务系统在整个Internet范围内为用户提供安全的名录解析和分布式的句柄管理服务。

    The name service is responsible for the secure name resolution and distributed handle management in the Internet .

  12. 为了使这里的雕像进入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录(UnescoWorldHeritageList),相关部门从20世纪90年代晚期开始努力展开修复工作。

    Restoration efforts , prompted by a bid for Unesco World Heritage List status , started in the late 1990s .

  13. 接受昆虫分类文章的SCI昆虫学源期刊名录

    SCI Journals Accepting Articles on Insect Taxonomy

  14. 这张榜单由美国医院名录公司(AmericanHospitalDirectory)完成,数据来源于每家医院必须向联邦医保项目提交的年度收入报告。

    Our list , done by the American Hospital Directory , is based on operating income figures that hospitals must report to the federal Medicare program each year .

  15. 生命周期评价(LCA)方法中的物质名录研究

    Research on Nomenclatures in Life Cycle Assessment Methodology

  16. 为鼓励及方便提供鸟类纪录,纪录委员设计了一套EXCEL试算档案,这个档案包含了全新的香港鸟类名录及资料输入表,请按附件下载。

    The Records Committee has upgraded the existing EXCEL Report Form which included an updated checklist of birds of Hong Kong and data records sheet for download .

  17. 2006年美国MEDLINE收录的中国期刊名录

    Chinese Periodicals Indexed in MEDLINE in 2006

  18. 该机构非物质文化遗产名录规划实施部门主管FrankProschan称,他们不能谈论任何特定的提名。

    We cannot speak about any specific possible nomination , ' writes Frank Proschan , the Paris-based chief of the Programme Implementation Unit of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Section at Unesco .

  19. 在申报材料中,官员指出,尽管桂林和漓江去年被联合国列入了《世界遗产名录》(WorldHeritageSite),但阳朔县也被《中国国家地理》杂志列为最美的喀斯特峰林。

    In it , officials note that while Guilin and the Li River were designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations last year , Yangshuo County was named as having the single best karst landscape by Chinese National Geographic magazine .

  20. 湖北省苔藓植物资源研究&V湖北省三角山苔藓植物名录(英文)中国镰刀菌属(Fusarium)菌种的初步名录

    A study on the bryophyta plants resources in Hubei , China & V A preliminary list of the mosses of Triangle Hill in Xishui County , Hubei Province , China

  21. 全世界已有878个地方被联合国教科文组织收入了世界遗产名录,其中包括美国大峡谷(GrandCanyon)、伦敦塔(TowerofLondon)以及吴哥窟(AngkorWat)。

    From the Grand Canyon to the Tower of London to Angkor Wat , 878 places around the world have been named World Heritage sites by the United Nations , through its Unesco agency .

  22. 两夫妻为这些商品拍照,有时候也充当模特,之后制作成PDF格式的产品名录发邮件给他们的关注者。作为一名关注者,施特恩巴赫购买过40美元一条的羊驼毛毯子,以及大约100美元的披风。

    The couple photographed and sometimes modeled the goods , advertising them with a PDF catalog they emailed to followers like Ms. Sternbach , who bought alpaca blankets for about $ 40 each and a poncho for about $ 100 .

  23. 沼泽秧鸡已经被IUCN红色名录列为极危物种,其威胁主要来自引入的獴和鲶鱼。

    CCZR has already been listed as the most dangerous species by the red list of IUCN , the main threats is from the introduced mongoose and catfish .

  24. 在Unesco非物质文化遗产名录上,中国已取得的收获包括:使用算盘进行数学教学(2013年),皮影戏(2011年),针灸艾灸疗法(2010年)以及雕版印刷(2009年)。

    China has had luck with other intangibles on the Unesco list : using the abacus for mathematical calculations ( 2013 ), shadow puppetry ( 2011 ), acupuncture and moxibustion ( 2010 ) and block printing ( 2009 ) .

  25. 为拯救该物种,我国政府已于1978年将其列为国家一级重点保护物种予以保护,而IUCN红色名录则将其列为濒危级动物。

    To save this species , the government have listed it as the national first-grade attentive protected species in 1978 , and IUCN red directory listed it as endangered animals .

  26. 传统的古籍普查方式耗费大量的人力物力,主要采取中国机读目录格式CNMARC(ChinaMachine-ReadableCatalogue)、古籍普查表、国家珍贵古籍名录申报书和Access数据库等传统载体进行记录。

    The traditional way of ancient book survey is spending a lot human and material resource , and mainly using traditional carriers such as CNMARC ( China Machine-Readable Catalogue ), ancient book census form , declaration of national precious ancient books and the access database to record information .

  27. 在此基础上,结合《中国农业网站名录》中收录的6000余个网址,开发了网页自动抓取工具,将抓回的网页利用SDD算法建立起语义索引,成功构建了一个中文农业搜索引擎。

    Using more than 6000 URLs , the tool of automatically web grabber has been developed then the web pages was indexed with the specific agricultural dictionary , finally a specific search engine of agriculture was made .

  28. 但是,国际艺术品、洋酒以及珠宝将会进入拍卖名录,佳士得亚洲区总裁高逸龙(Fran&231;oisCuriel)说:我们也有能力举办私人拍卖会

    However , international works of art , wine and jewellery will be offered and , says Asian president Fran & # 231 ; ois Curiel , We will also be able to make private sales

  29. 本文根据世界保护监测中心(WCMC)和国际松杉类植物专家(CSG)编制的濒危植物名录,以及中国植物红皮书(第1卷)列出中国受威胁松杉类植物共141种及变种。

    This paper provides a comparison among threatened categories of 141 Chinese coniferous taxa listed by Temperate Tree ( WCMC ), World List of Threatened Conifer Taxa ( CSG ) and China Plant Red Data Book ( Vol.1 ) .

  30. questant公司的西蒙泰勒说:“与英国划出保护性建筑的做法大同小异,纽约也有创建建筑保护名录的想法,这样一来,以后盖屋顶公寓会越来越难。”

    Simon Taylor of questant says : " there is a move to create heritage sites in New York , much like listed buildings in the UK , so that will make rooftop extensions more difficult . "