
  • 网络nominal money supply;nominal money
  1. 1993年以来名义货币供给量M2在绝对量和增长率两方面均远远超过名义GDP。

    Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate .

  2. 经验结论还表明这一时期货币供给主要是内生决定的,预期价格上涨导致名义货币供给几乎同比例增长。

    It is also found that the money supply was endogenous , i.e. , it grew with almost the same speed as that of the inflation expectations .

  3. 但欧洲央行放任了名义GDP和货币供给(一般认为这是其政策的第二支柱)的停滞。

    Yet the ECB has permitted nominal GDP and the money supply ( supposedly , the second pillar of its policies ) to stagnate .