
  • 网络Cash in circulation;currency in circulation
  1. 我们的黄金储备分为由中央银行与流通中现金的该国。

    We divided the gold reserves held by central bank with the currency in circulation of that country .

  2. 流通中现金(M0)余额为3.4万亿元,增长12.7%。

    Cash in circulation ( M0 ) was3.4 trillion Yuan , up12.7 percent .

  3. 大盘股对流通中现金M0、狭义货币供应量M1的作用明显,说明大盘股对货币供应量的影响显著。

    Big-cap stocks affected the circulating currency MO , Narrow money supply Ml more directly , which suggested big-cap stocks had significant effects on the money supply .

  4. 从我国来看,从流通中现金到贷款规模再到货币供应量,构成了建国以来我国货币政策中介目标的演变史。

    From currency to the load scale to the money supply , which founded the evolvement history of the intermediate targets of the monetary policy in China .

  5. 在流动性方面,上海股市今年的下跌,与中国货币供应量M1(流通中的现金加上活期存款)的同比降幅一致,后者自1月份以来下跌了9个百分点。

    And on the second , Shanghai 's fall this year about corresponds to the year-on-year growth rate in M1 ( cash in circulation plus demand deposits ), down 9 percentage points since January .

  6. 而M0是流通中的现金,虽然流动性很强,但在现今比较发达的支付体系中只是流通货币量的一部分,与物价直接关系不大。

    M0 as the cash in current , though very liquid , is only part of the currency in current in the modern developed payment system .

  7. 狭义货币供应量(M1),涵盖流通中的现金和活期存款,同比增长14%,在上个月末达到37.6万亿元。

    The narrow measure of money supply ( M1 ) , which covers cash in circulation plus demand deposits , rose 14 percent year on year to 37.6 trillion yuan at the end of last month , the statement said .

  8. 这将导致流通中的现金减少,造成物价进一步下跌,从而形成恶性通缩循环。

    This would decrease the amount of cash in circulation , causing prices to fall even further , leading to a destructive deflationary spiral .

  9. 实物资产和货币资产(通常指M1,即流通中的现金和银行的活期存款)位于财产链的两极。

    The physical assets and the monetary assets ( generally refering to M_1 i. e , the cash in the circulation and current deposit ) are the rwo poles of the property .

  10. 金融资产构成中,货币类金融资产一直占据金融资产总量的绝大部分,并且货币类金融资产中流通中的现金量呈现下降趋势;保险类和股票类金融资产对金融资产总量的占比日趋增加。

    In the composition of financial assets , the currencies financial assets always be the majority of the whole financial assets , and the cash presents the downward trend ; the insurance and stock financial assets have also increased .

  11. 由于电子货币的发展将减少流通中的现金,在银行准备金总额不变的情况下,基础货币将减少,货币乘数将变大。

    Because the electronic money can reduce the cashes in circulation , so under the condition that the bank 's total quantity of law reserve not change , the basic money will reduce and the money multiplier will expand .

  12. 对货币供给的分析结果表明,信用卡的使用将减少流通中的现金、法定存款准备金、超额存款准备金等基础货币的数量,增大货币乘数,从而将导致货币供给的增加。

    The analysis of money supply shows that the use of credit cards will reduce the amounts of base money including currency , required deposit reserves and extra deposit reserves , and raise the money supplier , which combine to result in the increase of money supply .

  13. 美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)的数据显示,2008年以来流通中的美元现金量攀升了42%,主要因为欧洲人在不断囤积高面值美钞。

    According to recent figures from the Federal Reserve , the amount of dollar cash in circulation has jumped 42 % since 2008 , mainly because Europeans are stashing an ever-increasing number of high-value bills under their mattresses .

  14. 智能卡的作用是可替代流通领域中的现金或支票,由于安全的原因,给推广使用IC卡带来一些困难。

    Intelligent card ( IC ) is used instead of check or cash in circulation .

  15. 为保持人民币稳定,中国人民银行(PBoC)买入几乎所有流入中国的外汇,对其进行投资,然后通过发行本币票据,试图从流通系统中吸走这些现金,以冲销这些外汇对中国的货币影响。

    To keep the renminbi stable , the People 's Bank of China buys nearly all the incoming foreign currency , invests it , and then tries to sterilise the monetary impact in China by issuing local currency bills to take the funds out of circulation .

  16. M2,广义货币,是反映货币供应量的一个重要指标,涵盖流通??中的现金和所有存款,同比增长13.5%,至十月底达136万亿元,中国人民银行(PBOC)在其官网发表声明。

    M2 , a broad measure of money supply that covers cash in circulation and all deposits , increased 13.5 percent year on year to 136 trillion yuan at the end of October , the People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ) said in a statement on its website .